and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 1:2 February 2016
“Why Do We Do What We Do?”
Good question! Traditions are a big part of our lives. Sometimes though, traditions need to be explained so we know why we do what we do. For instance, Rhoda’s family had a tradition of decorating their Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. Why did they wait? Why did they do what they did? It was to emphasize the season of Advent as preparation. They waited until Christmas Eve as a reminder that Advent is a season of hope and anticipation. The tradition had a reason but if it was not explained to the children, it would not accomplished anything.
It is the same way in the Church. We have many traditions in our practices, in our worship, in the way we do things. Among them are some traditions of Lent. In order for those traditions to be helpful, it is good for us to review and explain them. That is what we will do with our midweek Lenten services this year. Please come so that your observance of Lent will be enhanced by understanding why we do what we do.
Feb 10 Why Ashes?
Feb 17 Why Purple?
Feb 10 Why Give Things Up?
Feb 10 Why No Alleluias?
Feb 10 Why Meditation?
Feb 10 Why Veil the Cross?
Please join us each week for a free meal at 6:00.
Worship begins at 7:00.
and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 1:2 February 2016
“What’s on Your Schedule Today?”
That’s an often asked question, isn’t it? We usually answer with our long lists.
What does God want on that list? Let’s review items that God wants on our daily schedule. This month it’s:
“Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.”
How often do you say the Lord’s Prayer? That our Lord meant it to be at least a daily habit is clear in the 4th petition where He taught us to pray, “Give us THIS DAY our daily bread.” In fact, following the pattern of the early church, we would pause frequently throughout the day to pray, including this perfect and all-inclusive prayer that Jesus taught.
If Jesus meant it to be a daily and frequent prayer, it follows that all the other petitions of the Lord’s Prayer are for our daily use, including the 5th petition and its prayer for forgiveness. So the question this month is, “How often do we pray a prayer of repentance?” That it needs to be a daily practice takes nothing more than a review of our day as Luther reminds us in the meaning to the 5th petition. “For we daily sin much and indeed deserve nothing but punishment.”
That repentance needs to be on our daily schedule is not limited to what we do, but maybe even more so because of who we are. Reviewing our day may erroneously lead us to conclude that there was not much that needs repentance. A Biblical view of who we are, that is people who are in a sinful condition, always and daily gives us every reason to come before God in repentance.
Make sure that a prayer of repentance is on your daily schedule. Humility is strongly emphasized and frequently commended in the words of our Savior. Daily repentance reveals the most important Christian virtue and that is dependence upon Jesus Christ for forgiveness and eternal life.
And that is why repentance is on our daily schedule. For by doing so, Luther reminds us that we are asking that our “Father in heaven would not look at our sins.” Indeed he doesn’t! For as we confess in the third article of the Apostle’s Creed: “I believe in the forgiveness of sins.” As Luther explains it, the Holy Spirit “daily and richly forgives my sins and the sins of all believers.” Living in the promise of our Baptism, we repentant sinners receive and are assured of the most important part of our day and that is that we remain under the forgiveness earned by Jesus on the cross and delivered to us through the Word and Sacraments.
Every day of your Christian life is one of repentance. Turning from sin and trusting in the good news that Jesus saves sinners isn’t merely a one-time inaugural experience or a Sunday thing, but the daily substance of Christianity. The gospel is for every day and every moment. Repentance is to be the Christian’s continual posture, so that you may rejoice to know and receive God’s
Grace to You
Pastor Rempfer
Sunday School Perfect Attendance for January
1-2 Kaylie Wright
3-4 Cody Wright, Sarah Wright, Marcus Newton, Blaze Soquet
5-8 Alison Newton and Blake Soquet
2016 January Financial Report
Home11,626.00Lutherans For Life 390.00
Undesignated 1,112.63Salaries 8,121.97
Missions 196.00Education/Outreach 152.36
Insurance Dividend 350.00Utilities 894.92
Lutheran Witness 105.00Maintenance 437.00
Portals of Prayer 125.00Missions2,697.08
Lutherans for Life 390.00Office Supplies 85.60
Siek Dividend (in MM) 617.01Taxes (SS & Medicare) 623.50
Interest Paid on MM 3.23Social Security 366.66
Total Income $14,524.87Total Expenses $13,769.09
Checking Account Balance $21,147.80Money Market Balance $15,274.98
Respectfully submitted by Marilyn D Dellamuth, Treasurer
January Thank Yous
- Thank you for your gifts to Lutherans For Life ($390)
- Thank you Wayne Newton and Marilyn Dellamuth who keep our financial record
- Thanks to Carrie Newton for all her work as our secretary
- Thanks to Don and Carole Jensen who set up and clean up our refreshments EVERY Sunday
- Thanks to all for the generous offerings in 2015
We would like to sincerely thank the members of Grace for their generous contributions to the CLS Scholarship Fund during this past year. Helping to make sure the kids of Grace have the opportunity to have a Christian Education is indeed a blessing and our family is very grateful to all, in this congregation, who have helped make that possible for our own children!
