Using Excel to Teach Probability and Graphing

Open up your packet of M&M candies. Sort the M&Ms by color.

Now we will use Microsoft Excel to determine the probability of finding a certain color in an individual pack of M&Ms.

Label Cell A1 “Color”

Label Cell B1 “Number”

Label Cell C1 “Percent”

In Column A, enter the colors in your packet (red, yellow, brown, etc).

In column B, enter the total number for each color. (i.e. 3, 5, 8)

To Use the AutoSum Feature:

After all of the listed colors in Column A, type “Total.”

To add numbers using AutoSum:

  1. In Column B, select the cell to the right of the “Total.”
  2. Choose the AutoSum icon.
  1. Make certain all cells are identified.
  2. Press Enter.

To Change the Format of Numbers to Percent:

1.  Select the Cells

2.  Format/Cells/Number/choose Percentage/0 decimal places/OK.

To Use Formulas (as a calculator):

Arithmetic Operator / Meaning / Example Using Numbers / Example Using Cell
For A5 = 3 and A6 = 1
+ (plus sign) / Addition / =3+3 / =A5+A6
- (minus sign) / Subtraction / =3-1 / =A5-A6
* (asterisk) / Multiplication / =3*3 / =A5*A6
/ (forward slash) / Division / =3/3 / =A5/A6

1.  In Cell C2, create the formula by typing = (B2/B6.)

2.  Enter.

3.  Repeat relatively for the remaining cells. (In cell C3 type =B3/B6 and in cell C4 type =B4/B6. It is the number of the certain color divided by the total of all colors.)

To Check for Correct Answers:

Use the AutoSum feature to verify that the percentage totals 100%.

To Create a Chart:

Highlight (by clicking and dragging), the colors and numbers (the range A2:B4). It is important not to include the text from row 1, the percent column, and the total row.

Click on the Chart Wizard button.

Step 1 of 4: Choose a Chart Type and preview by holding down the “Press and Hold to View Sample” button. Click Next.

Step 2 of 4: Chart Source Data. Click Next.

Step 3 of 4: Chart Options Click on the Legend tab and click the check box in front of “Show legend” to remove the check. This will remove the legend from the chart area since the increments are obvious on this chart. Click Next.

Step 4 of 4: Chart Location. Click Finish. The default choice will place the chart on the same sheet as the data.

To Change the Bar Colors on a Chart:

1.  Click on one of the chart bars. Click the same bar a second time to select just that bar. Then use the fill color icon to fill the bar with the corresponding color. Repeat this process for the other bars.

2.  If the chart will not be viewed in color, the Fill Effects option allows patterns and textures to be used.

To Change the Chart Type or Chart Options:

  1. Click on the Chart to select it. When it is selected, squares or sizing handles will surround the chart.
  1. On the Menu Bar, click Chart, Chart Type to change the chart to another standard or custom type.
  2. On the Menu Bar, click Chart, Chart Options to add such features as titles, legends and data labels.

To Add a Header or Footer:

From the Menu Bar, click View, Header and Footer to add information such as a student’s name. Also from this location the page may be previewed or printed.

Printing Hints:

  1. Always print preview before printing.
  2. If the chart is selected it will be the only thing that will print.
  3. By choosing File, Print Preview, Setup, and the Page tab, the orientation can be changed from portrait to landscape.
  4. By choosing File, Print Preview, Setup, and the Sheet tab, Gridlines and Row and column headings can be added to the printout.
  5. Once in Print Preview the document can be printed from there.