
of the Academic Senate Meeting

March 10, 2010

PRESENT: Alex, Almaraz, Avina, Baker, Ballinger, Caffrey, Chase, de Freitas, Delgado, El Naga, Eskandari, Garver(Proxy-Self), Ghazanfari, Gibson, Goldman, Green, Haghi, Halati, Ibrahim, Kopplin, Lee, Leon, Lord, Marshall(Proxy- Green), Monemi(Proxy –Ghazanfari), Morehouse, Neto, Ortenberg(Proxy-Delgado), Radnitz, Sancho-Madriz, Sandelin, Self, Soe, Soroka, Speak, Swartz, Wachs, Gutierrez(Proxy-Delgado),


GUESTS: M. Ortiz, M. denBoer, L. Rotunni, S. Doda, D. Freer, E. Hohmann, D. Straney, C. Richardson, D. Hoyt, A. Feinstein, C. Pinter-Lucke, R. Lapidus. S. Warrington, B. Balzer, R. Fremont

1. Minutes – February 10, 2010

M/s/p to approve the minutes as written.

2. Information Items

a. Chair's Report

Elections in Process

Academic Senate Elections for Business, CLASS and Related Areas end on March 10, 2010 at midnight. The election should be certified in the next few days.

CSU Academic Senate Election is out to the Faculty and will end on March 16, 2010 at midnight.

Academic Senate – Seats open for Engineering and Science

Research Council – CEIS and Library openings – An election will be conducted for CLASS and Science representatives at the beginning of April.

Faculty Development Advisory Committee – An election will be conducted for a CLASS representative at the beginning of April.

URTP – One opening in Agriculture – extended deadline March 12, 2010 at noon

College RTP Committees – Deadline April 8, 2010.

MPP Review Committee – Claudia Pinter-Lucke – needs four individuals. Deadline until filled.

Search Committee – Associate Dean College of Environmental Design - Deadline until filled

Search Committee - Dean College of Engineering – April 6, 2010 at noon.

All service opportunities and updates are on the Academic Senate website at:

b. President’s Report

President Ortiz reported.

Budget Update – The Governor has recommended that the $305 million be reinstated to the CSU Budget. Other State entities are battling for the same money. President Ortiz stated that the budget or next year is unclear because the variables -- student fees and furloughs. It is unclear if student fees will be raised and there is no conversation about continuing furloughs. Dr. Ortiz gave a brief explanation of the layoff process through the CBAs.

Dr. Ortiz stated that he has asked the divisions to plan for a 10% reduction on the units on campus.

Questions -- A senator asked what kind of sense Dr. Ortiz had when he visited with Legislators – lip service or substantive information. Dr. Ortiz stated it was kind of a mix. Some are forthright in the concerns of their constituents. They are in support of higher education; but, there are other competing state entities.

Dr. denBoer announced that the decision to defer admission of students in programs under evaluation has been rescinded. Students will be admitted to all programs.

Doug Freer, Vice President Student Affairs, stated that the Tier 1 notifications were sent out March 1. Tier 2 notification packets will be sent next week. The Tier 2 students are required to live on campus.

A comment was made that if students are admitted to programs that may be eliminated, then the program is closed, how that will be handled. Dr. denBoer stated that the university will admit the students and hope to offer the programs. What usually happens when students that are in programs that are eliminated they are advised to go into other programs.

c. Vice Chair's Report


FA-008-910 University Wide Award for Teacher Education

FA-009-910 University Wide Award for Innovation in Teaching

FA-010-910 Providing Feedback to Professional Leave Applicants


Policy on Classes Cancelled During Holidays and Furloughs

Identifying Classroom Buildings by Function not Number


AS-2336-910/AP Academic Programs Assessment Plan for Political Science

AS-2337-910/FA Review of Appendix 16 for Compliance with the Collective Bargaining Agreement

AS-2338-910/AP University Manual: Editorial Changes to Existing Academic Program Policies

AS-2339-910/FA Adjusting URTPC Size and Structure


Vice Chair Alex reported on an issue from November 19, 2008. Ralph Westfall submitted a referral on Post Graduation Cheating. At the time the Executive Committee had deemed it outside the jurisdiction of the Academic Senate. Dr. Westfall came to the Senate with a request to issue a referral and reverse the Executive Committee’s decision. The Academic Senate confirmed the decision by the Executive Committee and the fact that this issue is outside the jurisdiction of the campus and did not accept Dr. Westfall’s referral. The CSU Senators were asked by the Senate to present the issue to the CSU Academic Senate for their consideration. The CSU Senate voted not to take this on as an issue.

