Deakin University / office use only
Your name: Sullivan, Andrew
Your email:

Please follow instructions and complete shaded boxes as appropriate. Return completed form to or DRO Support, Library, Waterfront, 1 Gheringhap Street, Geelong, 3217.

1 / Name of your data collection(If not formally named please suggest a suitable working name) / Wootz Steel Project
2 / Name and ID number of the project that initiated the data collection
Collection period and retention
3a / Collection years include / Start2006 / end 9999
3b / Retention period. How long must the data be retained?
Standard periods are 5 years, (psychological testing with adults), 7 years (medical trials), 25 years (psychological testing with children) / Indefinitely
3c / How long should the data be retained ?i.e. because it has longer term benefit or historic value / Same as previous question ?
3d / Do you need help or resources to preserve or make this data available more widely? / n
Characteristics of the data
4a / Collection Typese.g. dataset, database, pictures, survey data, website, statistical data and analyses, video recordings, sound recordings etc. / Dataset
4b / Formats usede.g. doc, xls, jpeg, SPSS, html, text, csv etc / Text, *.crc, *.cpr
4c / Is proprietary software used?If so indicate program used and if software is readily available. Please indicate if it may be read with standard software e.g. excel / Proprietary software:Oxford HKL Channel 5
The native formats (*.crc, *.cpr) are binary cannot be read with standard software.
4d / Approximate data volume(give per annum if ongoing) / ~620mb
4f / Number of items?E.g. number of interview sound recordings, digital images / 83 binary files
4g / How is the data organised or structured? / randomly
4h / Is therea guide or other documentation about the content or structure of the data? If so ,where? / no
5 / Storage
5a / Collection location/address where the master copy is located now? / Pigdons Road, Waurn Ponds, Victoria, 3216
5b / Are there backup copies? If so where are they located? / no
5c / Type of storage e.g. SAN, Shared drive, DVD, CD, USB, Tape, other / Shared Drive
6 / Data subject
6a / Description of collection – please describe your data, include intellectual theme, subject, topic
Subject: Wootz steel analysis by EBSD.
Topic: EBSD.
Intellectual theme: An electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) study of the microstructure of high carbon ‘Wootz’ steel.
Data description: The objective of the study is to infer an unknown thermomechanical history from observation and analysis of the final microstructure in various ancient artefacts (swords and tools), and then compare the findings with heat treatments of the ancient artefacts and modern attempts at duplication of the structure.
Electron backscatter data reveals the orientation relationships between various phases in the material, particularly cementite and ferrite.
6b / Does the data relate to a specific time period?
if yes please specify / n
6c / Does the data relate to a specific place
if yes please specify. Where possible provide coordinates / n
7 / Research Coding of data
7a / ANZSRCField of Research (FoR) Code:
/ 091299 Materials Engineering
7b / ANZSRC Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) Code: / 970110 Expanding Knowledge in Technology
8 / Origin of data
8a / How is your data collected?Automatically generated by computer, from sensors or instruments, fieldwork, laboratory notes, mathematical models, questionnaires, other? / Automatically generated by an electron backscattered diffraction system attached to a field emission scanning electron microscope.
8b / Was all the data newly created or did you source some from elsewhere?
e.g.used data from Census Collection Districts (CCDs) in Adelaide, Census of Population and Housing CDATA 2001 / Newly created data.
9 / Authorship: who collected or created the data during the project?
To add additional authors, highlight last row, right click, select insert then “insert row below”
Surname / Given name / Staff/ Student/ Visiting scholar/ External / School, Centre or external affiliations / Role e.g. chief investigator, manager,participant
1 / Sullivan / Andrew / Staff / ITRI / Co-investigator
2 / Barnett / Matthew / Staff / ITRI / Co-investigator
10 / Publication
10a / Has all or some the data been published as a data collection?
if yprovide url, reference number or citation if possible / n
10b / Are other data collections related to this one?
if yprovide url, reference number or citation if possible / n
10c / List your publications that use this data
You may use URLs instead of citations e.g. ;

etc / 1.Barnett, M. R., Sullivan, A. and Balasubramaniam, R.* (2009) Electron backscattering diffraction analysis of an ancient wootz steel blade from central India, Materials characterization, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 252-260, Elsevier Inc, New York, N.Y.
2.Sullivan, A. and Barnett, M.R. (2009) Electron basckscattering diffraction analysis of a reconstructed wootz damascus steel blade, Microscopy and microanalysis, vol. 15, no. Supplement 2, pp. 1496-1497, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England.
11 / Legal requirements
11a / Are there legal considerations associated with your research data?
If so, please specify :
  • Ownership of copyright/IP
  • Legal or ethical reasons
  • Other
/ No
12 / Access to data.
12a / How is the data accessed?
  • By URL? Please provide.
  • Request access? Please provide Contact details
  • Other, please provide detail

12b / Do access restrictions currently apply to yourdata? / No
12c / If so, please specify who can access and any embargo period
Please identify the access condition you wish to apply to your data once submitted to DRO.
Data does not have to be publicly available to be registered on Research Data Australia or Deakin Research Online. Description of the data together with an access statement may provide access by negotiation. Any terms or conditions may also be specified e.g. user meets costs associated with access, or subject to further permission from other individuals or groups including ethics
12d / Open to all:if yes
  • private study, fair use only (default)
  • or Creative Commons licence?(for details of available types see http:/creativecommons.org.au)
/ y
12e / Description of data open to all, access to data controllede.g. by use of password, or to specific groups of individuals identified as approved. / y
12f / Description suppressed and available for admin and authors’ use. No access to anyone / n
13a / Fund Sourcee.g ARC Linkage, NHMRC etc. / n/a
13b / Grant number / n/a
13c / Please list any other sponsors or collaborating institutions/groups involved, and their role (e.g. partner institution, funder etc) / n/a
14 / I declare that the details provided, are to the best of my knowledge, correct:
Please try to obtain the signature of all authors. If unavailable please obtain the signature of the Head of School or Director of Institute
Chief investigator’s Signature: / Date:
Other investigating researcher’s signature
Other contributor’s signature
