2017-19 Integrated Plan: Basic Skills Initiative, Student Equity, and Student Success and Support Program
Part I – Deadlines and Important Information
●Submission deadline: December 1, 2017
●The 2017-19 Integrated Plan will cover two years. The budget plan will reflect the 2017-18 allocations.
●Integrated fiscal reports will be required on an annual basis.
●All programmatic and student outcome data will be collected via existing MIS reporting. No additional data submissions are required.
●Colleges are encouraged to align integrated program plans with their college and district strategic plans/education master plans.
●Identify one individual and an alternate to serve as the point of contact for your college.
The integrated SSSP/Student Equity/BSI program model promotes integrated planning and program coordination at the district and college levels. The three programs retain separate requirements as specified in Education Code and title 5 regulations; these requirements are built into the Integrated Plan to ensure compliance with applicable law and regulations. In coming years, the Chancellor’s Office intends to pursue changes in Education Code and title 5 regulations to achieve even greater integration and alignment of the three programs in subsequent planning cycles.
Plans are to be developed in consultation with students, staff, administrators, faculty, Academic Senate, and members of the community as appropriate. Your plan must be adopted by the governing board of the community college district and submitted to the Chancellor’s Office by December 1, 2017. A separate plan must be submitted for each college in the district.
An effective plan is grounded in data. In developing your integrated plan, refer to existing data from your previous plans, additional statewide data, and/or data collected at your colleges. The Chancellor’s Office will explore and develop mechanisms and tools over the coming months to assist and support colleges in their data analysis effort, although colleges should proceed with existing resources to complete the 2017-19 plan. Areas of focus for these new tools will include access and completion for basic skills, workforce and CTE, and transfer level courses.
Although you are not required under this plan to submit your data, analysis, and each goal you set , Education Code requires that you analyze data and develop goals to address the following and to retain that information as part of your institutional records:
●Goals for the general population and for identified student groups, disaggregated by gender, as well as activities designed to address disproportionate impact using one of the Chancellor’s Office-approved methodologies. Education Code requires that colleges analyze data for the following student groups and, if appropriate, develop subgroup-specific goals: current or former foster youth, students with disabilities, low-income students, veterans, American Indian or Alaskan Native, Asian students, black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, white, some other race, and more than one race.
●Success rates for students with basic skills needs using Basic Skills Cohort Tracker data that show (1) the number of students successfully transitioning to college-level mathematics and English courses, and (2) the time it takes students to successfully transition to college-level mathematics and English courses.
In addition, the following data should inform your planning:
●Trends for incoming students related to engagement in the following activities: (1) orientation, (2) assessment, and/or (3) education planning.
●The number of students on academic or progress probation, referred to follow-up interventions or services, and successfully moved from probation—disaggregated into the student groups that must be included in your disproportionate impact analysis.
●The number of noncredit CDCP certificates awarded, if applicable.
●Noncredit course success data, such as the percentage of students earning a grade of pass (P) or satisfactory progress (SP), if applicable.
●The number of students who transition from noncredit to credit.
Part II – Program Goals and Planning
Questions 1 & 2 focus on what you have accomplished during the 2015-16 planning cycle.
- Assess your college’s previous program efforts:
- In the table below, list progress made toward achieving the goals outlined in your 2015-16 SSSP, Student Equity, and BSI plans. Expand the table as needed so that all of your goals are included.
In order to ensure alignment between Hartnell College student success initiatives, a steering committee was formed in the Fall 2014 semester (Chair for the SSSP committee, Chair of the SEP and BSI committees, Vice-President of Student Affairs, Dean of Institutional Effectiveness, and Director of Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) Initiatives on campus. The goal of this subcommittee has been to discuss and review alignment with the programs and services outlined in the SSSP, SEP, and BSI plans, as well as with the College’s Strategic Priorities and HSI initiatives to ensure consistency in college goals and objectives. The steering committee also focused on developing research data reports consistent with the data elements that are required in all student success initiatives, leveraging funds, closing gaps, and activity/goal alignment.