Dr. Alex stated that the issue is now closed.

d. Budget Report

No report was presented.

e. CFA Report

Gwen Urey reported.

Day of Action March 4, 2010 – Cal Poly Pomona participated in the Day of Action. Information and pictures are on the Senate website under the CFA Report at:

Bargaining – progress of dispute about raises from current contract—the CSU denied GSI and SSIs that are in the last two years of the contract, citing lack of money. The CFA fought this denial, based in part on the Chancellor’s voluntary surrender of $31 million. The dispute over the 2008-09 raises is still in fact finding. The opinion of the fact-finder is non binding.

Members should have received an email survey for the statewide CFA relating to bargaining for the next contract. The current contract expires on June 30.

Visit Denis Loo’s blog – Dr. Urey encouraged the senators to visit Dennis Loo’s blog “In Defense of Higher Education”

Visits to Legislators – A chapter delegation led by Art Sutton (joined by D.D. Wills, David Speak, Harriet Lord, Norm Nise, and Gwen Urey) visited Assembly member Norma Torres’ Office on Friday, March 5. The next visit will be on March 12 to Senator Gloria McLeod’s office. All members are encouraged to join the group. Contact Art Sutton () for details.

Elections – The CFA will hold elections for all offices this Spring.

Local Concerns - CFA continues to be concerned about program elimination. A revised and presumable short list of programs that may be eliminated has been promised, but we have not seen it yet. We find alarming the news that the university will delay in sending admissions letters to student who have applied to programs under review. This is seen as further evidence of a lack of transparency and shared governance in the review process. Dr. Urey acknowledged that Provost denBoer announced today that he had reversed the decision to delay sending admission letters to students who have applied to programs under review.

f. University Manual Presentation – H. Halati

Senator Halati gave a brief overview of the updating of the University Manual. A PowerPoint presentation with detailed information is on the Academic Senate website at:

The goal of the project is to create a central location for the University Manual. Dr. Halati stated that the Academic Policies have been reviewed and compared to the Senate archives for the past 20 years and appropriate changes have been proposed. The proposed changes have been categorized and sent to Academic Senate standing committees.

3. New Business

a.  Election – CLASS Representative to the Executive Committee – Spring

John Caffrey, Chair Elections and Procedures Committee, informed the Senate that two nominations had been received for the CLASS Representative to the Executive Committee for Spring Quarter. Dr. David Speak and Dr. Faye Wachs have been nominated.

Dr. Caffrey asked if there were any nominations from the floor.

No nominations from the floor were received.

The nominations were closed.

The nominees were given the opportunity to speak.

A secret ballot was conducted.

Dr. David Speak 19 Elected

Dr. Faye Wachs 14

4. Academic Senate Committee Reports – Time Certain 3:30 pm

a. AA-004-089, Review of Policy on Priority for Adding Classes – SECOND READING

M/s to adopt the report.

Committee Chair Green presented the report.


The Academic Senate recommends that we update and comply with the Policy on Priority for Adding Classes as described below. In order for this to be accomplished, the Academic Senate is recommending that the function of the Waitlist be deactivated before the first day of instruction for every term. The definition of a graduating senior is a student who is within 10 courses or 40 units of graduating.

The priority for adding students to classes shall be the group of graduating seniors who provide proof (e.g. a Degree Progress Report or graduation check) that the course they are requesting is necessary for graduation.

The Academic Senate recommends that the Policy on Priority for Adding Classes be cancelled and that the Registrar seek a means to determine the group of graduating seniors within 20 units of graduating, those within 10 courses or 40 units, and provide these students with a registration date during early registration prior to other seniors.

Discussion – Dr. Green explained the problem with the size of the graduating senior group. The Academic Affairs Committee has recommended that the group be reduced to make the group more manageable. Dr. Green stated that the problem with late add/drop could not be implemented in the same way.

The question was raised if the units are only calculated on units, or classes. Dr. Green confirmed that the recommendation is for 20 units because of the limitations of PeopleSoft.

