Report to Scrutiny Committee of 30 August 2007

Subject: Council Performance Q1 2007/08

Prepared by: Peter Burns, Business Improvement Officer


1.1.This report provides elected members with a review of Clackmannanshire Council’s performance in relation to key areas of service delivery for Quarter 1, 2007/08. Quarter 1 relates to the period 1 April 2007 to 30 June 2007.

1.2.A breakdown of corporate and key performance measures is provided in Appendix A with a glossary of terms available in Appendix B as requested by the Performance and Audit Committee on 24 August 2006.

1.3.Individual service balanced scorecards are available in Members’ rooms.


2.1.The Scrutiny Committee is asked to: -

  • Note key issues as highlighted in the conclusion.
  • Note performance and agree management actions presented for each corporate measure (See Appendix A).
  • Provide feedback on the effectiveness and presentation of measures to enable effective scrutiny of performance.


3.1.The balanced scorecard is a management system that enables the Council to understand whether its vision and strategy is being translated into action by measuring a series of key performance measures.

3.2.The key focus of each balanced scorecard is to ensure a balance of performance measures are developed within the Financial, Customer (Stakeholder), Internal Business Processes, and Learning and Growth areas. Each can be used to demonstrate the delivery of continuous improvement across the Council.

3.3.Service Improvement continues to review performance measures with Heads of Service and the Balanced Scorecard Working Group to ensure that the scope and presentation of performance measures to Committee is continuously improved.

3.4.The presentation and range of measures continues to be adapted based on feedback received from officers and Members of the Committee.



4.1During Quarter 1, 2007/08, Clackmannanshire Council:

  • Collected 25.4% of Council Tax by the end of the 1st Quarter. This is close to target and an improvement on the same time last year, which was 25.3%.
  • Collected 16.28% of Non Domestic Rates (NDR). The target was 15.2%. Performance is favourable when compared to the same time last year, 15.86%.
  • The percentage of rent lost due to empty properties was 1.83% against a target of 1.5% for 2007/08 overall. Performance at this stage is a significant improvement on the figure of 3.2% for the same period last year.

Customer (Stakeholders)

4.2During Quarter 1, 2007/08, Clackmannanshire Council:

  • Saw an improvement in the average time to process new benefit claims to 43 days from 48 days in Quarter 4, 2006/07. The target is 30 days.
  • Achieved an average time to process changes in circumstances for benefit claims of 19 days, favourable against the target of 20 days.
  • Saw a decline in the percentage of calls resolved at first point of contact at the call centre from an average of 81% in Quarter 4, 2006/07 to 78%. The target is 85%.
  • Completed 98% of all emergency repairs within 4 hours against a target of 98%.
  • Saw a slight unfavourable decline in the percentage of building warrants responded to within 15 days, from 89% in Q4 2006/07 to 86%.
  • Achieved an improvement to 92% in the percentage of household planning applications determined within 2 months. It was 83% in Q4 2006/07. The target is 95%.
  • Saw an unfavourable fall in the percentage of social enquiry reports submitted to courts by due date, from 83% in Q4, 2006/07 to 81%. The target is 100%.
  • Primary School attendance was 96% against a target of 95%, although Secondary School attendance was below the 93% target at 91%.

Internal business processes

4.3During Quarter 1, 2007/08, Clackmannanshire Council:

  • Saw a slight increase in the percentage of housing rent arrears to 7.6% from 7.3% in Q4, 2006/07. The wider trend, however, remains positive compared with an 8.9% level achieved in June 2006. The target is 7.5%.
  • Submitted 52% of reports to the Children’s Hearing Panel within 20 days, against a target of 100%.
  • Improved the average time interval from Adult Care assessment to service start date from 44 days to 41 days.
  • Saw an unfavourable decline from 66% to 55% in the proportion of new probationers seen by a supervising officer within one week.
  • Took 44 days, on average, to fill a vacancy, against a target of 40 days. This is an improvement on the previous quarter, 72 days.

