College Curriculum Review Committee
Meeting Minutes – December 9, 2015
Members Present: D. Bacigalupi; K. Bratge; R. Casella; C. Costell Corbin; L. Czirr; I. Jordak; J. Kim; M. DiVita; E. Gravani; J. Hartsock;
J. O’Callaghan; J. Peck; C. Van Der Karr; S. Wilson
Absent: T. Hanford;
Topic / Comments / ActionMinutes / The minutes from 11/11/2015 were approved. / Approved
New Business
1. New Course Proposal
EDU 482 – Administration of Childcare Centers and Programs / The committee suggested to shorten the catalog description, and that it be properly formatted. R. Casella made a motion to contingent pass; seconded by J. O’Callaghan. Unanimous. / Contingent Pass
2. Alteration of an Existing Course
ECE 330 – Assessment of Young Learners with Diverse Needs / The catalog description needs to align with proper formatting. The prefix should be changed to EDU. S. Wilson made a motion to contingent pass; seconded by R. Casella. Unanimous. / Contingent Pass
3. Alteration of an Existing Course
ECE 431 – Integrated Curriculum Development for Young Learners II / The catalog description needs to align with proper formatting. The prefix should be changed to EDU. S. Wilson made a motion to contingent pass; seconded by R. Casella. Unanimous. / Contingent Pass
4. Alteration of an Existing Course
ECE 435 – Children’s Literacy Across the Curriculum / The catalog description needs to align with proper formatting. The prefix should be changed to EDU. S. Wilson made a motion to contingent pass; seconded by J. O’Callaghan. Unanimous. / Contingent Pass
5. Alteration of an Existing Course
ECE 490 – Student Teaching I / The committee asked to confirm that the prefix and pre/co requisites are correct. C. Van Der Karr made a motion to contingent pass; seconded by L. Czirr. Unanimous. / Contingent Pass
6. Alteration of an Existing Course
ECE 491 – Student Teaching II / The committee asked to confirm that the prefix and pre/co requisites are correct. C. Van Der Karr made a motion to contingent pass; seconded by L. Czirr. Unanimous. / Contingent Pass
7. Alteration of an Existing Course
ECE 492 – Seminar in Student Teaching / The committee asked to confirm that the prefix and pre/co requisites are correct. S. Wilson made a motion to contingent pass; seconded by M. DiVita. Unanimous. / Contingent Pass
8. Alteration of an Existing Course
EDU 333 – Children, Families and Their Community / C. Van Der Karr made a motion to recommend; seconded by M. DiVita. Unanimous. / Passed
9. Alteration of an Existing Course
EDU 481 – Internship in the Professional Development School / C. Van Der Karr made a motion to recommend; seconded by S. Wilson. Unanimous. / Passed
10. Early Childhood and Early Childhood Special Education Program / The Registrar’s Office will need to verify the program code for this altered program. The side-by-side should remove the GE 13 reference. The committee would like to see a shorter, more concise program name. R. Casella made a motion to recommend; seconded by C. Costell Corbin. Unanimous. / Contingent Pass
11. New Course Proposal
CAP 251 – Introduction to Website Development / I. Jordak would like to have the full text for the acronym that is provided in the course description. This edit will be made by the CCRC chair during the approval process. J. O’Callaghan recommended that the CAP 351 course title be changed to align with this course title, as it is a follow-up to this course. J. O’Callaghan will talk to
M. Connell. C. Van Der Karr made a motion to recommend; seconded by R. Casella. Unanimous. / Passed
12. Alteration of an Existing Program
Communication Studies / C. Van Der Karr made a motion to recommend; seconded by J. O’Callaghan. Unanimous / Passed
13. Alteration of an Existing Program
Physical Education / PED 321 was not added to the program as indicated in the justification section. The electives need to be reduced to bring the program to 126 total credits.
E. Gravani will reach out to the department chair. S. Wilson made a motion to contingent pass; seconded by C. Costell Corbin. Unanimous. / Contingent Pass
14. Alteration of an Existing Course
EDU 355 – The Physical Education Curriculum: Planning and Practice / C. Van Der Karr made a motion to recommend; seconded by S. Wilson. Unanimous. / Passed
15. Alteration of an Existing Course
EDU 454 – Pre-Student Teaching Conference in Physical Education / C. Van Der Karr made a motion to recommend; seconded by M. DiVita. Unanimous. / Passed
16. Alteration of an Existing Course
EDU 470 – Foundations of Education in American Culture / C. Van Der Karr made a motion to recommend; seconded by C. Costell Corbin. Unanimous. / Passed
17. Alteration of an Existing Course
PED 321 – Movement Education / Clarification is needed on the prerequisite. E. Gravani will check with the department chair. S. Wilson made a motion to contingent pass; seconded by R. Casella. Unanimous. / Contingent Pass
18. Alteration of an Existing Course
PED 356 – Adapted Physical Education and Sport / R. Casella made a motion to recommend; seconded by C. Costell Corbin. Unanimous. / Passed
19. Alteration of an Existing Course
SPM 301 – Cross-Cultural Perspectives Abroad in Sport Management / Grade mode was not selected in the proposal. The CCRC chair will make this edit during the approval process. S. Wilson made a motion to recommend; seconded by L. Czirr. Unanimous. / Passed
20. Alteration of an Existing Course
SPM 310 – Ethical Issues in Sport / S. Wilson made a motion to recommend; seconded by
E. Gravani. Unanimous. / Passed
21. Alteration of an Existing Course
SPM 325 – Introduction to Sport Analytics / C. Costell Corbin made a motion to recommend; seconded by S. Wilson. Unanimous. / Passed
22. Alteration of an Existing Course
SPM 420 – Sport Entrepreneurship / C. Costell Corbin made a motion to recommend; seconded by S. Wilson. Unanimous. / Passed
21. Tabled Proposals / The following proposals were tabled, to be discussed at the next meeting:
REC/SAB 478; SAB 678; SAB 477/677 / Tabled
Meeting Adjournment / With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:55 p.m. / Adjourned
Submitted by Pam Schroeder
Approved 1/27/2016