Information Letter


is proud to present

I Congress ofSociological Association of Ukraine

«Sociology in situations of social ambiguities»

October 15-17, 2009

Venue: City of Kharkiv

V.N.KarazinKharkiv NationalUniversity

Organizers: SociologicalAssociationofUkraine

andV.N.KarazinKharkiv NationalUniversity, School of Sociology

The purpose of the Congress is to specify the scope of sociological cognition of social reality, which is subject to rapid changes, in its global, regional, national, group and personal dimensions. How do modern societies look like in their institutional design, sociocultural practice, structures and actors? Which way do the societies, including the Ukrainian one, develop in the new millennium in the situations of various social ambiguities? How can Sociology answer those questions? All this provides a broad framework for the scientific problems to be discussed at the Congress.

The Congress preparation shall be conducted in three stages:

  1. BeforeApril 15, 2009 – aroughoutlineoftheCongressprogramwiththespecificationofplenarysessions, topicalsections, masterclasses, roundtables, workshopsofresearchcommittees and groupsetcandtheirschedules.
  2. BeforeJune 30, 2009 – afinalversionoftheCongressprogramtoincludetheparticipants’ presentationsattheplenaryandsectionalsessions, roundtablesandmasterclasses, aswellasposter presentations.
  3. BeforeSeptember, 30 2009 – theparticipants’ finalregistration, finalizingthecontentsoftheabstractscollection and the presentation copies packets, final amendments to theCongressprogram(if any).

WiththisletterweinviteyoutotakepartinthefirststageoftheCongresspreparationand file to the Organizing Committee your applications for the organization and conduct of topical sectionalsessions, roundtablesand individual presentations, as well as applications for the conduct of workshops of research committees and groups within the framework of the Congress.

Operationofsections, masterclasses, roundtablesalongspecificguidelinesshallbeconductedwithinone, two, threeorfoursessions 1,5 - 2 hours each. Applications (use form 1) from SAU members for the organization and conduct of suchsessions shall be electronically sent to the Organizing Committee before March 15, 2009.

The possibility to hold the working meetings (up to 1 hour long) of SAU research committees and groups is provided. Applications from the heads of researchcommittees and groups to organize such meetings shall be electronically sent to the Organizing Committee before March 30, 2009.

Theapplications will have been considered by the Organizing Committee before April 15, 2009 to enable a decision to be made whether the prospective meetings shall be included into the Congress program. Chairpersons of sections, roundtables and masterclasses, approved by the Organizing Committee shall be held responsible for the final preparation and implementation of the sectional sessions program within the general framework of the approved Congress program.

The draft Congress program will have been specified by the Organizing Committee, on the basis of the applications received, before April 15, 2009 and it shall be put at the SAU site.

Afterthe Congress program has been put at the SAU site (the second stage of the Congress preparation), the Organizing Committee will call for additional applications from those willing to make presentations, take part in the discussions of issues within the framework of specific sections, roundtables and masterclasses, included into the Congress program. The participants’ registration shall be conducted at this stage as well.

The deadline for the applications to participate in the work of sections, roundtables and masterclasses, indicated in the Congress program, shall be June 15, 2009. An application shall include an electronic abstract of the presentation with the indication of the preferable section, roundtable, masterclass etc, as well as of the participant’s personal information (see forms 2, 3).

Theapplications shall be considered by the chairpersons of the corresponding sections, the Organizing Committee members, which would provide a basis for the decision whether the prospective presentations or poster presentations should be included into the Congress program.

The final version of the Congress program will have been put at the SAU site before June 30, which shall be followed (before September 15, 2009) by sending official invitations, complete with the requirements to the presentation layout, to the participants.

The registration fee amounts to $35 US dollars (an equivalent in Ukrainian currency) to cover expenses related to the organization and publication of the Congress abstracts and program. The registration procedure shall be conducted between April 15 and September 15, 2009, the details shall be additionally provided.

The Congress official languages are Ukrainian, Russian and English.

