

MHTC Contract Submittal Form

This form should travel with the contracts. (Cover letter unnecessary.)

Note to Districts: Please route through respective Division for execution by management in Central Office.

Date: To: From:

Date: / To: / From:
Date: / To: / From:
Contract Title:
Contract With Whom:
Route: / County: / Job/Project Number: / Contract
Budget Line Item: 4. Administration (Operations)5. Maintenance (Operations)6. Motor Carrier6a. Operations6b. Refunds7. Motorist Assistance (Operations)8. Highway Safety8a. Operations8b. Programs9. Construction9a. Operations9b. Contractor Payments9c. Design and Bridge Consultant Payments9d. Accelerated Program (Reimbursements)9e. Right of Way Land Acquisitions9f. Federal Pass-Through10. Fleet, Facilities & Information Sys. (Ops.)10a. Fleet, Facilities, and Other10b. Information Systems11. Multimodal11a. Operations11b. Programs

I.Specific MHTC Authority: Was this agreement approved by specific Commission action?

Yes No

If Yes, date approved

If you answered “yes” to this question, skip remaining questions. Attach to contracts for submittal.

II.Delegation of Authority Policy:

To view the policy, go to “Commission Secretary” in the MoDOT Policy Manual.

A.General Provision

Does this contract involve an issue that is unique, sensitive, and/or controversial?
Yes No

Check and complete the lettered section below (only one), which cites the authority for execution of this document.

B.Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)

Type of Contract:

C.Operating Budget

Type of Contract:

D.Funds Transfers and Reimbursement Agreements

Type of Contract:

E.Conveyance of Commission Assets

Type of Contract:

F.Commission Use of Private and Other Public Assets

Type of Contract:


Type of Contract:

H.Administrative Settlements

Type of Contract: