Johnny Nhan

Department of Criminal Justice / OFFICE 817.257.4274
Texas Christian University / CELL 626.391.3871
2855 Main Dr. / FAX 817.257.7737
Fort Worth, TX 76129 / EMAIL

Academic Background


2008 Ph.D., Criminology, Law and Society

University of California, Irvine (UCI)

Dissertation: Policing cyberspace: The compatibility of the Internet with traditional forms of law enforcement, law and policy

Committee: John Dombrink (Chair), Henry Pontell, and Paul Jesilow

1999 B.A., Criminology, Law and Society

Cum Laude

University of California, Irvine

1999 B.A., Economics

Cum Laude

University of California, Irvine

Year of Appointment to the University and Rank

2014-present Associate Professor

2008-14 Assistant Professor

Present Rank

Associate Professor

Professional Development

2012 Learned outcomes measures (LOM) student evaluation. TCU

2012 Academic Professional Portfolio Workshop. TCU

2011 LOM student evaluation. TCU

2011 Pearson LearningStudio (eCollege) e-teaching certification. TCU

2011 SoftChalk training. TCU

2010 McGraw-Hill focus group, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA.

2009 TCU New Media Writing Studio digital portfolio workshop.

2008 The Anatomy of a Hacker Attack workshop. FBI and Alert Logic. Houston, TX, October 28, 2008.

2008 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Spatial Modeling Workshop. American Society of Criminology (ASC), St. Louis, MO. Instructor: Dr. Robert Nash Parker.

2008 Crash Course: eLearning Basics workshop. TCU

2006 Cyberinfrastructure Summer Institute, San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC)

Certificate of Completion for Storage Resource Broker (SRB) training. UC San Diego.

2006 Advanced Computer Networks, UCI Information and Computer Science.

2005 Computer Networks, UCI, Information and Computer Science.

2005 Computer Network Security, UCI, Information and Computer Science.

Honors and Awards

2010 Nominee, TCU Wassenich Award for mentoring

2003 School of Social Ecology Graduate Mentor Award

University of California, Irvine. $200
2002 School of Social Ecology Graduate Mentor Award

University of California, Irvine. $200


Courses Taught

TCU Undergraduate

Controversial issues in policing (contemporary topic)


Introduction to criminal justice

Law and society (writing emphasis)

Policing cyberspace

Police in a free society

Research methods I

Surveillance, security & society (contemporary topic)

Victimless crime

White-collar crime (writing emphasis)

TCU Graduate

Advanced criminological theory (online)

Policing (online)

UCI Undergraduate

Introduction to criminology, law and society

Police and change

Courses Developed at TCU


Controversial issues in policing (contemporary topic)


Introduction to criminal justice

Law and society (writing emphasis)

Policing cyberspace

Police in a free society

Research methods I

Surveillance, security & society (contemporary topic)

Victimless crime

White-collar crime (writing emphasis)


Advanced criminological theory (online)

Courts, law & legal procedure (online)

Criminal Justice Systems (online)

Policing (online)

Social Science Statistics & Probability (online)

Honors Projects

2015-16 Thesis Committee Member, John V. Roach Honors College (Katie Davis)

2014-15 Thesis Committee Member, John V. Roach Honors College (Wesley Lacson)

2012-13 Thesis Chair, John V. Roach Honors College (Nancy Acevedo)

2012 Thesis Committee Member, John V. Roach Honors College (Alison Simon)

2012 Thesis Committee Member, John V. Roach Honors College (Jordan Mazurek)

Graduate Student Thesis Committees

2017 M.S. Thesis Committee Member, Seth Lazarus (Ithaca College)

2015- M.S. Thesis Chair, Erik Lavigne

2017 M.S. Thesis Committee Member, Aaron Saoirse

2016 M.S. Thesis Committee Member, Sarah Gammell

External Support

2014 “Exploring Women’s Participation in Online Radical Milieus” $16,816

Canadian Network for Research on Terrorism, Security and Society.

