Chapter 1: Business: 2005 and Beyond 1-1



Chapter Summary: Key Concepts

What Is Business?:

BusinessAll profit seeking activities and enterprises that provide products and services needed or desired in an economic system.

Not--for-profitEstablishments that have primary objectives other than

organizationsreturning profits to their owners. Included are all government agencies as well as private-sector non-profits like trade organizations, charitable and religious organizations, and private educational institutions.

Factors of productionThe inputs to operational effectiveness include a combination of natural resources, human resources, capital and entrepreneurship.

Private enterprise system

CapitalismCapitalism is another name for the Private Enterprise System. Capitalism minimizes government interference in economic activity and rewards businesses for their ability to perceive and serve the needs of customers.

Basic rights in the There are four basic rights. The first and most fundamental

private enterprise systemis the right to private property: the right to own, use, buy, sell, and bequeath most forms of tangible and intangible property. The second is the business owners’ right to after tax profit. The third is the freedom of choice in employment, purchases, and investment. The fourth basic right is the right to fair competition: allowing the public to set rules for competitive activity.

The entrepreneurshipEntrepreneurs are risk takers who recognize marketplace

alternativeopportunities and use their skill and capital to seize and profit from those opportunities. The spirit of entrepreneurship drives the fast pace of new business creation in America. It also contributes to innovative behavior in large organizations.

Six Eras in the History of Business

The colonial periodPrior to 1776, our economy was rural and agricultural, and relied on England for manufactured items and for the financing needed to develop.

Industrial revolutionBetween 1760 and 1850, the industrial revolution saw mass production by semiskilled workers, aided by machines.

The age of the industrialThe 1880s was an era of industrial entrepreneurship.

entrepreneurAdvances in technology and increased demand for manufactured goods led to enormous entrepreneurial opportunities.

The production eraBetween 1900 and the 1920s the focus was on producing more goods faster. Every effort was made to meet growing demand leading to production innovations like the assembly line.

The marketing eraDuring the 1950s marketing grew to mean much more then selling. Since ability to produce was not enough, businesses began to focus on producing just what customers wanted. That is, customer orientation became the center of business thinking.

The relationship eraSince the 1990s we have been in the relationship era: using information technology to build lasting relationships with customers, employees, suppliers, and other businesses.

Managing the Technology Revolution

TechnologyBusiness success today depends on the application of technology to streamline production, increase organizational efficiency, and provide better information for management’s interactions both inside and outside the firm.

The InternetA worldwide network of interconnected computers that generally allows individuals with computing devices to send and receive images and data anywhere.

World Wide WebSometimes known simply as the Web, it is an interlinked collection of graphically rich information sources known as sites.

From Transaction Management to Relationship Management

Relationship managementRather than focusing on finding enough business for existing products, known as transaction management, firms increasingly rely on relationship management. This approach seeks to build and maintain ongoing, mutually beneficial ties with customers and other parties.

Strategic alliances and Firms increasingly seek to build partnerships and strategic

partnershipsalliances to assist in meeting common goals and in creating competitive advantages.

Creating Value through Quality and Customer Satisfaction

ValueThe customer’s perception of the balance between the benefits and the price paid for a product or service.

QualityQuality generally means the degree of excellence or superiority of a firm’s goods and services. It also includes customer satisfaction, which is the ability of a good or service to meet or exceed buyer needs and expectations.

Competing in a Global Market

The global marketSince the world’s economies are developing increasing interdependence, firms must now focus on opportunities both inside and outside their national boundaries.

ProductivityA measure of the efficiency of production generally found by dividing outputs (goods or services produced) by inputs (human or natural resources, capital, etc.).

Gross domestic productThe sum of all goods and services produced within a nation’s boundaries in a given year.

Developing and Sustaining a World-Class Workforce

A changing workforceHuman resource management must meet the challenges of an aging population and a shrinking pool of workers who are more mobile and more diverse than ever before.

Reaping the benefits ofBlending individuals of different ethnic backgrounds,

diversitycultures, religions, ages, genders, and physical mental abilities has been shown to produce benefits for firms. These include more creative solutions to business problems and more effective task performance.

Wanted: A new Type of Manager

VisionThe ability to perceive marketplace needs and what an organization must do to satisfy them.

Critical thinkingThe ability to analyze and assess information to find problems or opportunities.

CreativityThe capacity to develop novel solutions to organizational challenges.

Ability to steer changeTechnology, marketplace demands, and global competition bring many changes. Managers must be aware of both internal and external causes for change, and they must be good at helping the organization and its people adapt.

Managing Ethics and Social Responsibility

Business ethicsThe standards of conduct and moral values involved in distinguishing right from wrong actions in the work environment.

Social responsibilityManagers today must take into account the social and economic effects of managerial decisions.

What makes a companyProfitability, stable growth, a safe and challenging

admired?work environment, high-quality goods and services, and business ethics and social responsibility all contribute to a company’s reputation and long-term success or failure.

