Design Report

Purpose: The purpose of the website is to provide cheap advertisement to my company as well as showing the public what is available in a wide range of sport shoes.

Target Audience: The age range of this website can vary from children young as eight years old to people well in their elderly.

Style: My website will have a pretty basic layout; which will have two ways to navigate on the website with a link to the different types of shoes on the left hand side of the website and a navigation toolbar at the top of the website which will have similar links for user friendly navigation. The company logo will be at the top at the page with a few images of some of the shoe brands that are for offer.

I have chosen two websites with the sort of layout I’m looking to implement on my own website and they are: The layouts of both websites are fairly basic but they are precise and tell the user what their purpose is and what they are trying to sell.

Usability and Navigation: Each page will have a link on the left hand side of the webpage and at the top centre of the page. The links at the top of the page would look like something from this website ( and as you can see the links are on the top and they seem to stand out from the website banner which enables easy navigation for the user. For the links of the left side I’d be aiming for something similar to what this website has done: ( I like the way they have done this because it looks very basic and when you put your cursor over the buttons it lights up.

Colour scheme:The colour’s I will be using for the website are a light blue Colour and a silver colour. These two colours’ will try and present a cool and calm image; they don’t really overpower each other so it will be a nice blend for the webpage.

Typography:Headers – 40 point size, times new roman

Navigation Areas – 12 point size, BodoniMT

Subheadings – 18 point size, times new roman

Body Text – 12 point size, times new roman

Images:The file types that will be used will be .gif for a preview of a picture and .jpeg for the full size image. The images them selves will be sourced from Google images and other various websites.

User Feedback:There will be a contact us section on the website so people with any queries and problems will be able to email the site owner.

Summary:When designing this website I will be looking to keep it very basic so there won’t really be too much flashy stuff besides maybe some flash animation added into some of the buttons but besides from that I’m not trying to make it look overdone just precise and straight to the point. If this was for a real business I would still stand by the decision to make it not look overdone but rather make it more user friendly where things can be easily accessed and easy to find your way around the webpage.