The Old Smithy, 1 North Road,

Stokesley, North Yorkshire, TS9 5DU

Tel: 01642 713720

Fax: 01642 715841

Mobile: 0792 012 5937


Patti Summerfield MBA CQSW Dip SW
CV – 2015



I obtained my CQSW and Dip SW in 1986. I completed my MBA in May 2003.

Social Care Experience

In 1984 prior to embarking upon my social work qualification I was engaged as a Community Service Volunteer in group homes for adults with Downe’s Syndrome and learning difficulties. I qualified as a social worker in 1986 and spent five years as a Social Worker in Child Care, Child Protection and Adult Mental Health Teams as an assessment and care management social worker. From 1991 to 2005 I held six different management roles. Through these experiences I gained a good understanding of the complex issues around commissioning and delivering accessible and effective services within legislative and budgetary frameworks. I also gained considerable experience in monitoring complex professional and legal situations.

Between 1991 and 2000 I held 3 middle management and 3 senior management posts within Social Care. At different times, I was responsible for the provision of services to children and families, review and development of services and development and implementation of procedures and practice guidance. I was responsible for co-ordinating and reviewing packages of care and support for children and adults including children with disabilities and children subject to a child protection plan. I chaired a number of multi-disciplinary steering groups. I gained a broad range of experiences in the management and delivery of social care and multi disciplinary services.

One element of responsibility was for the management of Emergency Duty Team which provides an out of hour’s emergency social service for adults, children and families to five local authority areas. The work of the team was broad based covering all aspects of social work including Community Care Assessments (1948 National Assistance Act and Amendments) design and implementation of emergency care packages for those with disabilities, behavioural problems, elderly (Sections 47, 21, 29), homelessness, protection for vulnerable adults (P.O.V.A) and children (1989 Children Act).

Between 2000 and 2005 I managed assessment and therapeutic services for the NSPCC in TeesValley. In addition I managed therapeutic services at NSPCC York and North Yorkshire for an 18 month period.

Throughout my employment in the public and independent sector I have gained extensive experience in the provision of social care services; in planning and working with multi disciplinary teams and in assessment and review of services for children, adults and families. I have long experience of chairing multi-disciplinary strategy, planning, safeguarding and review meetings in both child care and adult services.

In 2005, whilst remaining part time with the NSPCC, I commenced an independent practice. I offered substantial training packages in the field of Safeguarding Children and the Protection of Vulnerable Adults. I offered consultancy to Local Authorities. I authored a number of Serious Case Review Overview Reports. I subsequently left the NSPCC to work full time in my independent practice. I remained an Associate Consultant with the NSPCC on a national basis for a further 2 years. In 2011 I was appointed as Independent Chair of a Local Safeguarding Children’s Board which I undertook for 2 years before giving notice. I have undertaken Serious Case Reviews for Local Safeguarding Children Boards mainly in the North Yorkshire and NorthEast Region.

My practice base in the field of Acquired Brain Injury and Spinal Injury has grown since that time. In February 2007 I formed a new company with my partner Syd Summerfield, Care and Case Management Services Ltd. In general terms we specialise in the behavioural aspects of acquired brain injury frequently working with clients and families who experience difficulty in engaging with professionals, in addition we work with clients with complex medical conditions and spinal injuries. I am able to put my experience in the provision of assessment and therapeutic services and multi disciplinary working to facilitate clients to move therapeutically through the transition from rehabilitation establishments to supported or independent living in the community.

In my role as Case Manager I make referrals on behalf of clients to the relevant statutory organisations where appropriate. This can prove a satisfactory way of moving matters forward quickly particularly when there is limited liability. I frequently resolve service delivery problems and address and provide strategies and action plans for the more difficult client behaviours that can impact on the relationships between individuals, their carers and/or service providers.Iidentify appropriate housing and support packages and continue to be directly involved in the safe recruitment and supervision of support staff.

I manage and supervise case managers employed by CCMS and am Registered Manager for the purpose of registration with the Care Quality Commission.

I am registered with the Health & Care Professions Council, have an up to date Enhanced Disclosure from the Criminal Records Bureau and have full membership with BASW, the British Association of Social Workers and BABICM (British Association of Brain Injury Case Managers).

Memberships and Professional Registration

Health & Care Professions Council (SW63497)
British Association of Social Workers
British Association of Brain Injury Case Managers
Northern Acquired Brain Injury Forum

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