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Business Vocabulary

Chapter 1: Business: 2005 and Beyond 1-1




competitive differentiation

consumer orientation


critical thinking

customer satisfaction




fair competition

freedom of choice

gross domestic product (GDP)

invisible hand of competition


human resources

natural resources

not-for-profit organizations


private enterprise system

private property




relationship management

strategic alliances


transaction management



Chapter 1: Business: 2005 and Beyond 1-1

Application of Vocabulary

Select the term from the list above that best completes the statements below. Write that term in the space provided.

1. List the basic rights guaranteed to the public in the private enterprise system:



2. List the four factors of production in the private enterprise system:



3.The sum of all the goods and services produced within a nation’s boundaries is called the ______.

4.The measure of efficiency of production is termed ______.

5 .The ______, first discussed by Adam Smith in his

Wealth of Nations, assures the best product and price since less efficient producers are driven from the market.

6.The battle among businesses vying for consumer acceptance is known as ______.

7. ______is the unique combination of organizational abilities and approaches that sets a firm apart from competitors in the minds of consumers.

8.In the Marketing Era of business development firms adopted a ______

______, which means they find out what customers want and need and then design products to meet those needs.

9.In capitalism, also known as the ______, success or failure depends on how well firms can perceive and meet customer needs and wants.

10.______is the process of creating an identity for a good, service, or company which is readily recognized by the firm’s intended market.

11.The profit-seeking activities that produce the goods and services needed by society are collectively called ______.

12.Firms engaged in ______hire outside firms who are specialists to perform operations that were formally handled by the company’s own employees.

13.______is the term used to describe the business application of knowledge based on science, inventions, and innovation.

14.The ______is a worldwide network of interconnected computers that, within limits, lets anyone with access to a personal computer send and receive images and data anywhere.

15.______is the managerial quality of being able to perceive marketplace needs and what an organization must do to satisfy them.

16.The customer’s perception of the balance between the positive traits of a good or service and its price is called ______.

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17.______are long term partnerships of firms designed to improve overall competitiveness.

18.______is the degree of excellence or superiority of a firm’s goods or services.

19.Perhaps he best measure of quality is ______, defined as the ability of a good or service to meet or exceed buyer needs and expectations.

20.Risk takers who initiate economic activity in the private enterprise system are known as ______.

21.The ______of the U.S. workforce enhances innovation, creativity, and sensitivity to the multicultural marketplace by blending individuals of different genders, ethnic backgrounds, cultures, religions, ages, and physical and mental abilities

22.______include all public sector government agencies as well as many private sector organizations such as labor unions, museums, and religious organizations.

23.______is the collection of activities that build and maintain ongoing, mutually beneficial ties with customers and other parties.

24.Before the 1990s, businesses tended to rely on ______. This approach focused on current sales and profits instead of thinking about the future benefits of creating long term customers.

25.______is the capacity to develop novel solutions to perceived organizational problems and to see better and different ways of doing business.

26.______skills include the ability to analyze information and assess its authenticity, accuracy and worth, to evaluate arguments, and to identify crucial issues and solutions.

Analysis of Learning Goals

Learning Goal 1.1: Distinguish between business and not-for-profit organizations and identify the factors of production.

True or False

1. ___In the private enterprise system, businesses are the primary providers of the goods and services needed by society.

2. ___Business and not-for-profit organizations both have as their primary objective the return of profits to the owners.

3. ___While religious and charitable organizations are not-for-profits, government agencies are not.

4.___ Only profit-seeking organizations face competition.

Learning Goal 1.2: Describe the private enterprise system and explain how competition and entrepreneurship contribute to the system.

True or False

1. ___Over the long run, competition ensures that organizations who provide superior customer satisfaction will be more successful than those who do not.

2. ___ People who take the risks of pursuing a business opportunity are called entrepreneurs.

3. ___Profits are both the reward and the incentive for risk taking.

4. ___ The invisible hand of competition ensures that only the most efficient producers will survive in the marketplace.

Learning Goal 1.3: Identify the six eras of business and explain how the relationship era influences contemporary business.

True or False

1. ___The colonial era was characterized by a factory system and the growth of large cities.


Section ______Date ______

2. ___The production era focused on mass production while increasing productivity of manufacturing processes.

3. ___Since entering the marketing era, producers make what they do best, and marketing is simply selling that product.

4. ___The relationship era is driven by advances in information technology that allow businesses to form deep, ongoing links with their customers, employees, suppliers, and other organizations.

Learning Goal 1.4: Describe how technology is changing the way businesses operate and compete.

Multiple Choice

1.The worldwide network of interconnected computers is known as:

a.the World Wide Web.c. transaction management

b.e-mail.d. the Internet.

