Peoria Heights
Grade School
Parent-Student Handbook
Peoria Heights Grade School
500 EAST GLEN AVENUE PHONE (309) 6868809
PEORIA HEIGHTS, ILLINOIS 61616 FAX (309) 6867272
“Excellence in Education”
Dave Carroll, Terry Mooney, Eric Heath,
Principal Assistant Principal Superintendent
Welcome to our new school year at your Peoria Heights Grade School! The 20132014 school year begins with new hopes, challenges, and goals as we begin a new era in community education here at Peoria Heights Grade School. We anxiously anticipate the many challenges and quality educational improvements this school year will bring! Teachers, administrators, and building staff personnel are here to help each student achieve to their fullest potential. Our curriculum will empower each student to gain the basic fundamentals of education, to succeed and excel in the future as they progress through school.
You can be assured that through ongoing curriculum planning and refinement, and, individual guidance, Peoria Heights Grade School will provide the best possible elementary educational opportunities commensurate with each Peoria Heights student's abilities and needs. We are dedicated to assisting and meeting the needs of each child. Please read the information contained in this booklet, discuss important sections with your student, then sign, detach, and return to school the receipt on the last page of this handbook. A hard copy of this booklet is available in the PHGS office if you need one. This book is also available for reference at our school website at Call the school office for any needed clarification of handbook information.
Our school is willing to provide whatever assistance may be needed during the school year. Please feel free to confer with us over class work, grades, assignments, or any concerns that may arise. We encourage and appreciate your active involvement and support. You are invited and encouraged to visit the school and to examine and discuss your child's educational program with the teachers and administration. Consult this handbook for information regarding classroom visits. We will work closely with you to best meet your student's needs. Mutual benefits increase when there is a meaningful exchange of information between the home and school. Cooperation between the home and school is essential to promote your child’s best interests.
The Board of Education has established policies and employed highly trained professional educators to enable our students at Peoria Heights Grade School to achieve to their fullest academic potential. We will encourage each child to work with parents and teachers to both learn and grow.
Be an active student! Follow school rules, and be considerate of and respectful to others in all that you say and do. Set leadership examples for others to follow! Take part in your new Peoria Heights Grade School activities! Take pride in your school! The years that you spend at Peoria Heights Grade School will forever stand out in your memory as some of the best years of your life.
Dave Carroll Terry Mooney Eric Heath
Dave Carroll, Terry Mooney, Eric Heath
Principal Assistant Principal Superintendent
Peoria Heights Grade School “Patriot Pride”
Staff Roster
School Calendar
Fees Schedule (Breakfast / Lunch / Textbooks / Locker Locks) 2013-2014
Bell Schedule/School Day Times
Ten Student Behavior Goals
Parent Support and Assistance Goals
Helping Your Child to Better Grades
School Supplies Listing
Bus Rider Conduct Notice
School Medication Authorization Form
Student Parent/Guardian Information Form
Student Data Entry Form
Please Note: Policies and/or procedures referenced in this handbook may be added to, modified, refined for clarification, or deleted, at any time, as deemed necessary and in the best interest of serving and protecting the educational rights of all PHGS students, parents, and employees. The most current handbook, reflecting any such changes, will be in the possession of the building principal. Copies distributed at the beginning of each school year, reflect all handbook changes made to that date.
Abandoned Child
Absence or Tardy
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) – Computer and Internet Use
Activity Bus Schedule
Administration of Student Medications at School – Maximizing Benefit
Animals Brought to School
Arrival and Dismissal Times
Athletic Schedules (Current School Year)
Attendance Policy
Behavior and Discipline (Parental Responsibilities)
Behavior and Discipline (Teacher/Student Responsibilities)
Behavioral / Diagnostic Evaluation of a Student (Parent Requested) – Connors Rating Scale, etc.
