Ramsgrange Community School

Subject Department Plan for:


Please return to folder in Staffroom marked ‘Subject Planning’ at the end of each meeting.

Record of Meetings (See Minutes for more details)

Meeting Date: / Venue: Room 4 / Duration:
Meeting Date: / Venue: Room 4 / Duration:
Attended by:
Meeting Date: / Venue: Room 4 / Duration:
Attended by:
Meeting Date: / Venue: Room 4 / Duration:
Attended by:
Meeting Date: / Venue: Room 4 / Duration:
Attended by:
Meeting Date: / Venue: Room 4 / Duration:
Attended by:


·  Programmes and Levels

·  Subject Aims

·  Subject Objectives

·  Subject Co-ordinator – Subject Teachers

·  Time Allocation, Options Structure and Timetabling

·  Grouping of Pupils (Mixed ability, Streaming)

·  Student Access to Subject/Level

·  Class Organisation

·  Textbooks and Course Materials

·  Planning for Students with Special Needs

·  Cross-Curricular Planning

·  Effective Teaching Methodologies

·  Provision for Health and Safety requirements

·  Curriculum Content


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6


·  Homework Procedures

·  Assessment Procedures

·  Record-Keeping Procedures

·  Reporting Procedures

·  Teacher In-Career Development

·  DES Subject Department Inspection

In this subject area, what programmes are offered and to what level are these programmes offered?

Programme / Levels
Link Modules / Common

Subject Aims: (see curriculum for guidance if required)

Subject Objectives: (see curriculum)


Co-ordinator of Programmes : Ms Louise Walsh

LCVP Team: Mr Conor Berry (5th & 6th Yr teacher)

Mr Jimmy Meaney (5th&6th Yr teacher)

Ms Maeve Walsh (5th & 6th Yr teacher)

Ms Mary Harris (Guidance)

Ms Katherine Curtis Jones (French)

Subject Teachers: Mr Conor Berry

Mr Jimmy Meaney

Ms Maeve Walsh

Ms Louise Walsh (Co-ordinator of Progs)

Time Allocation:

1st / 2nd / 3rd / TY / 5th / 6th
N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A / 2 X 40 mins
Plus French/Guidance / 3 x 40mins
Plus French/Guidance

Options Structure (How does this subject fit within the overall options structure at Ramsgrange CS?)

·  LCVP is offered every year and all students study all aspects of LCVP for 5th Year regardless of subject groupings etc

·  Only students eligible to do LCVP for exam purposes continue with the subject for 6th Year

·  Non-eligible students are given study time during LCVP time

Timetabling: (Identify best practice evident in current timetables and potential improvements for future years)

·  In 5th year – at least 3 x 40min periods is required (at least 1 double)

·  Students also receive Guidance/French in 5th year

·  In 6th Year – at least 3 x 40 min periods is required ( at least 1 double)

·  Students also receive Guidance/French in 6th Year

·  Due to the ICT element of the programme, computer room access for ALL of these periods is essential

Grouping of Pupils (Mixed ability or Streaming)

·  Students are divided into three randomly selected class groups at the start of 5th year. All classes are mixed ability

·  Students not eligible for LCVP for exam purpose in 6th year are divided out amongst the three groups

·  Students studying Business for Leaving Cert are divided evenly amongst the three groups

Student Access to Subject / Level: (Is this subject available to all students and at what level? What are the barriers to students taking this subject/level?)

All students if their subject groupings allow study LCVP

Class Organisation: (How are classes and class teaching groups organised within the timetable for this subject?)

