The Wall Street Journal Education Program
Weekly Review & Quiz
Covering front-page articles from June 10-16, 2006
Answer Key Summer 2006
Developed by: Scott R. Homan Ph.D., Purdue University
1. Each day, says, consumers upload more than _____ videos to its site.
a. 500
b. 5000
c. 50,000 Correct
d. 500,000
2. Each day, says, consumers watch its online videos more than ____ times.
a. 5000
b. 500,000
c. 5 million
d. 50 million Correct
3. Total local television broadcast revenue fell _____ in 2005.
a. 3%
b. 6%
c. 9% Correct
d. 12%
4. _____ of US households now receive TV via cable or satellite.
a. 60%
b. 65%
c. 80%
d. 85% Correct
5. Nearly _____ new cars hit Beijing streets here every day, crowding a city already choked with pollution.
a. 100
b. 1,000 Correct
c. 10,000
d. 100,000
6. If auto sales continue apace, there will be more than _____ vehicles on China's roads by 2020 up from about 33 million today.
a. 53 million
b. 73 million
c. 130 million Correct
d. 230 million
7. Seven-year-old Cody Lozano and his 9-year-old sister Cherokee hurried into their house on a recent Friday afternoon and emptied _____ from their school backpacks.
a. weekend food Correct
b. homework
c. report cards
d. teacher gifts
8. The U.S. Department of Agriculture says government surveys show that _____ of U.S. households were uncertain they could afford to feed their families at some point during the year in 2004.
a. 1.9%
b. 3.9%
c. 7.9%
d. 11.9% Correct
9. More than 40 years ago, Lyndon Johnson launched his War on ____.
a. China
b. Property
c. Poland
d. Poverty Correct
10. Mr. Clinton joined Republicans in 1996 to replace the old welfare program with a new Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. Among things, it required able-bodied recipients to leave welfare for work after ____ years.
a. 2 Correct
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
11. Last year, in an effort to save money, the Navy secretary proposed building a new $3 billion destroyer in just one shipyard rather than at facilities in both Mississippi and Maine. He estimated the move could cut _____ from the cost of each ship.
a. $3 million
b. $10 million
c. $30 million
d. $300 million Correct
12. In 2001, the average age of the F-15, the nation's top air-superiority warplane, was __.
a. 7 years
b. 17 years Correct
c. 27 years
d. 37 years
13. The visitors to Hong Kong Disneyland have ___.
a. complained that the park is too large to navigate
b. a tendency to eat 10 minutes faster than Americans
c. seemed more confused than amused during visits Correct
d. to endure corny jokes in 8 languages during the Jungle Cruise ride
14. The best way to get good ideas is to ______.
a. practice "coblabberation" on a regular basis
b. have “knee jerk” faith in teams
c. assume that the best brainstorming is group brainstorming
d. get people to write them down privately and then bring them in. Correct
15. In May, Chrysler's sales skidded and are ____ through the first five months of the year.
a. down 2.5% Correct
b. up 2.5%
c. down 12.5%
d. up 12.5%
16. The Parallels Desktop runs Windows, with all its features, inside a window in the Mac operating system through an approach known as _____.
a. "partition"
b. “boot camp”
c. “virtualization” Correct
d. “dual-boot system”
17. Bill Gates plans to give up his day-to-day role at Microsoft to spend more time helping _____.
a. the music industry convert to MP3 music
b. Apple Computer
c. IBM
d. the world's poor Correct
18. If you're writing a college tuition check this summer, there may be a backdoor way to deduct a chunk of the payment. The trick is to ______.
a. understate your income
b. misrepresent your residence status
c. make a contribution to your state's "529" college-savings plan Correct
d. get married tax credits
19. Using a $525 million credit facility raised by Merrill Lynch & Co., Marvel plans to release ______movies over the next decade.
a. 5
b. 8
c. 10 Correct
d. 12
20. Like a new inmate who picks out the baddest dude in the joint and punches him in the face, the Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has sent a message he isn't afraid to take a whack at ______, even if it upsets stock investors.
a. inflation Correct
b. CEO’s
c. the NYSE
d. the bond market
21. Kroger says it holds one of the top two spots in ___ of its 44 major markets -- which it views as anywhere it operates nine or more stores -- including Los Angeles, Houston and Phoenix.
a. 25
b. 30
c. 35 Correct
d. 40
22. Only 10% of emerging markets were rated investment-grade credits in 1998. Now more than ____ are.
a. 16%
b. 20%
c. 50% Correct
d. 62%
23. The Treasury Department said foreign investors in April bought ____ of long-term U.S. securities, like Treasury notes, corporate bonds, Fannie Mae debt and stocks.
a. $8.5 billion
b. $58.5 billion Correct
c. $5.5 trillion
d. $58.5 trillion
24. The world's biggest sporting event this year involves ____ national teams.
a. 12
b. 22
c. 32 Correct
d. 42
25. The initial minimum investment in a no-load mutual fund by AARP is just ____, and you can make subsequent investments for as little as $25.
a. $100 Correct
b. $1000
c. $500
d. $5000
26. With interest rates on student loans set to rise ____, lenders are inundating people paying down college debt with a confusing array of aggressive pitches to refinance.
a. June 25
b. June 30
c. July 1 Correct
d. July 15
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