This manual is designed to give the student trainers a thorough understanding of the Sports Medicine Program at Klein Forest High School.

The intent of this manual is to familiarize the student trainer with the expectations of all student trainers and the functions of the athletic training room. The manual will serve as a guide throughout your experiences as a student trainer.

The student trainer and their parents should read and understand the contents of this manual. The student trainers are expected to work within the goals and policies cited in the manual. The success of the KFHS Sports Medicine program and ultimately the entire athletic program depends on the discipline, dedication, responsibility and hard work of its members. We are a service organization intended to insure the best possible health care for each and every student athlete at Klein Forest High School.

It is essential to remember why the student trainers are here. First and foremost, they are here to get a quality education! Knowledge is the key to success in life.

Never let your training duties or other outside activities interfere with your studies. Learn to budget your time in order to stay on top of your school work.

Secondly, we are here to provide excellent health care to our athletic programs. We will do so to the best of our combined abilities. Lastly, we are here to develop a quality program that educates our student trainers in the field of athletic training, positively represents our school and provides opportunities for its members after high school.

Understand that this manual is a work in progress. The information within is a guideline for the program and its members. It will evolve as the expectations and responsibilities of the training staff evolve.

An appointment to the Klein Forest Sports Medicine program is a privilege, not a right. Members can be dismissed from the program by the Head athletic trainers for any violations of present or future policies set forth by Klein ISD, the athletic department or Sports Medicine program at Klein Forest High School.

Program Goals

The goals provided are the backbone of a successful Sports Medicine program. To become a successful student trainer and ultimately a successful person, you are expected to take these goals to heart and to live by them. Not only in the training room but also in daily life. Read, think about and use these goals to change your personal weaknesses into strengths and to fortify your strengths.

  • Develop a sound educational background from which to make decisions. Fine tune your critical thinking skills and apply them as you work with the athletes.
  • As you enter adulthood, more responsibility is placed on you. Allow the Sports Medicine program to help you develop a greater sense of responsibility in and out of the training room.
  • Character and self-discipline are the key components to success. Discipline yourself to do what is expected of you at all times. Character is developed by doing what is expected without having to be told or monitored.
  • Prepare yourself for the future. Tomorrow will be here before you know it. Set goals for what you want to accomplish in high school and after. Let the Sports Medicine program help you achieve those goals and ready you for life’s challenges.
  • Learn to work with others. Teamwork is very important. You are no longer in an “I” or “me only” world. Other people will depend on you and expect things of you. Learn to give and work with others.
  • Organization and preparation are traits of successful people. An organized and prepared person is able to face adversity and conquer the situation. Organize, prepare and be ready to act at all times.
  • Communication with others is essential to success. Learn to communicate with others efficiently and appropriately.

Expectations of Student Trainers

Punctuality / Attendance

This is very important to our program. We are relying on our student trainers to be here for all practices and games ready to perform their assigned duties. If you cannot be here at the specified time for any reason you must let one of the Head Trainers know 24 hours ahead of time unless it is an emergency. Failure to attend practices and games could lead to dismissal from the program.

  • Responsibility / Conduct

You are responsible for you own actions. You are expected to conduct yourself in a manner as to be a credit to those you represent, exemplifying the traditional values of honesty, good sportsmanship, courtesy, modesty and compassion. Your language will be free from words that are considered offensive. Your demeanor should be that of a professional performing his or her duties. You are to take responsibility for the care of the facilities and equipment of the Klein Forest HS Sports Medicine program.

  • Pride

You should take pride in everything that you do. Some tasks that we perform may not seem important or even fun, but they are important in the grand scheme of our program. Take pride in your school and the activities that you are involved in and what you are trying to accomplish. Take pride in yourself and your commitment, because if it were easy, everyone could & would do it.

  • Respect

You are to show respect to all the people that you will come in contact with. If you show respect to all others, it will be returned to you. You will show loyalty to your fellow trainers, team members and coaches. Differences of opinion will occur from time to time. If a problem occurs, take it to the Head Trainers. They will find a suitable solution. Lastly, respect yourself. Do not do anything that may bring shame upon you or the people you represent.

Expectations of Student Trainers

  • Academics

Student trainers fall under UIL rules and regulations regarding extracurricular activities. You must maintain a minimum passing grade of 70 in order to participate. However, we expect out students to strive for higher standards. We would like to see averages of 80 or above. There will be a grade check every 3 weeks, and UIL grade checks every 6 weeks. The following actions will be taken for failing grades:

Failing at (UIL) 6 week grade check:

1)First Strike – 3 week probation – May not attend games, may attend practices after tutoring on an as needed basis.

2)Second Strike – 3 week probation – May not attend games or practices. Mandatory tutoring.

3)Third Strike – Expulsion from program, unless extenuating circumstances exist.

  • ISS / Detention / Tardies

If you receive ISS or detention, you will be suspended from games for the days you are in ISS. If you receive ISS for tardies, punishment is same as above. If you receive ISS 3 times in one year, you may be expelled from the program.

  • Dress Code

Student trainers are subject to all KISD & KFHS rules and regulations in regards to dress code. You are expected to wear a T-shirt, modest shorts and tennis shoes to outdoor practices. For games, you will be expected to wear the shirts specified by the Head Trainers.

  • Lettering

Student trainers will receive a varsity letter jacket according to the following criteria:

2 years in good standing in the program.

Student performs duties as required and has satisfactory evaluations on techniques and procedures.

Expectations of Student Trainers

  • Sports Medicine I & II Classes

We would like for our Freshman and Juniorstudent trainers to be enrolled in these classes. They will be for 1 state elective credit for each class. We developed these classes to be able to teach Anatomy, Physiology, Taping, Injury Recognition, Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation of Injuries in a more controlled classroom setting.

  • Athletic Training Class Periods

We would like our Sophomore and Senior student trainers to be enrolled in our athletic training class periods. These classes are taught in the training room during the athletic periods of the day. These classes are PE equivalency credits.

  • After School Practices & Games

The following things are expected of student trainers attending after school practices.

Be on time to practice.

Set up Ice/Water and equipment as needed for various sports.

Help with taping of injured athletes for participation.

Attend practice to help keep athletes hydrated and monitor practice/game fields (gyms) for injuries.

Help with treatment and rehabilitation after athletic participation.

Clean up equipment and training room after practice/games.

Expectations of Student Trainers

1st Year Student Trainers

  • Sports Medicine 1 Class
  • Equipment. You will learn the basic training room equipment that is used daily. You will lean proper care and storage of this equipment.
  • Sport Coverage. You will be assigned to practices and games, working closely with a 3rd/4th year student trainer(s).

2nd Year Student Trainers

  • Athletic Training 1 during 5th or 7th period Athletics
  • Equipment. You will learn the proper way to stock medical and equipment kits used by the Sports Medicine program and be responsible for doing this on a weekly/daily basis.
  • Sport Coverage. You will be assigned to practices and games, working closely with 3rd/4th year student trainer(s).
  • Mentor. You will help the 1st year students learn the ropes.

3rd Year Student Trainers

  • Sports Medicine II
  • Mentor. You will be a mentor to the other student trainers by teaching them the things that you have already mastered & helping them with any problems.
  • Sport Coverage. You will be assigned to practices and games, working closely with 1st/2nd year student trainers.
  • Other Duties. You will be in charge of setting up the various sport sidelines properly according to the instructions of the Head Trainers.

4th Year Student Trainers

  • Athletic Training 2 during 5th or 7th period Athletics
  • Taping. You will be asked to help the Head Trainers tape before all practices and games.
  • Advanced Evaluation and Treatment Techniques. You will continue learning skills to help you evaluate and treat injuries.
  • Sports Medicine Program Mentor. As a 4 - year member of the program, you will the underclassmen. You will assume a leadership role in the daily activities of the training room. You will serve as liaison between the Head Trainers and the student trainers.
  • College Prep. You will take your SAT/ACT’s, seek out scholarships to apply for and begin the processes for college admission.


In signing below, I agree that I have read and understand all policies and procedures stated in the handbook. I agree to follow all policies, procedures and duties assigned to me to the best of my ability.

Student Signature: ______

Parent Signature: ______

Date: ______

KleinForest Sports Medicine

Contact Information

Randall T. Angerstein –Athletic Trainer

(281) 224-8576: Cell

Monica Grant – Athletic Trainer

(281) 831- 2184: Cell

KleinForest Athletic Training Room

(832) 484-4704: Office

(832) 484-4772: Fax

Kenny Hammock – Asst. Athletic Director, KleinForest

(832) 484-4705: Office

Cindy Armstrong – KleinForest Athletic Secretary

(832) 484-4701: Office

(832) 484-7803: Fax

Robert Young – Klein ISD Athletic Director

(832) 249-4300