Classes are mixed ability with a mix of non-eligible students and business students divided evenly between 3 groups

Textbooks and Course Materials:

Year / Textbooks / Course Materials
(range & variety of resources) / Location of shared resources
5th / Textbooks are only used to supplement teachers own notes.
All students are asked to have (and can buy from school from students running mini-enterprise)
·  USB key
·  Plastic Folder for notes
·  Refil pad
·  LCVP exam papers
Some copies of the following are also available
·  Enterprise in Action
·  World of Work
·  My Own Place
·  Planning the LCVP portfolio / Teacher Notes/Handouts
LCVP exam solutions of past q’s
Internet material from various sources particularly
Case Studies/Reports
Data Projector/Internet clips
Powerpoint Presentations from pdst website
Newspaper Articles/IT2000 articles
Visits in from Local Entrepreneurs
Visits out to Local Business and Wexford Business Expo
Visits in from Voluntary and Community Dev organisations / LCVP Dept Press in Staff Room
Shared Folder for LCVP on the School Network with vast resources following LCVP conference 2012
Notice Board in Business Area shows list of work experience employers available.
Enterprise notice board in Central area shows details of upcoming enterprise events and competitions
6th / As Above / As Above / As Above

Identify resource deficits for the subject department.


Identify means by which the subject department can eliminate this resource deficit.


Planning for Students with Special Needs: (Identify concrete ways that you can assist the Learning Support teachers to improve attainment levels for these students)

·  Individual teachers are informed at the beginning of each year of the students within the school who have SEN.

·  Teachers are given information about the specific nature of each student’s Special Educational Diagnosis and some suggestions (including examples of effective teaching strategies) for how best to accommodate these students within the classroom.

·  A central Resource timetable is published at the start of the year. Classroom teachers are encouraged to liase directly with Resource/Learning Support teachers in relation to students with SEN. They can seek advise, ask for resources or request the Resource teacher does follow up work in the Business subject area.

·  Teacher will take SEN students’ needs into account when planning lessons/homework/feedback/assessments, for example ensuring that teacher notes/material given is, in so far as possible, explained using language appropriate to the capacity of the student and or giving fewer questions to learn for chapter tests.

·  Teacher will also ensure homework is displayed in good time so that weaker students have a chance to take this down. Teacher also uses photocopied resources for use with weaker students. Teachers circulates amongst the group and work with both the weaker and/or more able students.

·  Teacher will also try to facilitate differentiation for not only weaker students, SEN students, but also the gifted students in the class.

·  Teachers are made aware (from December onwards) which students will have special consideration in the Leaving Certificate. Teachers can take this into consideration, for example, if a student is entitled to a spelling and grammar waiver, their teacher will bear this in mind whilst correcting their written work.

·  Teachers also ensure students physical needs within the classroom setting are accomodated in so far as possible with respect to appropriate seating, lighting, IT equipment etc

·  Teachers are also very willing to provide extra support in the form of extra tuition if needed in certain circumstances for both the gifted student and student with SEN.

Identify ways of improving academic performance based on the analysis of 2013 grades in this subject area.

·  Continue to be proactive in maintaining as many students as possible that can do LCVP to do so

·  Continue to ensure the highest standards in portfolio work in accordance with Chief Inspectors report annually

·  Continue to encourage variety of student work in their portfolio

·  Continue to engage in active learning strategies in the LCVP classroom

·  Continued emphasis on best practice in terms of exam technique and answering of past questions as well as AFL techniques (see Business Dept Folder)

Cross-Curricular Planning: (What links are there with other school activities both curricular and co-curricular?)

o  Religion/Geography – voluntary organisations/community organisation

o  Business/Economics/Accounting – Business start up/Enterprise

o  Guidance – Career Investigation

o  All Practical subjects – career options/enterprise ideas/skill development

o  All Science subjects – career options/enterprise ideas/skill development

Effective Teaching Methodologies: (Identify best practice in relation to teaching particular topics i.e. share positive teaching experiences and methods)

Many teaching methodologies are used in the LCVP classroom ranging from the traditional didactic lecture style using teacher produced handouts, notes and the data projector or overhead projector to more student centred approaches and active learning methodologies.

The class is structured to allow student involvement through use of questioning, discussion, group work. think,pair,share, reading and brainstorming. Regular use is also made of ICT and Audio visual materials (CD ROM/DVD/Internet downloads, Case Studies, Business/Enterprise Documentaries) to explore LCVP concepts.

In the completion of the portfolio, teachers rely on power point presentations of key points and practical completion of work using ICT.