Congress major preparation and conduct dates:

March 15 / deadline for the applications to participate in the work of sections, roundtables and masterclasses
March 31 / deadlinefortheapplicationstoorganizeworkshopsofresearchcommitteesandgroups
April 15 / publicationofthedraftCongressprogram (withthescheduleandthelistoftopicalsessions) andthecallforapplications from those willing to make presentations or take part in the discussions
June 15 / deadlinefortheapplicationsfrom those willing to make presentations or take part in the discussions at sections, roundtables and masterclasses, included into the Congress program.
July 15 / appearanceoftheCongressprogramattheSAUsite; sendingoutofficialinvitations, totheparticipants
April 15
September 15 / preliminaryregistrationoftheCongress participants; payment of the registration fee
September 15 / deadlineforthesubmissionofpresentationstothe chairpersons of sections, roundtables and masterclasses
September 30 / deadlineforthefinalversionoftheCongressprogram
October 15-17 / Congress in session

Foranyadditionalenquiry, pleasecontactthe SAU Vice Presidents :

OlhaKutsenko (;tel.(+3)8068- 5974712)

Ludmyla Sokuryanska (; tel.(+3)8-057- 7075490)

or the Congress Secretariat:

Subota Maryna (;tel. (+3)8-057- 7075237)

Olena Bardina-Vigier(; tel. (+3)8-057- 7075651)

Wearelookingforwardtoyourapplicationsforfor the organization and conduct of topical sectionalsessions, roundtables, master classesand working meetings, as well as for the individual presentations and participation in the discussions at the First SAU Congress. We count on your productive contribution to the Congress success!

Yours faithfully,


SAU President


Rooms 304 – 306, School of Sociology,

V.N.KarazinKharkiv NationalUniversity,

6 Maidan Svobody, Kharkiv, Ukraine61077

Telephones: (+3)8057 -7075651; (+3)8057-7075237

e-mail :



Chairperson (s) of a section(roundtable, master class)______name and surname, affiliation, position, phone number,e-mail
Moderator (s) ______name and surname, affiliation, position, phone number,e-mail
SectionSubject-matter (up to 250 characters) – the nature of the problems to be discussed ______
Numberofsessionsrequired ______(from 1 to 4)
Please indicate 2-3 key speakers for each session with the following personal information concerning them: ______name and surname, affiliation, position, phone number,e-mail, the topic of the presentation
Name And Surname:
Topic of the presentation (use the same language as in your abstract):
Nameofsection, roundtable, masterclass the presentation is intended for
Presentation: oral ______or poster______
Degree, title:
Postal address:
Telephone: 1) mobile 2) home/office
Need of a hotel reservation:
Please attach to your application an abstract (up to 200 words) of your presentation: font Times New Roman, 12, spacing 1,5. Margins: left – 2,5 см, right – 1 cm, top – 2 cm, bottom – 2 cm.
The centered name of the preferable section (plenary session, round table, master class) should be given on top of the page; in the next line provide the topic of your presentation in capital letters; in the third line – the presenter’s name and surname, his/her affiliation and e-mail.
The body of the abstract should be followed by 5 key words.
The abstract should focus on the following aspects
  • The problem which is being researched
  • Theresearch methodology description
  • Themainresultsandconclusionstobepresentedandsubstantiatedinthepresentation.
The abstract complete with the application should be sent to the Organizing Committee or to the chairpersons of the corresponding sections (round tables, master classes) before June 15, 2009. Abstracts, which fail to meet the requirements or the deadline, won’t be considered for the Congress participation.
The applicants whose abstracts have been selected for the Congress participation will be invited to submit the full texts of their presentations (they will be informed on the requirements at a later date) to the chairpersons of the corresponding sections or to the Organizing Committee before September 15, 2009.
The Organizing Committee reserves the right to select and edit the materials submitted for the Congress participation. The collection of abstracts to be published before the beginning of the Congress is provided to the Congress participants subject to their payment of the registration fee.