Terms of Reference TA - Nutrition SurveillanceSpecialist

Port au Prince, Haiti

Job Title:Nutrition Surveillance Specialist

Location:Port au Prince with frequent trips to the field

Duration:6 months

Reporting to: Head of Nutrition Section, UNICEF, Haiti

Start date:10thApril 2010

  1. Background:

The pre-crisis nutritional status of children and women in Haiti was poor where food insecurity affected 1.8 million people. Global acute malnutrition (GAM) prevalence among 6-59m olds was 4.5% and severe acute malnutrition (SAM) 0.8% (last assessed in 2008/09) and national surveys over the past 10 years show rates as high as 9%. An estimated 1,549 infants < 6m of age had GAM and 275 had SAM. Chronic malnutrition (stunting) has remained stagnant from 2005-2008 at about 29%, and low birth weight at 25%. While breastfeeding was almost universally practiced, exclusive breast feeding was only 41% and about 80% of breastfed 6-9m infants received complementary food, but the quality of diet was likely poor. Likewise, >60% of 6-59m olds children suffered from anaemia; with prevalence among children <24m old being 75%. In addition, 46% of women (15-49 years) suffered from anaemia (DHS 2005). Vitamin A supplementation coverage was also below the target coverage rate of 80% in all but 2 Departments.

  1. Impact of the earthquake:

The earthquake disrupted nutrition related services, increased food insecurity, disrupted livelihoods, increased the risk of infection and communicable diseases, disrupted feeding practices and consequently, placed very large numbers of infants, young children, pregnant and lactating women and other population groups (elderly, disabled and injured) at increased risk of mortality and malnutrition particularly acute malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies.

  1. Immediate response so far:

UNICEF is co-chairing the Nutrition Cluster with Ministry of Health. There are 45 registered Cluster members, with over 100 different partners having participated in Cluster meetings as well as 33 Global nutrition partners focusing on IYCF, CMAM, Micronutrient deficiency preventions and control activities, and nutrition information system.UNICEF, in close collaboration with the Ministry of Health (MoH), is the Nutrition Cluster Coordinator. Establishing a surveillance system is one of the identified needs for the Haiti response. Among other things, this function includes extending assistance to partners on:

  • The collection and collation of the data, which NGOs submit to UNICEF on a monthly basis,
  • The creation of a database for surveys
  • The coordination and implementation of nutrition survey to establish the impact of the current crisis on nutritional status of the affected population surveys to cover the areas of gap
  • The establishment sentinel sites which feeds into nutrition surveillance systems with regular data coming from the field.

The information gathered through cross sectional surveys and the from sentinel sites as well as the feeding center data will feed into a monthly Nutrition Update report to provide an overall analysis. This will guide intervention activities, and flag health and food security programming or information needs in the affected areas.

Specific Objectives

  • Ensure the availability of high quality timely and appropriate nutrition data from Haiti to inform programme decision and planning though support the overall coordination of the Haiti Nutrition Surveillance System.

Specific Activities

  • Technical coordinator for the Haiti Nutrition Surveillance systems
  • Provide ongoing capacity building of the sentinel site teams and UNICEF staff, so that high-quality data is collect from these sites.
  • Maintain the already developed system for analysis of the sentinel site data and train the teams in maintaining this database.
  • Consolidate state level information and other secondary information (nutrition survey data, monthly feeding center reporting data, routine food security, nutrition, WASH and health information collected from sentinel sites, and input from secondary data) into a nutrition surveillance monthly update.
  • Conduct training for the UN, NGO and governmentstaff and focal point at various levels in data analysis and reporting
  • Develop the surveillance system and conduct regular review of the systems which should feed the changing information needs in the Haiti within the context of the seasonality in addition to the effect of the earthquake.
  • Represent UNICEF in presenting the surveillance report to all stakeholders, including donors.
  • Focal point for up to date nutrition data for all relevant actors, donors and agencies for Haiti
  • Support the Nutrition Cluster coordinator and the Chief of Nutrition section in other cluster and programme related tasks in the for the nutrition section

Expected Outputs

  • Nutrition survey report
  • Bimonthly Nutrition Surveillance Update
  • OCHA quarterly nutrition updates
  • Monthly internal UNICEF nutrition updates
  • Functional database for all the nutrition surveillance data sources.


  • Advanced university degree in Health, Nutrition, Social Sciences, or other related field. - a BSc/ MSc or equivalent is required.
  • The candidate should be a qualified nutritionist with experience of carrying out nutritional surveys and establishment and managing Nutrition Surveillance system


  • 5 years of progressively with NGO or UN agencies in programme formulation, planning, management, and evaluation, some of which should be in emergency programme management and operations.
  • Experience in implementation of supplementary and therapeutic feeding programmes, and associated logistical demands and Nutrition surveys/surveillance system
  • Excellent communication skills, organizational skills and the ability to work in a team.
  • Excellent analytical and report writing skills.
  • Previous experience in Sudan is an advantage
  • Sympathy with the aims and objectives of UNICEF.


Fluency in French, English and another UN language. Knowledge of Spanish is desirable.


  • Versatility, judgment, maturity, and the ability to work independently and experience in gathering and compilation of scientifically sound information from diverse sources.
  • Current knowledge of emergency nutrition guidelines, policies, as well as procedures in international humanitarian work.
  • Proven ability to conceptualize, innovate, plan and execute ideas
  • Leadership and organizational abilities.
  • Good analytical, negotiating, communication and advocacy skills.
  • Computer and writing skills (Epi-Info, SPSS), including internet navigation and various office applications.
  • Knowledge and experience in SMART and other survey methods
  • Demonstrated ability to work in a multi-cultural environment and establish harmonious and effective working relationships, both within and outside the organization.


  • Proactive with the ability to focus on solutions.
  • Good analytical skills.
  • Ability to work as a team member.
  • Ability to work in difficult circumstances.
  • Diplomatic skills.
  • Good interpersonal skills.
  • Good computer and writing skills,
  • Previous experience with NGOs, UN and/or UNICEF is an added advantage