Beginning Media Production

2016-2017 Course Syllabus

Instructor: Mr. Meagher

Bremerton High School

Course Description:

Welcome to Bremerton High School’s Media Production class. As a student in this class, you will learn all aspects of the production process including Pre-Production, Production and Post Production. This course will give you the opportunity to operate production equipment like cameras, lights and microphones. You will also learn to draft scripts and storyboards as well as learn to edit video on professional-grade Adobe software. Students will also learn to produce their own live TV shows.

Course Objectives:

After successful completion of this course, students will have an understanding of media literacy, visual communication, video and audio techniques, software, editing, teamwork and meeting deadlines.

Topics Covered (Including, but not limited to):

  • Proper equipment operation
  • Using media related equipment to convey information
  • Scripting and storyboarding
  • Audio techniques
  • Studio operation and organization
  • Video editing
  • Conducting on-camera interviews
  • Live video production
  • Telling stories using media
  • Industry standards and terminology

Projects (Including, but not limited to):

  • How-to Video
  • Music Video
  • Public Service Announcement (PSA)
  • Advertisement
  • Live Broadcast Production
  • Free Form Project


4.0…….100………A / 3.0………83………B / 1.7………70………C-
3.8...... 93………A / 2.7………80………B- / 1.3………64………D+
3.7……….90………A- / 2.3………76………C+ / 1.0………60………D
3.3……….86…….B+ / 2.0………73………C / 0……….<60……….F

LAB Option:

This class is available for 0.5 lab credit per semester. This is done through providing documentation on the amount of hours spent on media related work outside the classroom. The lab gives students the opportunity to take what they learn in class and apply to real-world productions that broadcast live on local public access TV. This includes BHS sporting events, PAC performances, and community events. Students may be giving additional opportunities provided throughout the year as decided by the instructor.

Clubs or Leadership Opportunities Related to the Class:

Students are encouraged to participate in one of our student leadership organizations: Skills USA or Student Television Network Leadership Organization. These clubs provide fun opportunities to compete in regional, state and national competitions plus gain other valuable leadership skills.

Student Expectations:

  • Food, drinks and gum are NOT permitted in the classroom, studio or control room! If you have food, make sure you finish it before class!
  • Students must treat all classroom equipment responsibly and in a safe manner.
  • Students must respect the internet connection, and use it for educational purposes only!
  • At times, students will be allowed in the hallways for certain assignments. Volume must remain at an appropriate level and an inability to do so will result in this privelage being taken away.
  • No equipment may leave the classroom without checking it out!
  • Students are expected to engage in positive, respectful conversation while in the classroom.
  • Cellphones have a place in the media world today, but they are not to be used in class without specific instruction. Failure to follow this guideline may result in the phone being taken away and/or administrative action.
  • Students are expected to respect the classroom and studio by throwing away trash, keeping the equipment organized, and doing his or her part to leave the studio cleaner than how you found it.
  • Students must be willing to participate and embrace every aspect of the production process.
  • Come to class with a positive attitude ready to work as a team and treat others as you want to be treated. Disrespectful behavior of any kind will not be tolerated.
  • Students will refrain from creating any content related to violent, hateful, or illegal activities in this class.

Late Work Policy:

Assignments will have specific due dates. Late assignments will only be accepted if turned in within ten (10) days of the original due date with a penalty of 10% deduction from the final grade.

Academic Dishonesty Policy:

Academic dishonest is a behavior issue. The behavior penalty is delineated in the school discipline policy/code of conduct. The academic consequence for cheating and plagiarizing will be that the teacher will use a “zero” in the gradebook to communicate lack of evidence. If the student later demonstrates proficiency on the standard, the zero will be changed to reflect that. Upon request, the student will be provided with an alternate opportunity to demonstrate understanding. Parent notification will be delineated in the school discipline policy/code of conduct.

Student’s Name (Please print neatly): ______Period: ______

Equipment Checkout Contract

I agree to assume financial responsibility for the equipment my son/daughter has checked out. I will pay for any repairs needed, due to negligence, when the equipment is in my son or daughter’s control. I also agree to pay for, or replace with comparable equipment, any items lost or stolen while in my child’s care. I understand that my son or daughter’s grades, transcript and diploma will be held until this debt is paid in accordance with our Fines and Fees system as outlined in the Student Handbook.

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______


I have read the SYLLABUS for Beginning Media Productions and have become familiar with the requirements and expectations for the course.

Student’s Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Preferred method to contact parent/guardian (check as many as appropriate):

Email Address (Please print clearly):______

PHONE: Home Phone: ______Best time: ______

Cell Phone: ______Best time: ______

Work Phone: ______Best time: ______

This Page is to be completed and returned by the beginning of class on:Friday, September 2