Co-Investigator with Dr. Laura Huey (P.I.), University of Western Ontario.

Funds used for graduate research assistant.

2008 Masters in Advanced Studies Professional Development Grant. $14,000 + fees
University of California, Irvine.

2007 School of Social Ecology Dean’s Dissertation Writing Fellowship. $14,000 + fees

University of California, Irvine.

2006 School of Social Ecology Dean’s Dissertation Data Gathering Fellowship $6,000

University of California, Irvine.

Research and Creative Activity


Nhan, J. (2010). Policing cyberspace: Structural and cultural issues. El Paso, TX: LFB Scholarly Publishing.

Refereed Publications

Nhan, J., Bowen, K., & Polzer, K (2017). The reentry labyrinth: The anatomy of a reentry services network. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 56(1), 1-17. doi: 10.1080/10509674.2016.1257533

Nhan, J. (2016). The evolution of online piracy: Challenge and response. In T. Holt (Ed.), Crime on-Line: Correlates, causes, and context (3rd ed.) (pp. 63-86). Chapel Hill, NC: Carolina Academic Press. (Revision and update)

Nhan, J., Huey, L., & Broll, R. (2015). Digilantism: An analysis of crowdsourcing and the Boston Marathon bombings. British Journal of Criminology. doi:10.1093/bjc/azv118

Nhan, J., & Bachmann, M. (2015). Developments in cyber criminology. In M. Maguire & D. Okada (Eds.), Critical issues of crime and criminal justice: Thoughts, policy and practice (2nd ed.) (pp. 209-228). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (revision and update)

Polzer, K. L., Nhan, J., & Polzer, J. (2014). Prosecuting the prosecutor: The makings of the Michael Morton Act. The Social Science Journal, 41(4), 652-658. doi:10.1016/j.soscij.2014.05.007

Nhan, J., & Katovich, M. (2014). What to do in case of terrorism: The evolution of emergency response handbooks. Studies in Symbolic Interaction, 42, 185-210.

Nhan, J. (2013). The evolution of online piracy: Challenge and response. In T. Holt (Ed.), Crime on-Line: Correlates, causes, and context (2nd ed.) (pp. 61-80). Chapel Hill, NC: Carolina Academic Press.

Nhan, J., Polzer, K. L., & Polzer, J. (2013). Discounted justice: The potential misuse of Alford pleas for future exonorees. The Social Science Journal, 50(3) 374-380.

Huey, L., Nhan, J., & Broll, R. (2012). ‘Uppity civilians’ and ‘cyber vigilantes’: The role of the general public in policing cyber crime. Criminology & Criminal Justice, 12(4), 81-97.

Nhan, J., Polzer, K., & Ferguson, J. (2012). “More dangerous than hitmen”: Judicial perceptions of sexual offenders. International Journal of Criminology & Sociological Theory, 5(1), 823-836.

Nhan, J., & Garbagnati, A. (2011). Policing piracy: The utility of a nodal governance security framework. In T. Holt & B. Schell (Eds.), Corporate hacking and technology-driven crime: Social dynamics and implications (pp. 87-104). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Nhan, J., Kinkade, P., & Burns, R. (2010). Pot of gold at the end of the Internet rainbow: The nature of fraudulent Internet opportunity and solicitation. International Journal of Cyber Criminology, 3(1), 452-475.

Nhan, J., & Bachmann, M. (2010). Developments in cyber criminology. In M. Maguire & D. Okada (Eds.), Critical issues of crime and criminal justice: Thoughts, policy and practice (pp. 164-183). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Nhan, J. (2008). “It’s like printing money”: Piracy on the Internet. In F. Schmalleger & M. Pittaro (Eds.), Crimes of the Internet (pp. 356-383). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Non-Refereed Publications

Nhan, J. (2014). Phishing. In C. J. Forsyth & H. Copes (Eds.), Encyclopedia of social deviance (pp. 506-509). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Nhan, J. (2014). Spamming. In C. J. Forsyth & H. Copes (Eds.), Encyclopedia of social deviance (pp. 682-684). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Nhan, J. (2014). Police culture. In J. S. Albanese (Ed.), The encyclopedia of criminology and criminal justice (pp. 1-6). New Jersey: Wiley Blackwell.