Dr. Claudia Pinter-Lucke stated that the same criteria for early registration could be used during add and drop.

The motion to adopt passed unanimously.

b. BC-001-910, Effects of Budget Cuts – SECOND READING

Senator Soroka, Chair of the Budget Committee, requested that the report be postponed until April. Updated information has been received and it needs to be considered before the report is finalized.

M/s/p to postpone the report until April.

c. FA-004-089, Conflict of Interest in Assignment of Course Material – SECOND


M/s to adopt the report.

Senator Halati presented the report.


The committee recommends that the attached policy be adopted. (ATTACHMENT A)

Discussion – Senator Halati stated that the Faculty Affairs Committee has reviewed a lot of resources and this determined that this policy might affect very few people. A PowerPoint presentation is on the Academic Senate website at:

Faculty have the full responsibility to know the copyright laws. The proceeds will be deposited into a state reimbursed account.

The motion to adopt passed unanimously.

d. AP-005-910, Chemistry Major: Rename Chemical Sciences Option to Biochemistry Option – FIRST READING/WAIVER REQUESTED

M/s/p to receive and file the report.

M/s to waive the First Reading.

Chair Sancho-Madriz stated that this motion required a 2/3 vote to pass.

The motion to waive the First Reading passed – one abstention.

A senator questioned if it would be possible to give a reason the waiver is necessary.

Committee Chair Ibrahim stated that this proposal has been vetted through the process and the committee consultation has been extremely thorough. This does not involve more than one department. It is basically an internal matter, and it supported by the Faculty, the Associate Dean and the Dean.

M/s to adopt the report.

Senator Ibrahim presented the report.


The Academic Programs Committee recommends that the title of the referral by changed to Chemistry Major: Delete Chemical Sciences Option and Add Biochemistry Option. The AP Committee further recommends approval of the referral AP-005-910 with its new title.

Discussion -- The point was made that the word “by” in the first sentence should be changed to “be”.

A PowerPoint presentation is on the Academic Senate website at:

A senator questioned if this is just a title change. Senator Ibrahim stated that there were some courses dropped and others added -- more of a realignment of courses. No new courses were developed.

Senator Alex clarified that the support courses were grouped differently.

The motion to adopt passed unanimously.

e. AS-2320-089/AP, Philosophy Major – Elevation of Law and Society from Emphasis to Option; Discontinue Law and Society Emphasis and Science, Technology, and Society Emphasis –Reconsidered – FIRST READING/WAIVER REQUESTED

M/s/p to receive and file the report.

M/s to waive the First Reading.

Chair Sancho-Madriz stated that this motion required a 2/3 vote to pass.

The motion to waive the First Reading passed.

M/s to adopt the report.


The Academic Senate recommends approval of the Philosophy Major – Elevation of Law and Society from emphasis to option; Discontinue Law and Society emphasis and Science, Technology, and Society emphasis.


The above recommendation was adopted by the Senate on 5/20/09 and was submitted to the President on 5/27/09. It appears, however, that the above recommendation does not reflect all of the intentions of the Philosophy Department. The Academic Programs Committee requests that the Senate reconsiders the recommendation so that it will be in the following form:

Philosophy Major-Elevation of Law and Society from Emphasis to Option and Creation of Philosophy Major without the Law and Society Option; Discontinue Law and Society Emphasis and Science, Technology, and Society Emphasis.

The revised recommendation is consistent with the intent of the Philosophy Department and with the language of the referral. It also meets the approval of AVP Claudia Pinter-Lucke.

Senator Ibrahim explained that after the report was adopted and approved, it was not clear the intention of the department. The original recommendation does not clearly reflect the intention the department.

The Academic Programs Committee was asked to reconsider the report and bring it back to the Senate floor for clarification.

Discussion – A question was raised where the definitions of emphasis, options, tracks, etc are located. Dr. Pinter-Lucke stated that this is a problem. The CSU has no definition for them. This would be another referral.

The point was made by a senator that there are times when the Senate needs to have two readings. We need to look at the process of the first reading waiver. Dr. Sancho-Madriz clarified that we do need an explanation and justification before the waiver vote. The Executive Committee has, at times, asked that the Committee Chair not request a waiver. The Academic Senate can vote it down as well.