PTO Funds Request Procedure

****When requesting money from the PTO, please submit the PTO Funds Request Form to the PTO President before the SECOND Monday of the month in which you wish to make your request.****

****This form should be given to the appropriate Principal for his/her approval before the FIRST Monday of the same month.****

One of the roles of The PTO is to raise and distribute funds for the enhancement of State College of Florida Collegiate School student learning environment. The PTO, Teachers, Parents and Student Council may request funds that clearly benefit The Collegiate School.

The PTO meets the Third Thursday of each month at 6:30 PM. Please check the calendar for date changes due to school holidays.

Once the PTO President has received this form, your request will be added to the agenda. You should plan on attending this PTO meeting. Additionally, please bring supporters of your cause: Parents, Students, and Teachers.

The form requires the following information:

·  Requestor Name/Grade Represented

·  Dollar Amount Requested

·  Principal approval

·  The purpose of the Funds

·  Summary of Benefits to recipients, including the number of students who will benefit

·  Other means you have used to obtain the needed funds

·  Impact if money is not received

·  Supporting documents: monetary quotes, catalogs, statistics of improved learning benefit

·  Any other supporting documentation

Please note that requests for funds will be voted on during the next scheduled PTO meeting unless immediate need can be identified. (If you provide this form to the PTO in February, it will be discussed at the February PTO meeting and voted on at that’s month PTO meeting unless more time is needed to research the topic).

If an immediate need is required and under $100.00, the Principal, the President, and the Treasurer may approve the request and submit it in the next scheduled meeting.

PTO Funds Request Form

Requestor/Grade Represented/Date Dollar Amount requested

Principal Signature

PTO President Signature

Purpose of Funds

Summary of Benefit to Recipients Including the number who will benefit

Other means you have used to obtain the funds

Impact if funds are not received

Contact PTO President or Treasurer with additional questions