Learning and growth

4.4During Quarter 1, 2007/08, Clackmannanshire Council:

  • Saw an improvement in sickness absence for all staff to 4.5% against a target of 4.8%. Sickness absence levels are significantly favourable when compared to the same period last year.
  • Improved sickness absence for admin, professional, technical and other staff to 4.8%, achieving the target level for the first time since balanced scorecard reporting began.
  • Achieved improved manual worker sickness absence to 5.1% against a target of 4.8%. This represents a considerable improvement on the same time last year.
  • Saw an improvement in performance for teacher sickness absence, to an average of 3.4%, against a target of 4.8%.


5.1.There are no significant sustainability implications arising directly from this report.


6.1.There are no significant financial implications arising directly from this report.


(1)The recommendations contained within this report support or implement Corporate Priorities, Council Policies and/or the Community Plan:

  • Corporate Priorities (Key Themes) (Please tick )

Achieving Potential
Maximising Quality of Life
Securing Prosperity
Enhancing the Environment
Maintaining an Effective Organisation

  • Council Policies (Please detail)
  • Community Plan (Themes) (Please tick )

Community Safety 
Economic Development
Environment and Sustainability
Health Improvement

(2)In adopting the recommendations contained in this report, 
the Council is acting within its legal powers. (Please tick )

(3)The full financial implications of the recommendations contained
in this report are set out in the report. This includes a reference
to full life cycle costs where appropriate. (Please tick )

Head of Business Improvement & Technology Services

Director of Corporate Development

Appendix A Corporate Measures Q1, 2007/08

Financial Measures

1. The Percentage of Council Tax income for year collected in year

Key points:

  • 25.4% of all Council Tax was collected against a target of 25.4%.
  • Collection rates follow a similar trend to 2006/07 when 25.3% of all Council Tax was collected.
  • Approximately £5 million of Council Tax has been collected to date.

Management Action: Ensure that the recovery timetable is kept up to date and manage performance to ensure target performance is met.

2. Percentage of income due to business rates received at the end of the year

Key points:

  • Council Tax collection is improved on the same period in 2006/07.
  • By June 2007, 16.28% of NDR had been collected.
  • Performance is favourable when compared with the service target (15.2%).

Management Action: Continue to manage the collection level and ensure that the recovery timetable kicks in within the Statutory Timetable starting September 2007.

3. Percentage of rent lost due to unoccupied dwellings

Key points:

  • The percentage of rent loss due to unoccupied dwellings has improved from 1.9% at 31 March 2007 to 1.8% at 30 June 2007.
  • This improvement has occurred despite a higher number of properties becoming void during Quarter 1.
  • Housing Services has set a stretching target for this year, with performance currently running just above that level.

Management Action: Maintain regular meetings with Property Contract Unit to discuss and address performance.

Customer (stakeholder) Measures

1. Average days to process new benefit claims (days)

Key points:

  • The overall performance for the 1st Quarter 2007/2008 is an average of 43 days to process new claims. This is an improvement on the average for 4th Quarter 2006/07, which was 48 days.
  • The average processing time remains unfavourable against target, 30 days.

Management Action: Actively targeting improvements in performance in new claims processing using recently introduced technology and expect to meet the annual target for 2007/08 which is 30 days.

2. Average days to process change in circumstances (days)

Key points:

  • Following a period of sustained performance in which process times have dramatically improved from a low of 37 days in April 2006 to a high of 16 days in March 2007, performance is averaging at 19 days for Quarter 1.
  • The average processing time remains favourable against the 20 day target.

Management Action: Continue to manage to ensure that the monthly performance remains within target

3. Percentage of calls resolved at first point of contact at the contact centre

NB: Data for January 2007 is unavailable due to changes in the telephony system.

Key points:

  • There was a decline in the percentage of calls resolved at first point of contact at the contact centre from an average of 81% in Quarter 4 2006/07 to 78%. The target is 85%.
  • Performance remains favourable when compared with the same period last year.

Management Action: Continue to manage problem areas to ensure that targets are achieved.

