Elderly people and natural caregivers:

European partnership about guiding and supporting naturalcaregivers for autonomy and citizenship of elderly people

27-31 May 2013 – Romania, Sfantu Gheorghe

Hosting organization and organizer:

Christian Foundation Diakonia /Sfantu Gheorghe, Romania


Local partners:

County Council of Covasna in Romania

Town Sfantu Gheorghe in Romania

  1. About the workshop:

Date and lasting / From 27 to 31 May 2013
5 days
Place / Sfantu Gheorghe, Romania
Main topic / Guiding and supporting natural caregivers for autonomy and citizenship of elderly people
Methods and practice of how can we socialize and motivate elderly, to help them to be active as long as they can.
Language / English
Target people : non professionals / Natural care givers of the elderly people (family, friends, neighbours...):
Any person having in his entourage one or more older people who needs help in his daily life.
The European caregivers group should represent the diversity of elderly persons they care for (dementia, disease, physical dependency) and also a diversity of age and experience of the caregivers
Number of learners/participants / 10 learners from at least 3 different EU countries
3 learners from Romania
  1. Programme (still in construction)

Day 1:

Official welcome in Ilieni KIDA Conference Center

Presentation of all the participants

Presentation of Hosting organization: Diakonia

Official Welcome at Sfantu Gheorghe Town Council.

Presentation of the policy of assistance to caregivers of the elderly people in Romania

Presentation of the specific aspects from Romania regarding to the ageing, frequent illnesses, social conditions of elderly and their needs.

Visit to the Covasna County Council.

Presentation of the policy of assistance to caregivers of the elderly people in Romania

Free time and dinner in Sfantu Gheorghe.

Day 2:

Presentation of the organizations which support caregivers in County Covasna: self help groups, supporting groups for non professional care givers

European measures and models: Presentation of the partner organizations and their supporting activities for caregivers

Press conference

Workshop for exchange between caregivers on one topic (according to the needs of caregivers)

Visit to the geriatric centre of County Covasna and elderly home in Lemnia.

Day 3:

Visit of the centre for professional caregivers of Diakonia Foundation in Bodoc, meeting local caregivers

Models of assist and socialize the elderly: field visit

Visit rural service for elderly: home care and community nursing in small villages near Sfantu Gheorghe.

Workshop for exchange between caregivers on one topic (according to the needs of caregivers)

Departure to Sfantu Gheorghe: visit the local Day care centre and home for elderly

Day 4:

Visit 2-3 rural places near Sf. Gheorghe and meeting with local caregivers

Models for active ageing/presentations

Workshop for exchange between caregivers on one topic (according to the needs of caregivers

Day 5:

Evaluation, impacts and future perspectives

Exchanges about the impacts of the workshops for the participants

Press conference

Synthesis and evaluation of the learning impacts for the participants