COST Action E53 ‘Quality Control for Wood and Wood Products’

WG Meetings, 19-20 May 2008

Wood Drying Seminar, Wednesday 21 May 2008

Norsk Treteknisk Institutt (NTI) welcomesyou to COST E53 meeting in Oslo. The meeting will take place at HolmenkollenParkHotelRica, located in the Holmenkollen area (adr.: Kongeveien 26, N-0787 Oslo, e-mail:

The official invitation for the MC and WG meetings will be sent out by the COST secretariatsome weeks before the event.

On arrival to Oslo Airport Gardermoen, it is recommended to take the Airport Express Train, Flytoget; toOslo Central station (Oslo S) or Nationaltheatret station in Oslo city centre. Then it is possible to change to the T-bane (subway), and take the line no. 1 – Frognerseteren to Holmenkollenstation. Then it is a distance of 800 m to walk to the hotel.

Another option is to take a taxi from the city centre, it will cost about 30-40 EUR.

The price for a single room, inclusive breakfast,is NOK 880,- (for a double room, inclusive breakfast, NOK 1130,-).

Perhaps some of you would like to stay in Oslo the weekend before the meeting. From Saturday 17May to Monday 19 May, it is the same special COST-price for the hotel rooms. Please note that Saturday 17May is the Norwegian national day (red date in the calendar, but a lot of people in the city centre of Oslo!).

To book a hotel room, please contact the hotel directly, and specify that the stay is for the COST E53 meeting. Deadline for hotel booking is Friday 25 April. There is limited numbers of rooms available at the weekend. Therefore, don’t wait too long before booking.

See next page for registration form and meeting fee.

Registration form

COST Action E53 ‘Quality Control for Wood and Wood Products’

WG Meetings and Wood Drying Seminar

First name
Family name
Street & number
Postal/Zip code
Name of additional persons (friends/family) that will attend the dinner (Monday 19)
First name – family name
First name – family name
Fee – WG-meetings 19-20 May 2008 / Amount / Participation
Set X
Registration fee (incl. lunch and coffee breaks 19 and 20 May, dinner 19 May) / 190 EUR
Dinner, additional person 19 May / 60 EUR
Fee – Wood Drying Seminar 21 May 2008 / Amount / Participation
Set X
Registration fee (incl. lunch and coffee breaks) / 65 EUR

Payment of fee by bank transfer (use COST E53 as reference)

Name of account holder:Norsk Treteknisk Institutt

Name of bank:Nordea Bank ASA



Please return the registration form to:

Norsk Treteknisk Institutt

Att.:Knut Magnar Sandland


Adr.:BOX 113 Blindern, N-0314 Oslo, Norway

Fax:+47 22 60 42 91

Deadline for registration and payment of fee is Friday 25 April