Westwell Parish Council

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

Held on Wednesday, 18th May 2011 at 6.00pm in the Parish Hall

1.  Present

Cllr Lawrence (Chairman), Cllr Mrs Drury (Vice-chairman), Cllrs Miss Davidson, Mrs Wyatt, Bainbridge, Baldwin, Butcher, Faulkner and Hooper, and Mrs Wood (Clerk). Councillor David Robey (ward member) attended. Eight members of the public were also present.

2.  Apologies

No Apologies were received.

3.  Declarations of Interest

No Declarations of Interest were received.

4.  Election

It was resolved that election of the following be minuted:

Chairman: Cllr Mrs Drury

Vice-chairman: Cllr Miss Davidson

Representatives for:

Parish Hall Management Committee: Cllrs Miss Davidson, Baldwin, Bainbridge, Faulkner and Hooper

Kent Association of Local Councils: Cllrs Miss Davidson and Butcher

Action with Communities in Rural Kent: Cllr Butcher, other councillors to attend meetings when appropriate

Parish Forum: Cllrs Mrs Wyatt and Hooper

Police Forum: Cllrs Faulkner and Hooper

Tree Warden: Cllr Lawrence

Highways: Cllrs Bainbridge, Butcher and Hooper

Cllr Mrs Drury took the Chair.

Representative appointments are to be reviewed after the September meeting.

5. Declaration of Acceptance of Office


That the Declaration of Acceptance of Office be signed after the meeting.

6.  Open Forum

Cllr Robey introduced himself to the Council and those attending.

Mr Martin Keeys sought assurances that the Summer Fete would not be compromised by a change in management, given its reputation and importance as a fundraiser for the church and the community. He was advised that the organiser, Frances Edwards, is studying Event Management and is being supported by Cllr and Mrs Faulkner (the former organisers), together with other committee members, including representatives from St Mary’s Church. Mr Keeys offered his help which was welcomed. It was noted that the event has the full support of the Parish Council.

Mr Trevor Richards queried the criteria under which potholes are repaired. The ongoing problem in Westwell Lane, near Nash Court, is to be investigated by the Kent Highway Services’ (KHS) drainage team. He recommended that Mr George Horne (Nash Court) be involved.

Concerns about tree clearance on land formerly owned by CTRL opposite Hothfield Mill, are to be passed to Hothfield Parish Council.

Mr Richards thanked Cllr Lawrence for his work for the community during his tenure as Chairman of the Parish Council. Cllr Lawrence was warmly applauded.

The Chairman proposed a Vote of Thanks to all retiring members of the Parish Council. This was endorsed by all present.

7.  Minutes

It was noted that the Minutes were incorrectly dated, and that the meeting had been held on 28th March and not 23rd March as recorded. Subject to this amendment:


That the Minutes of the meeting of Westwell Parish Council held on 28th March be approved and confirmed as a true record.

8. Matters Arising

·  Tutt Hill Saddlery. Cllr Mrs Wyatt was advised that comments arising from the March meeting have not yet been passed to the site owners.

·  Planning application, Yonsea Villas. In reply to a question from the Vice-chairman, this application is on the Agenda of the next meeting of the ABC Planning Committee at Cllr Clarkson’s request (ward member Charing, representing Downs West during Cllr Wallace’s absence)

·  LDF (Core Strategy). The Chairman explained that the Local Development Framework comprises the Core Strategy and other planning documents, which show how Ashford will develop. The Core Strategy is central and was adopted in July 2008 but is due for revision. Parishes will be included in the consultation and the timetable should be known by the next meeting, at which it will be discussed further. The Localism Bill is in the Report Stage with the Third Reading due this week, and should become law in November; the Bill will see the introduction of Neighbourhood Plans.

Cllr Peter Wood (ward member, Saxon Shore and Leader, ABC) introduced the concept of ‘Leader’s Announcements’ in 2010 - these will be circulated to all councillors.

·  Potters Corner bus shelter. The new shelter has been welcomed by users. Following an approach from Cllr Butcher, Medash signs has offered to put ‘Westwell Parish Council’ on the shelter for a nominal sum, to show ownership.


That the offer from Medash Signs be accepted.

9. Correspondence

The list of Correspondence had been circulated to councillors prior to the meeting. Circulation of correspondence will be discussed further at the next meeting. Emailed correspondence will be forwarded to councillors.