Integrated Goal 1: College Access PathwaysTo increase student access to Hartnell College from all service areas groups
2015-16 SEP Access Goal:
Improve access for target populations identified in the college research as experiencing a disproportionate impact
2015-16 BSI Access Goal:
Increase ESL class enrollment by 2 percent each year.
2015-16 SSSP Access Goal:
Develop, improve, and promote the use of the Hartnell College—7 Steps to Success Enrollment services to incoming students and increase completers by XX percent.
2015-16 Access Progress:
SSSP: In academic year 2014-2015, Hartnell College developed and implemented a program to fully matriculate students from the point of inquiry to registration and ultimately to enrollment into college student support programs. All incoming students (minus those students who meet the exemption criteria) are expected to participate in “Steps to Success,” a comprehensive set of services to prepare students for college enrollment.
In academic year 2014-2015, a total of 4,082 students received initial orientation services (California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, Spring 2015 MIS report). Need Spring 2016 MIS report
To ensure broad participation in Hartnell’s online orientation, the College Pathways team conducts orientation workshops at all of the District’s feeder high schools. The Hartnell College orientation addresses 27 content areas, including those mandated by title 5 section 55521.
BSI: ESL enrollment continues to be an issue;
Data to Support 2015-16 Access Progress:
Integrated Goal 2: Integrated Early and Academic Support (Course Completion)
To increase student persistence through the basic skills sequence and course completion to reach academic goals
2015-16 SSSP Course Completion Goal:
2015-16 SEP Course Completion Goal:
ToimproveESL/basic skills and course completion fortargetpopulationsidentifiedinthe collegeresearchas experiencingadisproportionateimpact
2015-16 BSI Course Completion Goal:
Increase success rates in integrated ESL classes by 2 percent each year;develop and implement new student academic support services for basic skills students in math, English, and ESL and increase the visibility, access, and use of electronic tutorial services at all three campuses for student groups experiencing disproportionate impact
2015-16 Course Completion Progress:
BSI: ESL enrollment continues to be an issue;
Data to support 2015-16 Course Completionprogress:
Integrated Goal 3:Time to Completion (Degree and Certificate Completion)
To shorten length of time to completion and units attempted and completed in goal completion
2015-16 SSSP Degree and Certificate Completion Goal:
2015-16 SEP Degree and Certificate CompletionGoal:
Improvedegreeandcertificatecompletion fortargetpopulationsidentifiedin the collegeresearchas experiencingadisproportionateimpact
2015-16 BSI Degree and Certificate CompletionGoal:
2015-16 Degree and Certificate Completion Progress:
Data to support 2015-16 Degree and Certificate Completionprogress:
Integrated Goal 4: Career Readiness
To increase career readiness and placement rates through delivery of comprehensive opportunities and services
2015-16 SSSP CareerReadinessGoal:
To increase student access and success by providing all entering students with core SSSP services to assist them in achieving their educational and career goals
2015-16 SEP CareerReadiness Goal:
2015-16 BSI CareerReadiness Goal:
2015-16 CareerReadiness Progress:
Data to support 2015-16 CareerReadiness progress:
Integrated Goal 5: Transfer Readiness
Improvedegreeandcertificatecompletion fortargetpopulationsidentifiedin the collegeresearchas experiencingadisproportionateimpact:
2015-16 SSSP Transfer Readiness Goal:
2015-16 SEP Transfer Readiness Goal:
Improvetransferfor targetpopulationsidentified inthecollegeresearchasexperiencinga disproportionateimpact
2015-16 BSI Transfer Readiness Goal:
2015-16 Transfer Readiness Progress:
Data to support 2015-16 Transfer Readiness goals:
- To what do you attribute your overall success or lack thereof? (This answer can be in narrative or bullet; 100 words maximum)
Goals outlined within the SSSP, Equity, and BSI plans were by and large successful. Most activities were met while others were adapted once implementation clarified how the theoretical planning could be put into practice. The success of the three plans stems from the focus on integrated planning as an institution, the mindfulness of the Strategic Plan and accreditation standards when developing plans, and the implementation of activities that are built around measurable and achievable outcomes.