(See List Attached)

Effective Teaching Methodologies

Whole-Class Teaching
One-To-One Tuition
Individual Assignments
Group Assignments
Pair / Small Group Work
Groups Preparing Work For Class
Role Play
Individualised Programmes Of Learning
Reflective Learning
Structured Discussion
Students Undertaking Research
Students’ Reflective Journals
Student Self-Assessment
Decision-Making /
Practical Activities
Field Trips
Using Computers
Using Videos / Television
Making Films / Radio Programmes
Creating Displays
Using An Outside Speaker
Oral Presentations
Project Work

Whole Class Teaching

·  Discussion/Questionning

·  Group work

·  Pair Work

·  Team Teaching/Peer Teaching

Incorporation of a Variety of Resources into the lessons such as

·  Text books/Past Exam Papers/Case Studies

·  LCVP power point presenations//DVD’s

·  You tube clips/Dragons Den/The Apprentice

·  LCVP Examplar materials and resources

·  OHP

·  Magazines

·  Newspaper Articles

·  Internet

·  Posters

·  Project Work

·  Brainstorming Sessions

·  Visitors In and Visits out to Business/Community Organisations

Availability/Use of ICT Facilities:

o  School is equipped with Broadband Internet Access and operates a pier to pier network

o  School is wireless enabled

o  Teacher uses own laptop and a fixed overhead data projector on a regular basis

o  Very often ICT is used for watching Youtube clips, TV documentaries, news and downloading notes and LCVP powerpoint presentations and exemplar materials

o  TV/DVD are available for classroom use

o  Students access to PC rooms is on a rotation basis between 3 class groups. Students (subject to the discretion of the LCVP teacher) can complete some portfolio work at home on express instruction from the teacher

A Wide Variety of Websites/Online Resources are Used in LCVP such as:

o  www.business2000.ie

o  www.businessgame.ie

o  www.businessonline.ie

o  www.scoilnet.ie

o  www.irishtimes.com

o  www.independent.ie

o  www.cso.ie

o  www.irlgov.ie

o  www.teachnet.ie

o  www.itsyourmoney.ie

o  www.examinations.ie

o  www.bstai.ie

Provision for Health and Safety Requirements: (What provisions for H&S have been put in place specific to this subject?)

·  Teacher follows Health and Safety guidelines as outlined in the School’s Health & Saftey Policy

·  The above is reviewed on an annual basis in consultation with the whole staff and the Health and Safety Committee

·  Standard classroom health and safety provisions are put in place by each teacher as part of their normal classroom management. There are no subject specific requirements

·  Any accident or incident during Economics class or activities related to Economics are recorded in an official report book/accident form provided by the office.

Curriculum Content – Long-Term Planning

Content to be covered in each Year of Programme:

Year 1 – 5th Year

Year 2 – 6th Year

Homework Procedures:

·  Homework is given after every class. Students are required to record same in their journals in accordance with school policy.

·  Homework is generally in written form requiring students to answer questions (very often from exam papers) or give their opinion on work done during the days lesson.

·  Sometimes homework may be in the form of reading over/learning the work done in the lesson

·  At times homework will require students to engage in some self directed learning and access the internet and research some LCVP concept/topic that is current and prepare an outline on same

·  On a regular basis students are requested to report on LCVP activities such as visits in/out or prepare a summary report on a topic (eg: Interview with local Entrepreneur)

·  Homework is corrected in a variety of ways. Most commonly the work is corrected by eliciting feedback from students, and then the teacher corrects work verbally (eg: definitions) and then students are make corrections as necessary.

·  On occasions solutions to past exam questions are given to students so that exam answering technique and grading of questions can be identified.

·  For poor presentation or non presentation of homework, students may be asked to re-do homework or may be given extra work, in accordance with the Schools Homework policy.

Assessments/Examinations Procedures:

·  In so far as possible, examinations/assessments are based on past papers

·  Assessment can be oral at times to test understanding of past/current topics

·  Christmas examinations are in written form Questions are taken from past papers (or are a variation of same) . Students are also assessed on an ongoing basis on their portfolio work.

·  Summer examinations are also structured over 2-3 exams and take all the work done during the entire year. Questions are taken from past papers (or are a variation of same