Re-designing systems of care: Learning network 2017

Registration form

The King’s Fund learning network meetings provide an opportunity for peer-to-peer learning, challenge, and information-sharing, and enable members to work through issues with colleagues facing similar challenges as well as providing protected time for individuals.

Key details for this learning network:

·  Will involve participation in five meetings of one day in length, held over an 18 month period.

·  Four people from each community are invited to attend each learning network meeting. Participants should be at a senior level, and as far as possible there should be some continuity in who attends meetings.

·  Participants should ideally span different health and social care organisations across a place and have a shared ambition to re-design health and care services care locally.

·  Network meetings will be facilitated and relevant external speakers will be invited to share insights on relevant topics. The group will also be able to draw upon expertise from other staff at the Fund, as well as our latest research and publications.

·  The topics covered at these meetings will be selected in discussion with group members.

·  The first learning network meeting will be held on 7 April at The King’s Fund in London.

·  Further dates are as follow: 15 June, 22 August, 20 October and 11 January 2018.

·  Each community will also have access to three free conference places, providing an opportunity to learn from UK and international experts.

·  The fee for the learning network will be £5,200 (plus VAT) per community. This fee includes catering and venue costs for meetings; participants will cover their own travel and any hotel expenses.

Contact details

Please print clearly in black ink or type.

Name of key contact:
Job title:
Organisation and participating community:
Work address:

This application is confidential and only to be used for this learning network. Please return to: Tracy Nottage - - The King’s Fund | 11–13 Cavendish Square | London W1G 0AN

How to use and apply for the three complementary conference spaces:
·  The three places can be booked on our one-day conferences taking place from January to December 2017. No places can be carried over into the following years.
·  The Leadership Summit and The King’s Fund’s Annual Conference are not included in this offer.
·  Only one place of the three can be used to attend the Integrated Care Summit.
·  To book on any of our conferences, please contact Tracy Nottage.
·  All conferences can be found at the following link:
Learning Network cancellation policy:
All cancellations and substitutions should be confirmed in writing before the event.
·  Cancellation four weeks prior to commencement of the programme: 50 per cent of fee.
·  Cancellation two to three weeks prior to commencement of the programme: 75 per cent of fee.
·  Cancellation one week prior to commencement of the programme: 100 per cent of fee.
We are not able to make a refund for non-attendance.
The King's Fund reserves the right to cancel programmes at any stage and return any booking fee paid. In the event of cancellation, we will make all reasonable efforts to offer alternative development opportunities.
If you wish to transfer to another date, please inform us no later than four weeks prior to commencement of programme originally booked. Transfers made after this time will be treated as a cancellation.
Any cancellation made after transfer to another programme will be charged at 100 per cent of the fee.
I confirm that I have read and agree to the terms and conditions and to the Cancellation Policy.
Signed: / Date:

The King’s Fund is an advocate of equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion. We would be grateful ifyou could also take a few seconds to fill in our diversity monitoring questionnaire.

Any information provided is anonymised, entirely confidential and will not inform the selection process.This questionnaire is not obligatory but by completing it you will help us monitor the effectiveness of our approach to this issue.The request for this information and the uses to which it will be put are within the scope of the Data Protection Act 1998, which allows for the collation and reporting of sensitive data for monitoring purposes. We are collecting this information in order to establish a better understanding of participants on our programmes.