1.  The Mensheviks believed that

a.  Russia’s revolution should only occur if Lenin was guaranteed leadership in the new government.

b.  The way to regain strength for Russia was to empower men and decrease gender equality.

c.  Russia must industrialize and have a stronger working class before revolution could occur.

2.  The Bolsheviks believed

a.  That Marx’s ideas were interesting, but not applicable to modern times.

b.  A small group of professional revolutionaries could create revolution.

c.  To maintain the power of the czar would be best, however, with some elected representatives.

3.  One of the ways that Lenin gained power was by promising people

a.  “Peace, love and prosperity.”

b.  “Revolution, happiness and change.”

c.  “Peace, land and bread.”

4.  After the civil war, the ______were left in power

a.  Romanovs

b.  Mensheviks

c.  Bolsheviks

5.  Trotsky was well known as

a.  A strong military leader

b.  A man who brought literacy to the masses

c.  An eloquent public speaker

d.  All of the above

6.  Stalin was able to maintain power for so long because

a.  He had strong support from all members of the Soviet population.

b.  He was skilled at using fear and propaganda in their defense.

c.  International support for his beliefs kept his country financially stable.

7.  One major difference between Stalin and Trotsky was that

a.  Stalin believed in building Communism in Russia before spreading it around the world.

b.  Trotsky believed that the Romanovs should not have been assassinated.

c.  Stalin believed that there was a way to share power between all revolutionary groups.

8.  Collectivization is

a.  A system of farming in which the government owned the land and the peasants farmed it.

b.  A system of farming in which the peasants owned the land and the government paid them for the crops.

c.  A system of farming in which capitalists owned the land and paid peasants a handsome wage.

9.  Two examples that highlighted Stalin’s brutal dictatorship include

a.  Secret police and labor camps

b.  Purges and parties

c.  Gulags and rallies