2.Sites that offer interactive opportunities to receive information, known as Web sites, are found:

a.on the World Wide the Internet.

b.on a typical roadmap.d.all of the above.

3.The ability to electronically deliver messages, documents, spreadsheets, and pictures anywhere in the world makes use of:

a.e-mail.c.snail-mail. delivery trucks.d.all of the above.

4.Managing technology will mean:

a.using technology to provide new goods and services for customers.

b.using technology to improve customer service while lowering prices.

c.being aware of new questions about business ethics and social responsibility.

d.all of the above.

Learning Goal 1.5: Relate the importance of quality and customer satisfaction to efforts to create value for customers.

Short Answer

1.What is value?

2.What is quality? How is it best measured?

Learning Goal 1.6: Explain how productivity affects competitiveness in the global market.

True or False

1. ___While many U.S. firms are important exporters, the U.S. is rarely an attractive market for foreign competitors.

2. ___Productivity is a measure of efficiency and is found by dividing inputs into outputs.

3. ___Gross domestic product (GDP) is equal to the sum of all goods and services produced within a nation’s boundaries.

4. ___Since the U.S. has the largest GDP in the world, it makes sense for firms to focus exclusively on the domestic market.

5. ___Recent investments in technology have dramatically increased U.S. productivity.


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Learning Goal 1.7: Describe the major trends in the workforce that challenge managers’ skills for managing and developing human resources.

True or False

1. ___The growing use of technology makes it less important for organizations to make effective use of human resources.

2. ___Outsourcing refers to the increased globalization of business.

3. ___Experts predict a decline in the number of available adult workers in the coming years.

4. ___Each year more American workers are employed in goods producing industries, while employment in service industries is declining.

5. ___Employers are increasingly developing employer-employee partnerships that recognize and encourage worker creativity and contribution to customer satisfaction.

Learning Goal 1.8: Identify the skills that managers need to lead businesses in the new century.

Short Answer

Name and define the four most important qualities that will be required of managers in today’s organizations.





Learning Goal 1.9: Discuss the importance of good business ethics and social responsibility in business decision making.

Multiple Choice

1.The standards of conduct and moral values involving right and wrong actions arising in the work environment are known as: responsibility.c.creativity.

2.The call for greater social responsibility of business means:

a.businesses should focus exclusively on short-term profit goals.

b.businesses should focus exclusively on the interests of the owners and managers. should consider the social and economic effects of management decisions. should consider giving away all the firm’s profits for good causes.

3.Failure to behave ethically:

a.can be costly in the long-run.

b.can spoil a company’s image.

c.will damage efforts to build long-term customer relationships.

d.all of the above.

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Self Review

True or False

1. ___ A simplistic definition of business would be: All profit-seeking activities and enterprises that provide products and services needed or desired in an economic system.

2. ___The majority of businesses in the United States are owned by the government.

3. ___Each factor of production generates a financial return.

4. ___The factor payment for the use of capital is profit.

5. ___The most basic freedom under the free enterprise system is the right to private property.

6. ___The industrial revolution involved mass production, the specialization of labor, and the development of machines and the railroads.

7. ___Even today, marketing is synonymous with selling.

8. ___The United States is moving away from manufacturing as a basis for its economy and toward an economy based on service industries.

9. ___Studies indicate that diverse employee teams and workforces tend to be less effective and creative than groups made up of people who are all alike.

10. ___Total productivity of a nation’s businesses has become a measure of its economic strength, standard of living, and ability to compete.

11. ___In the 21st century, managers will have to find the best way to connect people, technology, and ethics in order to form strong partnerships with customers, employees, and other organizations.

12. ___Managers can expect the rate of change to slow in the future.

13. ___The marketing era introduced the idea that a firm should identify and satisfy consumer wants and needs.

14. ___Government agencies, public schools, and labor unions are all good examples of organizations in the not-for-profit sector of the U.S. economy.

15. ___Karl Marx is the Father of Capitalism.

Multiple Choice

1.The Wealth of Nations was written by:

a.Paul Samuelson.c.Adam Smith.

b.Karl Marx.d.John Galbraith.

2.A capitalist economic system could also be called:

a.a community interest system.

b.a utopian system.

c.a futile system.

d.a private enterprise system

3.The factor payment that rewards entrepreneurship is:

a.profit.c. wages.

4.Gross Domestic Product (GDP): higher in the United States than in any other country. the sum of all goods and services produced within a nation’s boundaries. used to calculate per capita output in our economy.

d.all of the above.

5.The U.S. workforce in the 21st century can be expected to: less diverse.d.include fewer older workers. less less telecommuting.

c.require greater skill and flexibility.

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6.An entrepreneur is defined as a(n):

a.government employee.d.monopolist.

b.risk taker.e.executive.

c.professional manager.

7.Laws that prohibit price discrimination and deceptive advertising practices are included in the right to:

a.private property.c. freedom of choice.

b.profits.d.fair competition.