4. Repairs completed within emergency target (4 hours)

Key points:

  • Performance remains consistent over the quarter at an average of 98% completed on time.
  • The target has been achieved.

Management Action: Maintain regular meetings with Property Contract Unit to discuss and address performance.

5. Percentage of building warrants responded to within 15 days

Key points:

  • There has been a decline in the percentage of building warrants responded to within 15 days, from an average of 89% in Quarter 4, 2006/07 to 86% in Quarter 1. Key issues were:
  • Uniform (the service’s computer system) was upgraded during this period and the service encountered some compatibility problems which had a negative impact upon the service’s performance. This has now been addressed.
  • April was an extraordinarily busy period for the service with increased building warrant volumes.
  • The service met its target of 85%.

Management Action: Manage the backlog and ensure it has a limited impact upon future performance

6. Householder Planning Applications determined within 2 Months

Key points:

  • There was an improvement in the percentage of Householder applications determined within 2 months during the quarter.
  • The service experienced an increased number of applications during Quarter 4 2006/07 hence the favourable increase in performance during Quarter 1 2007/08.

Management Action: Seek to sustain the improvement in performance through the implementation of the business change improvement action plan and the application of self improvement principles identified through the PSIF pilot exercise.

7. Proportion of Social Enquiry Reports submitted to court by due date

Key points:

  • Over four fifths of enquiries were submitted to courts by the due date.
  • Trends illustrate a performance decline over the last year.
  • During the period, the service has experienced an increase in the number of reports made by the Courts and this has restricted staff ability to respond within timescale.

Management Actions: Investigate, determine the reasons for unfavourable performance and put in place improvement actions.

8. Primary and Secondary Pupil attendance

Key points:

  • There was sustained positive performance in primary school attendance, 96%. The target is 95%.
  • Attendance levels in secondary schools has remained just below the target of 93%, at an average of 91%.

Management Action: Continue to monitor and manage. Investigate why there has been a fall in secondary school attendance during June and take remedial action.

internal business processes

1. Percentage of tenancy empty houses that were re-let within 4 weeks

Key points:

  • There has been a decline in the percentage of empty houses re-let within 4 weeks in Quarter 1 when compared with Quarter 4, 2006/07.
  • Despite this, the level of empty houses re-let in 4 weeks is on target at an average of 20 days over the quarter as a whole.
  • Performance is favourable when compared with the same time last year.
  • Work has now started on reviewing all the processes from termination of a property to the date that it is let.
  • The service plans to focus on streamlining steps in the voids and lettings process including a focussed review on how it manages terminations of tenancies, particularly where the correct notice period is given by the outgoing tenant.

Management Actions: Joint working between lettings and property staff will be implemented over the summer months to work on a comprehensive review of the voids and lettings processes. Management plan to implement a fast track system to ensure improved performance.

2. Housing rent arrears percentage (net)

Key points:

  • There has been a slight negative trend over the 1st Quarter although the longer term trend continues to be positive and on track to achieve the target.
  • Arrears have decreased from 8.9% in Jul 2006 to 7.6% by June 2007.

Management Actions: Continue to manage and control rent arrears through the improvement plan.

3. Proportion of reports to the Children’s Hearing submitted within twenty days

Key points:

  • Performance continues to improve, but is still under target by a considerable margin.
  • Performance is unfavourable when compared with the same period last year.
  • Increased staffing levels and the new position of Reporters Liaison Officer being made permanent has assisted improvement.

Management Actions: Continue to manage and improve performance.

4. Average time interval from Adult Care assessment to service start date (days)

Key points:

  • Performance continues to improve and is favourable against target.
  • Performance is favourable when compared with the same period last year.

Management Actions: identify problem areas and continue to manage and improve performance.

5. Proportion of new probationers seen by a supervising officer within one week

Key points:

  • Performance remains below target and continues to be variable from one quarter to another.
  • Improvement actions have been implemented, however, it is acknowledged that systems put in place have not been sufficiently effective to remedy performance.