- In the table below, identify one goal from your 2015-16 plans that intersects SSSP, Student Equity, and BSI and describe the integration activities. (Note: For the 2017-19 plan, integrated goals are required.)
Goal: Goal Persistence and Completion
Increase completion and persistence through the development and implementation of the Early Support Program (ESP) / Access
☑ESL/Basic Skills Completion
Degree & Certificate Completion
Activities in each program that serve the goal listed
SSSP / Provide follow-up services for struggling students, probation students, and basic skills students
SEP / Provide prescribed workshops and focused tutoring and study sessions (Study-A-Thon)
BSI / Embed ESP counselors and staff in basic skills English classes
- Describe one strategy or activity that your college has implemented that is resulting in significant gains in student completion or closing of achievement gaps. The Chancellor’s Office will use this information to assist in dissemination of effective practices to other colleges.
The implementation of an integrated Early Support Program (ESP) and Academic Support Program has allowed Hartnell College to leverage resources while providing students with comprehensive wrap-around services. Hours have been expanded for tutorial support in the development of the Panther Learning Labs, which offer nightevening and Saturday hours, online consultation and tutoring support, offers have been built into the service delivery model for academic support, and collaboration with faculty, all of which have promoted alignment with services offered and faculty expectations. Promotional materials frombothforeachprograms embed information from both ESP and PLL, presentations to students, faculty, and staff have messaging built in from each partner, and students are introduced from ESP to Academic Support as a part of the process of receiving services from Early Support. Students identified as having non-academic issues are then walked over from an academic support service to the Early Support team for an appointment. The ESP team identifies needs from faculty and students in regard to workshop topics and tutorial needs and shares information with the Panther Learning Lab staff,whichwhoinitiates development and/or facilitation of content specific workshops for students. The Panther Learning LabPLL and ESP teams offer a Study-A-Thon event several times a semester, which makes use of the College’s Student Center to bring faculty, tutorial staff, SI leaders, tutors, stress relief workshops, and food to the students to a centralized location to allow for more student participation and awareness of the academic support services at Hartnell College. All of the above processes are replicated at all three campuses to ensure equitable access to students across the district’s service area.
Questions 3-8 address the 2017-19 planning cycle.
- Establish integrated student success goals to be completed/achieved by June 30, 2019, along with corresponding activities designed to achieve those goals. Goals must be outcomes-based, using system-wide outcomes metrics. For example:
●Basic skills completion, including, but not limited to, (1) increasing the number of students successfully transitioning to college-level mathematics and English courses, and 2) reducing the time it takes students to successfully transition to college-level mathematics and English courses.
●Closing achievement gaps for disproportionately impacted groups.
●Improving success rates in degree attainment, certificate attainment, and transfer.
●Improved identification of and support for students at-risk for academic or progress probation.
●Deeper collaborations with high school districts, workforce agencies, or other community partners, particularly to increase students’ college and job readiness
●Improved noncredit student success for those with noncredit offerings (e.g., CDCP certificates awarded, course success, and noncredit-to-credit transition)
Select five integrated goals for the period covering this plan and complete the following table, showing how each goal connects across programs as well as the activities/steps you will implement to achieve each goal (Note: not all cells are required to be completed for each goal, but goals should cross at least two programs). Include at least one goal for each of three programs: Student Success and Support Program (core services), Student Equity, and Basic Skills.
Complete the table on the next page. Add rows as needed to list all five goals.