Birth Certificate (Certified Copy Required within 40 days of School Registration)
Body Piercing
Breakfast Program at PHGS
Bright Futures
Bus Rider Behavior Rule
Bus Routes and Times
Bus (Yielding to on School Property)
Cameras at School
Cars of Parents
Cell Phone Procedures
Change of Address
Charity Collections at School
Child Abduction – Safety Tips
Child Abuse or Neglect – Recognizing, Preventing, and Reporting
Classroom Placement of Students
Clubs at PHGS – Non-School Sponsored
Computer Lab & Library Computer Use Rules
Conduct (Student Rules of Behavior for Playground / Play Supervision / General)
Conferences After School
Contacting Parents: Address and Phone Number Information
Contagious Disease
Controlled Substances
Corporal Punishment
Crosswalks on School Property
Cyber Bullying
Dances (Junior High)
Deliveries to Students at School
Detentions Served at School-Grades K-3 and Conferences Served After School, Grades K-3)
Detentions Served at School-Grades 4-8 and Conferences Served After School, Grades 4-8)
Diagnostic Assessment Scales (Physician requested for a student)
Discipline Policy (Grades K-3)
Discipline Policy (Grades 4-8)
Dress Code
Drills (Disaster)
Early Childhood Education (ECE)
Early Walker Release – Grades 5-8
Earthquake Drill
Electronic Paging and Communication Devices
Elevator (Use Of)
End of Year Graduation “Special” Outings Eligibility – Grade 8
Entrance and Exit Security and Student Entry Locations
Entry at Peoria Heights Grade School
Excuse From Activity
Expelled Students
Extra-Curricular Eligibility
Extra-Curricular Events (Attending/Departing)
Facebook / Internet Chat Rooms / Electronic Messaging Device Postings
Field Trips
Food Items from Home (Brought to School)
Gang Activity Prohibited
Glen Avenue Intersection @ School Entry
Grading Scale
Grievance Procedure or Due Process
Head Lice Control
Health and Immunization Requirements
Health Issues & Habits (Should I send My Child to School?)
Highly Qualified Teachers
Homebound Instruction
Homeless Students
Honor Roll (Grades 5 and 6)
Illness at School
Immunization of Students (Physical and Dental Exams)
Internet use by Students
Insurance For Students
Invitations Distributed to Students
ISAT Testing (Grades 3 – 8)
Leaving the School Building (Between 8:45 and 3:20)
Library / Media Center
Listening / Entertainment Devices at School
Lockers of Students
Lost and Found
Lunchroom Conduct
Lunchroom Account – Negative Account Balance
Mandated Reporter
Medicaid Notification (Required by law)
Medical Excuses
Medications for Students
Moving Away
Noon Hour
Parent Involvement
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
Parties at School
Personal Property
Physical Contact with Others at School
Physical Education Requirements
Practices (Athletic and Extracurricular Activity)
Problems with Students / Problem Resolution
Promotion Policy
Public Complaints About School Personnel
Report Cards
Residency Proof
Response to Intervention (RTI)
Safety Procedures on School Grounds
School Property (Care Of)
“School Reach” (Parent Emergency Notification System)