Management Action: Investigate reason for the decline in performance by next quarter and produce and implement action plan.

6. Number of working days to fill vacancy (from request to HR to job acceptance)

Key points:

  • During Quarter 1, 2007/08 it took on average 44 days to fill a vacancy from request to job acceptance.
  • Quarter 1 is favourable compared with previous performance although still over target.

Management Action: Continue to manage and deliver improvement.

learning and growth

1. Percentage of Staff Absence (all staff)

Key points:

  • There has been a significant improvement in sickness levels over Quarter 1, which is nowfavourable against the target of 4.8%.
  • Sickness levels are considerably favourable in relation to the same period 2006/07.
  • The overall average figures mask substantial variations amongst different employee groups and across different services. The Attendance Management Group has identified ‘hotspots’ for investigation by the relevant services, supported by HR.

Management Action: Implementation of Attendance Management Group Action Plan andfollow up with specific staff groups.

2. Percentage of Staff Absence (admin, professional, technical and others)

Please Note: This group includes, all admin, professional, technical staff and Chief Officers

Key points:

  • There has been an improvement in sickness levels during Quarter 1.
  • At the end of Quarter 1, sickness levels are favourable, when compared to the same time last year and the target.
  • The average sickness level for the quarter is 4.8%, which is at the target level for the first time since balanced scorecard reporting began.

Management Action: Implementation of Attendance Management Group Action Plan. Continue to monitor and promote active management of sickness absence.

3. Percentage of Staff Absence (Manual Worker)

Key points:

  • On average, sickness levels have improved in Quarter 1 in comparison with Quarter 4, 2006/07.
  • Overall, sickness levels remain favourable compared with last year’s figures.
  • Average sickness levels for the Quarter overall is 5.1%, which is unfavourable when compared to the target (4.8%).

Management Action: Implementation of Attendance Management Group Action Plan. Continue to monitor and promote active management of sickness absence.

4. Percentage of Staff Absence (Craft)

Key points:

  • There has been a significant increase in staff absence during the quarter to 5.2% at June 2007, although, when averaged out over the quarter as a whole, performance has improved on Quarter 4 2006/07.
  • Trends in previous years tend to indicate an increase in staff absence during the month of July. A similar trend appears to be developing this year, albeit commencing slightly earlier in June.
  • On average overall sickness, levels remain favourable compared with last year’s figures and are favourable against target.

Management Action: Continue to monitor and promote active management of sickness absence.

5. Percentage of Staff Absence (Teachers)

Key points:

  • There has been an improvement in performance compared with Quarter 4, 2006/07, although it is slightly unfavourable when compared with the same time last year.
  • Absence continues to remain favourable against target with an average of 3.4% for the quarter against a target of 4.8%.

Management Action: Continue to monitor and promote active management of sickness absence. Examine reasons/patterns of absence across schools to identify if any causes.

Appendix B glossary

Balanced Scorecard = A collection of key measures which are subdivided into four quadrants, depending on what they relate to financial, Customer/Stakeholder, Internal Process, and Learning and Growth.

Budget variance = the difference in budget between forecasted and actual spend.

Council tax income = percentage of total income collected in the financial year.

Recoverable Overpayment = percentage of overpayments recovered within the current financial year.

FOI = Freedom of Information requests made by the general public and organisations to the Council.

Housing Rent Arrears = The total annual charges levied by the Council in respect of rent and services for the housing and other stock held by HRA net of both housing benefit and rent loss due to voids.

Sanctions = Department of Work & Pensions set annual target of number of administrative penalties and cautions applied.

Benefit Claims = Housing and Council Tax Benefit.

Staff Absence = percentage of time lost within a month due to staff sickness absence.

Unoccupied dwellings: Unoccupied dwellings are housing owned by the council that are vacant. This does not include empty properties subject to a council decision to demolish or transfer, properties that are subject to an insurance claim, properties that are undergoing major structural or modernisation work, or properties used for decant and lock ups and garages.

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