INTEGRATED GOAL 1:College Access Pathways
To increase student access to Hartnell College from all service areas groups / Access
ESL/Basic Skills Completion
Degree & Certificate Completion
Activities in each program that serve the goal listed
SSSP / Facilitate the Steps to Success (Apply to Hartnell/Apply for Financial Aid, orientation, assessment, counseling, registration, pay fees, obtain a Cat Card) for all partner high schools, adult schools, and other community partners to increase enrollment and set up students for success
Increase for-credit offerings with partner high schools through AB 288 and local correctional facilities through SB 1391 (Salinas Valley State Prison, Soledad Correctional Training Facility, the Youth Facility, and the Monterey County Jail)
SEP / Provide extended opportunities for special populations groups into support services such as the Guardian Scholars Program, EOPS, TRiO, DSPS, Special Programs, and the Veterans Center
Promote financial aid opportunities through marketing, workshops, and visits to partners
Provide up-to-date information in both English and Spanish on websites, the orientation, and in other venues that will promote equal access within our service area
Promote food security through training for obtaining available resources, establishment of a food pantries, and nutrition awareness campaigning
BSI / Expand the noncredit curriculum for ESL and basic skills, including career readiness courses to provide increased opportunities at Hartnell College for adult education students
Integrated Early and Academic Support
To increase persistence, course completion, and help students help persist through the basic skills sequence to reach academic goalsTo increase student persistence through the basic skills sequence and course completion to reach academic goals / Access
ESL/Basic Skills Completion
Degree & Certificate Completion
Activities in each program that serve the goal listed
SSSP / Provide a structure Early Support Program (ESP) that focuses on three main support areas: embedding faculty, staff, student mentors into basic skills classrooms, providing academic and non-academic support to students through referrals (self-referred or otherwise), and facilitating workshops and intervention for students at risk of falling into the academic dismissal process
SEP / Expand and systematize the Academic Support System at Hartnell College through opening of Panther Learning Labs on all three campuses, establish more fully developed training for service delivery and customer service to students, facilitation of faculty training in the use of Supplemental Instruction Leaders, expansion of Peer Led Team Learning through development of worksheets and DLAs, expansion of workshops, ESL conversation groups, faculty collaboration, and expansion of online tutorials services
BSI / Identify and promote high impact practices across the Hartnell community, such as Habits of Mind, Grit, and Reading Apprenticeship and develop a campaign that builds such practices into the service delivery model of the campus
Identify low-cost materials for students that provide contextualized information for specific courses
Goal: Time to Completion
To shorten length of time to completion and units attempted and completed in goal completion. / Access
ESL/Basic Skills Completion
Degree & Certificate Completion
Activities in each program that serve the goal listed
SSSP / Promote guided pathways and increase the number of students completing comprehensive educational plans
Establish decision rules using high school GPAs that place students into appropriate levels of math and English, and make the process for using multiple measures placement active for Hartnell and passive for incoming students
Work with partner high schools to increase dual enrollment opportunities to promote a college going culture that will help students to complete goals more quickly and efficiently
SEP / Establish strategic partnerships with disciplines to ensure proper academic support interventions are in place
Institutionalize the Math and Reading/Writing Academies to promote acceleration through transfer level math and English sequences
Establish study hall for first-year student athletes and for those who struggled through the first year
BSI / Develop accelerated curriculum (such as StatWay) and stretch curriculum that provides students with content specific for their goals while also providing the support structure to move through the math and English sequences faster and more efficiently
Promote mini-professional development workshops in all division and discipline meetings that focus on culturally responsive pedagogy and high impact classroom practices
Career Readiness
To increase career readiness and placement rates through delivery of comprehensive opportunities and services / Access
ESL/Basic Skills Completion
Degree & Certificate Completion
Other: Post-college Employment
Activities in each program that serve the goal listed
SSSP / Develop partnerships with the Transfer and Career Center, internship program, and job placement staff (funded by Strong Workforce and housed at the Alisal Campus, where the core CTE programs are offered) which offer a systematic approach to goal selection, planning, and skills and knowledge needed for obtaining career goals
SEP / Promote internship opportunities through a stabilized summer internship program, offer cultural capital workshops, and promote career opportunities in high demand fields through the use of mentoring programs such as MILE and WELI, and STEM focused programs such as MESA
Establish a cooperative education program that will provide credit for work experience and opportunities for internships and externships
BSI / Offer ESP services that align academic support with programs specific to programs at the Alisal Campus
Develop one-minute long videos for mobile devices that contextualize basic skills math for CTE students