School Supplies
Searches and Seizures at School (Students & Student Property)
Security of the School Building and Classrooms
Severe or Inclement Weather
Sex Education (Grades 6-8) Information
Sexual Harassment of Students
Skateboards and Roller Skates
Smoking Policy
Snow Day Information (Canceling School)
Social Activities
Special Education
Special Education Student "Behavioral Intervention Plan"
Special Interest Materials
Student Records
Students Picked-Up at School During the School Day by Parents
Students Removed From Classrooms to the School Office
Study Hall or Study Time Given to Students
Suspension and/or Possible Expulsion
Tobacco Products (Use of)
Unauthorized Material
Unprepared for Class
Vacations (Family), During the School Year
Valuables at School
Vending Machine Use by Students
Vision and Hearing Screenings (Annual @ PHGS)
Visitation of Classrooms
Volunteer Information, PHGS
“Walkers” (Your Child Walking to School)
Weapons on School Grounds
Written Excuse After Absence
Safety Patrol Permission Slip
ParentStudent Handbook Sign Off Slip
2014 2015
Mr. Don Gorman President
Mrs. Stefanie McCumber VicePresident
Mrs. Becky Kelton Secretary
Mr. Chris Ahart Board Member
Mr. Mike Casey Board Member
Mr. Mike Hulse Board Member
Mr. Robbie Mathisen Board Member
Mr. Eric Heath Superintendent
Mr. Dave Carroll Principal
Mr. Terry Mooney Assistant Principal
Ms. Jennifer Reichert Technology Director
Mrs. Shirley Wilkinson School Secretary
Mrs. Pam Kerr School Secretary
Mrs. Regina Passage Central Office Secretary
Ms. Kim Surber Central Office Bookkeeper
Mrs. Rhonda Haslett Kindergarten
Mrs. Patricia Hasenstein Kindergarten
Mrs. Becky Roling Kindergarten
Mrs. Leslie Hymbaugh 1st Grade
Mrs. Nancy Bogner 1st Grade
Mrs. Sandy Alwan 2nd Grade
Ms. Traci Whalen 2nd Grade
Mrs. Amanda Rogers 2nd Grade
Mrs. Jodi Ledeboer 3rd Grade
Mrs. Samantha Alvarado 3rd Grade
Mrs. Kathy Ross 3rd / 4th Split Grade
Mr. Corey Sharp 4th Grade
Mrs. Amanda Morrow 4th Grade
Mrs. Cali Moreno 5th Grade
Ms. Lisa Reinholtz 5th Grade
Mrs. Becky Wilson 5th / 6th Split Grade
Mrs. Rachel Biller 6th Grade
Ms. Kristy Harris 6th Grade
Ms. Brett Allen 7th / 8th Language Arts
Mrs. 7th/8th Literature
Mr. David Lewis 7th / 8th Mathematics
Mrs. Amanda Lowry 7th / 8th Science & Health
Mr. Todd Hawkins 7th / 8th Social Studies
Mrs. Deb Okamura 7th/ 8th Aide
Mrs. DeAnn Ingersoll BF/ECE Blended Preschool (A.M. & P.M.)
Mrs. Sandy Hartman BF Preschool (A.M. & P.M.)
Mrs. Beth YoukerSchwab Special Education, Grade K-2
Ms. N. Black Special Education Aide, Grade K-2
Mrs. Sarah Stokes Special Education, Grade 3 & 4
Mrs. Judy Conger Special Education Aide, Gr. 3-4
Mrs. Shelly Babcock Special Education Student Aide, Grade 6
Mrs. Polly Greenway Special Education, Grade 5
Mrs. Samantha Clayton Special Education, Grade 6
Mr. Phillip Mott Special Education, Grade 7
Mrs. Elsa Ng Sharum Special Education, Grade 8
Mr. Chris Piper Vocal Music / Band
Mr. Ross Pesch Physical Education
Mrs. Marilyn Breitmeyer Physical Education Teach. Assist.