Nhan, J. & Huey, L. (2012). “We don’t have these laser beams and stuff like that”: Police investigations as low-tech work in a high-tech world. In S. Lemán-Langlois (Ed.), Technocrime, policing and surveillance (pp. 79-90). New York, NY: Routledge.

Nhan, J., & Carroll, B. A. (2012). The offline defense of the Internet: An examination of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. SMU Science and Technology Law Review, 15(3), 389-401.

Nhan, J., & Clark-Miller, J. (2011). Job training and other factors affecting employment: A preliminary assessment of Texas ReEntry Services (TXRS).

Nhan, J. (2009). Criminal justice firewalls: Prosecutorial decision-making in cyber and high-tech crime cases (pp. 520-540). In K. Jaishankar (Ed.), International perspectives on crime and justice. New Castle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Nhan, J., & Huey, L. (2008). Policing through modes, clusters and bandwidth. In S. Lemán-Langlois (Ed.), Techno-crime: Technology, crime, and social control (pp. 66-87). Portland, OR: Willan Press.

Other Publications

Nhan, J. (2014, December 12). With identity crisis in police, more Fergusons inevitable. The Conversation. Retrieved from

Accepted Materials

Nhan, J. Cyber-victimization. In D. Lee & C. Hilinski-Rosick (Eds.) The Issues in Victimization. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Papers Presented and Panels


2017 Johnny Nhan, Kendra Bowen & Katie Polzer (2017). “The Reentry Labyrinth: Through the Eyes of Ex-offenders.” To be presented at the American Society of Criminology (ASC) Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA, November 15-18, 2017.

2016 Johnny Nhan & Kendra Bowen. “Job readiness and navigating reentry networks.” Presented at the ASC Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA, November 16-19, 2016.

2016 Johnny Nhan. “Internet Digilante Justice.” Presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, March 30, 2016.

2016 Johnny Nhan & Kendra Bowen. “The Anatomy of a Reentry Network.” Presented at the ACJS Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, March 30, 2016.

2015 Johnny Nhan. “Student organizations on campus: The good, the bad, and the ugly (issues).” Roundtable at the ACJS Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, March 3-7, 2015.

2014 Johnny Nhan, Katherine Polzer, & John Polzer. “Prosecuting the prosecutor: The makings of the Michael Morton Act.” Presented at the ASC Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA, November, 21, 2014.

2014 Johnny Nhan. “From Chinatown to the suburbs: Exploring Chinese-American migration and mobility in Southern California.” Presented at Race, Ethnicity, and Place Conference (REP VII). Fort Worth, TX, October 23, 2014.

2014 Katherine Polzer & Johnny Nhan. “Discounted justice: The potential misuse of Alford pleas for future exonorees.” Poster presented at the Western Society of Criminology (WSC) Annual Conference. February 6-8, 2014, Honolulu, HI.

2013 Ryan Broll, Laura Huey, & Johnny Nhan. “‘Just being mean to somebody isn’t a police matter’: Policing perspectives on policing cyber bullying.” Presented at Critical Perspectives: Criminology and Social Justice. University of Ottawa, May 3-4, 2013.

2012 Johnny Nhan & Laura Huey. “Cyber-posses, virtual mobs, and lone wolves: A typology of individuals and groups who participate in ‘justice-oriented’ activities online.” Presented at the ASC Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

2012 Johnny Nhan & Michael Katovich. “What to do in case of terrorism: Comparing terrorism handbooks from two distinct eras.” Presented at the ASC Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

2012 Bruce Carroll & Johnny Nhan. “The defense of Internet freedom: A case study.” Presented at the ACJS Annual Meeting, New York City, NY.