John and Jennifer Hayden
February Notes
Islam and You – Looking ahead to March, there is an opportunity you may want to consider. Lutheran Hour Ministries is hosting their annual spring convention on March 12. The guest speaker will be Cynthia Khan. Cynthia lives in Detroit, MI, a city with a large Muslim population. She has first-hand experience with the Muslim community and is a director at POBLO, People of the Book Lutheran Outreach. Her husband is a former Muslim. She will speak on the methods used to share the truth of the Christian faith, and what challenges face Christian families, the church and society as we see an ever growing number in our midst.
The convention will be held at King of Kings Lutheran Church, 3275 N. Center Point Road, Cedar Rapids, IA 52411 on Saturday, March 12, 2016. Sign-in begins at 9:00 AM; convention starts at 10:00 AM and will conclude about 4:00 PM. A noon meal will be served. Registration is $20 in advance or $23 at the door. Please register by March 5th to allow for meal planning. Please contact Dick Hoelz for reservations by mail, e-mail, or phone. Dick Hoelz, 3519 Heatheridge Dr. NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402,
Voters' Quarterly Meeting
Grace Lutheran Church4th Quarter 2015January 31, 2016
Pastor's Report
Quarter % in church
486(302) Totals not%
Average Attendance:
Church109(171) 106(100)115(97)
Sunday School13(13) 16(14)12(13)
Bible Class27(28)27(24)28(24)
Total Communion146(149)164(153)176(NC)
Numbers inside the ( ) are those from 4th quarter last year
Baptisms Kyiah Balvin November 8
No Confirmations, Weddings or Funerals
Membership Changes:
IN: Jean Schutterle, transfer from St. Paul, Luzerne Nov. 1
Membership Totals
Baptized:Jan. 1 438Confirmed: Jan. 1 346
Dec 31 453Dec 31 357
Reports/Proposals 4th Quarter 2015 Voters’ Meeting
- Completed revision of constitution and by-laws. After a final review, we will present them for approval
- Have implemented Divine Service Four -- Seems to be received well
- Fire extinguisher provision and upkeep proposal
- Will look into repairs needed on some of our pews
- Stewardship Survey resulted in enough volunteers for all positions except Altar Guild
- Reviewed our Mission of the Month list as well as other opportunities to give/serve
- Assigned Lenten Supper Responsibilities
- Scheduled a Soup and Games Family Night for Jan 31
- Approved purchase of new computer purchase for Church Secretary
- Approved paying the $350 registration fee for youth attending the Synodical Youth Gathering
- Approved continuing participation in the Seminary Adopt A Student Program
- Approved entering a contract for the purchase and annual check on fire extinguishers
- Nominated Rev. Matthew Harrison for synodical president, Rev. Herbert Mueller for first vice president and Rev. John Wohlrabe for Great Lakes Region vice president
Parents and Teachers Working Together to Follow Jesus’ Command
Feed My Lambs
Grace Lutheran Sunday School
February 2016
Pastor to Parents:
“The Nag Factor”
This title caught my attention. I’d never heard or seen it before. It’s terminology developed by a parenting author who suggests that children have figured out how to get what they want from their parents by using “the nag factor.” (I’m always a bit skeptical of facts and figures in research studies, but for the sake of discussion, here is what the author presented)
“Today, far too many parents fall for the “nag factor.” They know their kids are bombarded by ads telling them to buy certain products and that many parents are buying those products for their children.They know the pressure that comes from their children’s peers, and so they buy their kids more “stuff.”
According to a recent survey of youth commissioned by the Center for a New American Dream, the average 12- to 17-year-old who asks a parent for products will ask nine times until the parents finally give in. For parents of tweens, the problem is particularly severe—more than 10 percent of 12- to 13-year-olds admit to asking their parents more than 50 times for products they’ve seen advertised. Kids have learned if they nag enough for long enough, parents will give in.”
What do our children really “need” from us? Draw up your list. (The first thing on the list is God’s Word in the home)
What “wants / extras / luxuries” will our children receive from us? Draw up your list with the Biblical advice in mind about the temptation and danger of “more stuff.” Give them to your children at the proper age as gift opportunities. Let your children earn money to buy them. Listen to your children if they ask respectfully and present their reasons. Perhaps they make a good case.
It’s a great strategy against the nag factor. You are able to explain that you, as parents, have talked about it. You will be able to express your understanding of their desires and respond with your position and your reasons. If you decide to say “no,” then you can explain to them that nagging will not help nor will it ever change your mind.
Children don’t need parents who give them more stuff. Children need parents who give them “the one thing needful” – Christian education in the home.
Sunday School Perfect Attendance for January
1-2 Kaylie Wright
3-4 Cody Wright, Sarah Wright, Marcus Newton, Blaze Soquet
5-8 Alison Newton and Blake Soquet
Reminder: If you are traveling or attending another church for an event, please let us know so we can recognize your attendance. Thank you.
Baptismal Birthdays for February
There are no baptismal birthdays in February