Royal Mile Primary School P4

Planning the Outcomes of Learning – Termly Organiser Term 1 (Aug- Dec)

Session: 2017/18 Class: P4
Term: 1 Teacher: Miss Murray
Contribution to the Ethos and Life of the School as a Community
Maths Week Scotland- Trip to Centre for Mathematics at Edinburgh University.
Open day- Use of learning heroes in math. Opening of school playground.
Art workshop at Fruit market
Art workshop in school delivered by fruit market.
P4 Showcase Assembly
Outdoor learning within local area. Please come in suitable footwear/ jackets.
Parents Evening
School Social Event.
5.30-7.30pm / Curricular Areas / Main Focus
Languages & Literacy:
Writing: Imaginative
Stories, poems, plays.
Up-levelling using exciting and detailed vocabulary.
Continue in style of the author
Develop characters through actions and feelings. SHOW don’t tell.
Create poetry in a variety of structures.
Continue a play script. Using a dictionary or topic bank to help with spelling.
Identifying syllables, Compound words, Characterisation, Justify behaviour of character, Choosing suitable books for enjoyment.
Higher Order Thinking Skills and questioning- Blooms Taxonomy.
Mind maps to show information. Sharing my opinions and joining in discussion.
Mathematics & Numeracy:
Stages of Early Arithmetical Learning (SEAL)
Number Process, Multiplication & Division, Measure, Money & Finance, Making Connections
Health & Wellbeing:
Thinking about resilience and challenges we face on the ‘river of life.’
Maintaining Class Palette
Classify, describe, select materials. Soluble and insoluble solids.
Social Studies:
Learning about people and life in the past through the contexts of
Mary Queen of Scots and John Knox
Movie making
Editing and manipulating Media, Making presentations on a variety of apps and programmes, Selecting suitable materials for purpose when constructing.
Expressive Arts:
Drama through literacy.
ABC Music P4 Progression.
Art with Mrs Brown.
Art in style of Jack Leirner collaboration with Fruit Market.
Core Skills taught through:
Hockey, Gymnastics, Basketball, Social Dance.
Religious & Moral Education:
Places of worship.
Harvest/ world hunger and interconnectedness.
Shared Meals.
Interdisciplinary Projects and Studies – Cross Cutting Themes
John Knox
Mary Queen of Scots / Opportunities for Personal Achievement
Class rep. election.
Class talk as part of homework.
Showcase Assembly.
Displaying work at Fruitmarket.
Star of the week.
House points.



Every Monday, your child will be issued with homework in their homework jotter detailing the activities for that week.
Tasks will include spelling, maths, reading journal, research tasks and project work, which may cover several weeks but guidance will be given. Tasks should be completed and returned to school for Thursday morning.
Repeated failure to return homework will result in detention. More details of tasks can be found in our Class Blog.
Here are some ideas which you may find useful to assist your child with their learning this term:
▪continue to practise times tables/ number bonds
▪discuss reading books at home and encourage reading of a wide variety of texts, both fiction and non-fiction
▪reinforce and discuss spelling words and rules
▪encourage your child to take ownership and responsibility for their
homework and wider learning and value their opportunities to learn
Every day in Primary X your child will need to bring:
A pencil, and rubber
A water bottle
A full PE kit and indoor shoes
A school bag
A Coat (not a hoody)– weather is changeable and we want children to be outdoors whenever possible and not miss out
All pupils are expected to stay ON TRACK
ON time and ready to Learn
Taking care of our school
Respectful and welcoming to all
Always willing to have a go
Considerate and kind to others
Keeping to the rules
Children who break school rules are spoken to by staff members and incidents are recorded for reference.Parents are contacted if there are incidences of breaking the school rules and sanctions are used.
We appreciate your support with all aspects of school life and look forward to working with you to support your child this session.