The Vice-chairman and Mrs Wyatt asked for further details of a letter from ACRK to the Parish Appraisal and Wish List Group re parish plan data processing. Cllr Butcher replied that there is an ongoing dispute with ACRK re delays in analysing the data, and felt that this should not have been copied to the Parish Council.

Details of a new funding stream for playing fields are to be forwarded to the Playing Fields’ Association.

The Vice-chairman sought further details on correspondence on the Biogas facility proposal at Charing. The Clerk advised that the John Eldvidge Planning Consultancy had sought and received assurances from Carol Ridings (Fast Track Manager, Planning and Development Unit, ABC) that Parish Councils would be involved in further consultations on the application. The applicants (Future Biogas) have offered to meet the Parish Council to discuss the amended application – this offer is to be taken up.

10.  Financial report

The Clerk presented the Statement of Accounts for the Year and the Annual Return.


That the Statement of Accounts for the year be approved.


That the Annual Return be approved.


That the following payments be agreed in accordance with the Budget.

Payments / £
S Wood (salary April) / 415.61

S Wood (salary May)

/ 415.61
S Wood (use of home allowance) / 12.38
S Wood (stationery) / 14.63
ICO - DPA registration renewal / 35.00
KALC (Good Councillor’s Guide) / 1.00
Gibbins Heating Ltd (hall oil tank) / 2428.87
Receipts / £
Lloyds TSB interest / 0.40
Precept / 6085.00
Concurrent Functions Grant / 2075.00
KCC (Rural Bus Shelter Grant) / 1518.50

Balance (cheque and deposit accounts): £ 9913.96

Balance (No 2 account): £1230

To consider quotations for renewal of the Parish Council insurance policy

The following quotations have been received:

Aon Ltd (existing insurer) £ 813.28

Zurich £ 713.95

Aviva £ 505.88 or £ 480.58 pa for a 3 year contract


That the quotation from Aviva be accepted.

To consider a donation to the Ashford Green Gym

Cllr Butcher proposed that a donation be made in recognition of the team’s help with maintaining the hedge on the new access to the hall. The team is made of volunteers with BTCV and no charge is made for its work.


That a donation of £100 be made to the Ashford Green Gym.

11.  To consider any planning applications received


Change of use of the land for the keeping of horses and erection of stables

Land north east of Sunnybridge Farm, Watery Lane, Westwell

Discussion was deferred to the next planning meeting.

12.  Report from NALC/ KALC and ACRK representative

NALC/ACRK: See attached report.

ACRK: See attached report.

13.  Report from Parish Forum representative

See attached report. The next meeting is 20th July.

14.  Report from Parish Hall Management Committee representative

The Chairman stated that fundraising is needed to cover the costs of the new oil tank, proposed upgrading of the lavatories, and new ovens. Minutes. to follow.

15.  Report from the Chairman of the Playing Field Association

See attached report. A meeting of the Association was held on 17th May at which it was decided that Martin Keeys would be its representative on the Hall Management Committee (all village societies being eligible for a seat). Cllr Butcher noted that the PFA wanted close links with the Parish Council, and offered to make a presentation on the PFA to the Parish Council for the benefit of new councillors. This was welcomed.

16.  Arrangements for retiring members

The Chairman stated that Celeste Muir, Arthur Hollis, Bill Hotchkiss and Trevor Richards had stood down at the May elections, after many years’ service on the Parish Council. Under s137, a presentation can be made to ‘retiring members’, and discussion ensued as to the form this should take.


That a dinner be held at The Wheel Inn for retiring members, hosted by the Parish Council.

Further resolved:

That a memento marking their service be presented to each of the retiring members at the dinner.

17.  Roles for candidates not elected

The Chairman proposed a Vote of Thanks to all candidates, including those not elected. Cllr Lawrence (immediate past Chairman) was thanked for his efforts encouraging wider participation. Cllr Mrs Wyatt welcomed the high turnout. It was noted that Martin Keeys is now a member of the Parish Hall Management Committee. The Clerk is to write and thank the candidates and ask if they would be willing to support the Parish Council when the occasion arises.

18.  Registration of Westwell Parish Council with HMRC for the PAYE scheme

The Parish Council has been registered with HMRC as an employer, and has submitted the required information online. Advice from HMRC’s helpline indicated that deductions for tax would be taken from the Clerk’s salary from Westwell Parish Council, this being the highest salary. Nil returns would be made to HMRC by the other two Parish Councils of which she is Clerk. The Tax Code is awaited to enable the deductions to be made.

