Exercise CO2.1:

Open the file CO2_Exercises.xlsx

Your statistics office has provided you supply and consumption data for some primary and secondary oil products. Using the IPCC table with conversion factors and emission factors by product, calculate the CO2 emissions from fuel combustion using the sectoral approach.


  • The sectoral approach calculates emissions using consumption data rather than supply data;
  • Transformation of primary oil products in refineries is not included in the sectoral approach calculations
  • Consumption of secondary oil products for power generation and own use is included in the calculations for the sectoral approach.
  • CO2 emissions are calculated by multiplying fuel consumption by the emission factor.

Exercise CO2.2:

Open tab CO2.2

Your statistics office has provided you with some basic supply data. Perform the appropriate calculations to compute CO2 emissions by product.


  • Only fuels that are combusted produce CO2 emissions. Fuels that are used for non-energy purposes are not combusted.
  • In order to calculate apparent consumption, Statistical Differences must be subtracted from Domestic Supply.

Exercise CO2.3:

Open tab CO2.3

Your statistical office provides you with biofuels combustion data. Perform the appropriate CO2 calculations and indicate where these emissions would be reported in your greenhouse gas inventory.


  • Emissions from non-renewable waste combustion are not included in the biomass combustion calculations.
  • The conversion factors provided in the table in are in the correct units for each of the energy products, whether kilotonnes or Terajoules.
  • CO2 emissions from biomass combustion are considered to be part of the natural carbon cycle and are therefore not accounted for in the emission totals of the energy sector. However, these emissions must be accounted for in another sector to determine whether the biomass combustion is sustainable or not.
  • CH4 and N2O emissions from biomass combustion are not considered to be part of the natural carbon cycle.

Exercise CO2.4:

Open tab CO2.4

Your statistics office provides you with some supply data for some secondary oil products. Your managers asks you to determine which quantities of CO2 emissions that:

  • Statisland should account for in their national totals;
  • Statisland should not account for in their national totals;


  • Exports, bunker fuels and stock build areshown with a negative sign to indicate that they are removals from Domestic Supply.
  • Bunker fuels are fuels that are used for international travel, either for passengers or for freight.
  • The reporting of Memo Items in a greenhouse gas inventory is necessary so that key emission sources are accounted for, even if they are not included in emission totals for a country.

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