2011 Johnny Nhan & Laura Huey. “Police investigations as low-tech work in a high-tech world.” Presented at the ASC Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.

2011 Johnny Nhan, Ryan Broll, & Laura Huey. “Policing cyberspace: The role of online communities.” Presented at the ASC Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.

2011 Johnny Nhan. “Culture clash: Internet communities and the police.” Panel presentation at the ASC Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.

2011 Johnny Nhan & Jason Clark-Miller. “Job training and other factors affecting employment: A preliminary assessment of Texas ReEntry Services.” Presented to Texas ReEntry Services (TXRS), Fort Worth, TX.

2010 Johnny Nhan, Katherine Polzer, & Jennifer Ferguson. “More dangerous than hitmen: Judicial perceptions of sex offenders.” Presented at the WSC Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

2009 Michael Bachmann & Johnny Nhan, “Unearthing the hacker underground: Sampling methods for quantitative assessment of computer criminals.” Presented at the ASC Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

2009 Johnny Nhan & Patrick Kinkade, “Who wants to be a millionaire? The nature of fraudulent Internet opportunity and solicitation.” Presented at the ASC Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

2008 Johnny Nhan, “Catching an international hacker: The anatomy of Operation CardKeeper.” Presented at the ASC Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO.

2007 Johnny Nhan & Laura Huey, “Policing through nodes, clusters and bandwidth: The role of network relations in the prevention of and response to cyber-crimes.” Presented at the ASC Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

2007 Johnny Nhan, “Prosecutorial decision-making in cyber and high-tech crime cases.” Presented at the ASC Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

2007 Johnny Nhan, “Global policing of movie and music piracy: The utility of a nodal governance security framework.” Presented at “Individuals, organizations, and the law: Comparative and international perspectives” Joint Graduate Symposium on Crime, Law and Society, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan and University of California, Irvine. Irvine, CA, November 1-2.

2007 Johnny Nhan, “Criminal justice firewalls: Prosecutorial decision-making in high-tech and cyber cases.” Presented at the Graduate Student Colloquium, Department of Criminology, Law and Society. University of California, Irvine.

2006 Johnny Nhan, “Policing cyberspace: An analysis of police capacity in two key industry sectors.” Presentation and session chair at the ASC Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA.

2006 Johnny Nhan, “A nodal governance security network model for policing the Internet.” Presented at the Graduate Student Colloquium, Department of Criminology, Law and Society. University of California, Irvine.

2006 Johnny Nhan, “Policing cyberspace: The compatibility of the Internet with traditional forms of law enforcement, law and policy.” Presented at the Annual Conference on the Social and Cultural Aspects of Science and Technology, California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (CalIT2). University of California, Irvine.

2005 Johnny Nhan, “Policing cyber-crime: The compatibility of the Internet with traditional forms of law enforcement, law and policy.” Poster presented at the ASC Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada.

2005 Johnny Nhan, “Policing cyber-crime: The compatibility of the Internet with traditional forms of law enforcement, law and policy.” Graduate Student Colloquium, Department of Criminology, Law and Society. University of California, Irvine.

2003 Johnny Nhan & John Dombrink, “UC Irvine’s Criminology Outreach Program: High school and junior high students engaging in key crime and policy issues through interactive learning.” Poster Presented at the ASC Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.

Invited Talks

2017 Johnny Nhan. “Southern Rites” movie screening and panel discussant. The City of Fort Worth Human Relations Commission Movies that Matter: A Human Rights Film Series. April 13, 2017, Fort Worth, TX.

2017 Johnny Nhan. “Police-community relations in a world of cameras, social media, and high tension.” Panel moderator. TCU Extended Education Luncheon Lecture series. January 25, 2017, Fort Worth, TX.

2016 Johnny Nhan. “Understanding Police and Citizen Relations.” Presenter. TCU Extended Education Faculty Favorite Lecture Series. September 20, 2016, Fort Worth, TX.