19.  Management of the Speedwatch Initiative for Sandyhurst Lane

The Clerk advised that she holds the list of trained volunteers, the list of sites approved by Kent Police and the relevant forms. The Speedwatch equipment is the property of, and held by, Boughton Aluph and Eastwell Parish Council. The Clerk is to liaise with BA&E Parish Council regarding scheduling of Speedwatch in Sandyhurst Lane.

20.  Any Other Business

·  Cllr Mrs Wyatt asked that a footer showing the date be added to papers circulated.

·  Cllr Robey advised that he hoped to attend Parish Council meetings and would present a report.

·  Cllr Baldwin proposed a celebration to mark the Queen’s Diamond Jubillee.

·  Cllrs Faulkner and Hooper stated that an induction meeting and Glossary of terms would be welcome.

·  Cllr Lawrence reported that the recent reported incidents of flytipping had been cleared.

·  Cllr Butcher advised that the parish noticeboard at Potters Corner should be replaced, being too small and in a poor state of repair.

·  The Vice-chairman noted that the old churchyard is overgrown, and the cemetery boundary hedges are in need of maintenance.

·  Planning training is being offered by ABC to parish councillors in July. Cllr Faulkner to attend.

·  The Chairman is to arrange planning training for new councillors.

21.  Date of future meetings

4th July, (tbc). Clerk to contact councillors to establish preferred days and dates.

The meeting closed at 7.50pm.

Reports for Parish Council Meeting 18th May 2011

Agenda Item 12: Reports on KALC & AWCRK:

a) KALC (i) Localism Bill Joint Working Party: Met for 1st time on 23rdMarch. The group consists of 8 representatives of Parish Councils, a representative of a Community Forum and 5 senior officers of the Council, including the CEO, John Bunnett. I was elected as Chairman of the Group. The two items examined at present are “Localism and Neighbourhood plans” and “Devolution of Services”. Aldington are carrying out a pilot scheme with the Borough to explore the feasibility of taking on many of the small services at present carried out by the Borough council. It is intended to send a proforma out to all parish council clerks to gain information on services the parishes would be able to take over. Money for this would be ring-fenced by the Borough. The next meeting will be in late July.

(ii) Meeting with CI John Frayne: The Clerk & I met with John Frayne at Ashford Police Station on 31stMarch. The meeting was to obtain answers to concerns expressed at the meeting with the Chief Constable earlier in the year. A transcript of the notes from the meeting is attached to indicate both questions posed and answers received. We felt the meeting to have been worthwhile and there may be a follow-up later in the year.

(iii) Area Committee: Met on 6th April. This was a normal business meeting, with reports from our representatives on the LDF, review of Core Strategy, Joint Transportation Board, LSP (to be re-formed later this year as the “Locality Board”).It is proposed that there are 2 places for Parish Council members . The Standards Board will still be operational until at least mid-2012 so all new Councillors must sign their acceptance of the Code of Conduct after the elections in May. The next meeting is Wednesday 1st June.

(iv) KALC Executive meeting 16th April: The meeting received reports & debated the several measures affecting our councils in the Localism Bill, not least being proposed abolition of Standards Board for England & all District Boards – on the grounds of expense. NALC has produced a paper which suggests Parish Councils adopt their own “Code of Conduct”, but this was felt to be impractical without sanctions. Similarly, the plan to abolish the Audit Commission without suitable, affordable, replacement was deplored. NALC has produced a paper on this and there is a consultation being carried out with closing date of 30th June 2011. The Consultation paper is in 5 parts, 64 pages long and has 50 questions. Part 5 is “Arrangements for Smaller Bodies”, ie those with income less than £6.5 million. I have received a paper from Peter Facey, NALC’s Accounts & Audit adviser with possible responses and will be responding in due course. Other matters debated included Motions for the AGM in November and PAYE issues. Our next meeting is in July, date to be confirmed. I have been asked to present a Paper on the Degree Course in Community Governance (run by University of Gloucestershire) at the Annual Kent Clerks’ Conference on 15th June, to be, held at Lenham.

b) AWCRK: (i) Funding Fair 13th April: This was held at the Folkestone Arts Academy with an attendance of 422 and 20 Reserves. I was asked to be an Event Marshal, Guide & Seminar Leader for the day. This proved very successful : I was Leader on a seminar held by David Geoghegan and colleagues on the Funding Streams available from County. There was also a Seminar on Funding available for Parish Halls, I have details of both.