
6thGrade Metric System Study Guide

Test Date: 10/07/15

The test will cover: metric conversions, length, volume, and mass

*Use this study guide and your notes to know the following information for the test*

Write your answers in complete sentences on a separate sheet of paper and attach this study guide to that paper when you turn it in

Metric Conversions:

  1. What number is the Metric System based off of?
  2. Why is it important for us (scientists) to know about the metric system?
  3. Know what K H D U D C M stands for
  4. What prefix does each letter stand for? Example: K = Kilo
  5. Remember do not skip over thebasic units(meters, liters, and grams) when doing conversions!
  6. Know how to convert a number from one unit to the next using KHDUDCM
  7. If the units are moving from left to the right, the decimal moves to the right
  8. If the units are moving from right to the left, the decimal moves to the left
  9. Do not skip the “basic units” space when converting!

**I will not provide you KHDUDCM for the test, so remember:
King Henry Died UnhappyDrinking Chocolate Milk


  1. What is the basic unit for length in the metric system?
  2. What tool is used to measure length in the metric system? (Hint: it is not a ruler)
  3. Know how to accurately measure the length of something using the proper tool and units
  4. Remember, if you are measuring something very small, you will probably use centimeters or millimeters
  5. If you are measuring something very big, you might use meters or kilometers


  1. What is volume?
  2. What tool do we use to measure volume of a solid?
  3. What units do we use to measure volume of a solid?
  4. What is the formula for the volume of a box-shaped solid?
  5. What tool do we use to measure volume of a liquid?
  6. What is the basic unit for the volume of a liquid?
  7. What units do we use to measure volume of a liquid?
  8. What is a meniscus?
  9. How do we use the meniscus when we measure volume?
  10. What is water displacement?
  11. Give an example of water displacement
  12. Why do we use water displacement?
  13. (What types of objects do we measure using water displacement?)


  1. What is mass?
  2. What tool do we use to measure the mass of an object?
  3. What is the basic unit for mass?
  4. What units do we use to measure mass?
  5. If we are measuring the mass of a very large object, what units might we use?
  6. If we are measuring the mass of a smaller object, what units might we use?
  7. What is the difference between mass and weight?

** If you have questions, please ask Ms. Crema in advance-I am more than happy to help, but please do not wait until last minute to study!