Mrs. Jenny Hursey Title I Reading – Grades 1-4
Mrs. Jenny Darrow Title I Reading – Grades 5-9
Ms. Speech Therapist
Ms. Jodi Atchison Speech Therapist
Mr. Brian Ehle Mathematics Improvement
Mr. Mike Zogg Reading Improvement
Mrs. Victoria Griffin Reading Improvement
Mrs. Karen Strunk School Social Worker
Mr. Mike Vitale School Psychologist
Mrs. Patty Kohorst School Counselor
Mrs. Jennifer Cook School Nurse
Mrs. Rachel Poole Librarian & Tech. Support (PHGS & PHHS)
Mrs. Erin Stout Program Administrator
Mrs. DeAnn Ingersoll Bright Futures Teacher (A.M. / P.M.) – Classroom 1
Mrs. Sandy Hartman Bright Futures Teacher (A.M. / P.M.) – Classroom 2
Ms. Natasha Harris ECE/Bright Futures Aide
Mr. Jimmy Ulrich ECE/Bright Futures Aide
Mrs. Shari Favorite Central Office
Ms. Kelly Lenz Central Office
Mrs. Jo Ann Roedell Central Office
Mrs. Linda Meyer Central Office
Ms. Holly Tyler Central Office
Ms. Jill Couri-Young Central Office
Mrs. Suzanne Cranford Cafeteria Manager
Ms. Kat Giden Cafeteria
Mr. Ricky Davis Cafeteria
Mrs. Cindy Metz Cafeteria
Mrs. Amanda Mathisen Cafeteria
Mr. Tom Cammack Cafeteria
Ms. Chris Guth Cafeteria
Ms. Sarah Wiese Cafeteria
Mr. Jim Carter Facilities Maintenance Director
Mr. Norman Gates Maintenance
Mr. Bob Hunt Maintenance
Mr. Tom Cammack Maintenance
Mr. Joe Passage Maintenance
Mrs. Teresa Beoletto Maintenance
Mr. Joe Stoner Director of Transportation
Mrs. Becky Gilmore Transportation
Mrs. Sue Smith Transportation
Mrs. Brenda Yaunk Transportation
Mrs. Shane Smith Transportation
Mrs. Julie King Transportation
Mr. Don Hodge Transportation
Mrs. Trish Wilson Transportation
Mrs. Chris Cammack Transportation
Mr. Mike Zogg (Sub) Transportation
EllaMae Renken (Sub) Transportation
Ann Markovich (Sub) Transportation
August 14 / Teachers Institute / No SchoolAugust 15 / Teachers Institute / No School
August 18 / First Day of School-Hot Lunches served / HS dismissed @ 2.00 p.m.
GS dismissed @ 2:20 p.m.
September 1 / Labor Day / No School
September 18 / Half-Day Parent/Teacher Conferences / HS dismissed @ 11:30 a.m.
GS dismissed @ 12:00 p.m.
September 19 / Full-Day Parent/Teacher Conferences / No School
September 24 / Half Day School Improvement / HS dismissed @ 11:30 a.m.
GS dismissed @ 12:00 noon
October 13 / Columbus Day / No School
October 17 / 1st Grading Period Ends – Early Dismissal / HS dismissed @ 2:00 p.m.
GS dismissed @ 2:20 p.m.
October 31 / Half-Day School Improvement / HS dismissed @ 11:30 a.m.
GS dismissed @ 12:00 noon
November 11 / Veterans Day / No School
November 26-28 / Thanksgiving Break / No School-Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
December 19 / 2nd Grading Period Ends – Early Dismissal / HS dismissed @ 2:00 p.m.
GS dismissed @ 2:20 p.m.
December 22-Jan. 4 / Winter Break / No School
January 19 / Martin Luther King’s Birthday / No School
January 28 / Half-Day School Improvement / HS dismissed @ 11:30 a.m.
GS dismissed @ 12:00 noon
February 13 / Full-Day Parent/Teacher Conferences / No School
February 16 / President’s Day / No School
February 25 / Half-Day School Improvement / HS dismissed @ 11:30 a.m.
GS dismissed @ 12:00 noon
March 6 / 3rd Grading Period Ends – Early Dismissal / HS dismissed @ 2:00 p.m.
GS dismissed @ 2:20 p.m.
March 20 / County Institute / No School
March 25 / Half-Day School Improvement / HS dismissed @ 11:30 a.m.
GS dismissed @ 12:00 noon
March 30-April 6 / Spring Break / No School – Classes resume April 7
May 6 / Half-Day School Improvement / HS dismissed @ 11:30 a.m.
GS dismissed @ 12:00 noon
May 25 / Memorial Day / No School
May 26 / Last Day of School for Students
*if any emergency days are used, the last day of school will be moved / HS dismissed @ 2:00 p.m.
GS dismissed @ 2:20 p.m.
May 27* / Teachers Institute – Last Day for Teachers / *if emergency days are not used, the day for Teachers Institute will be held on May 27
* May be changed by Board Action
Grading Period End Report Card Grades Posted By Report Card Mail Date