Pharmacy Manager
Recipient name
Address 1
Address 2
Address 3
Address 4
Postcode / NHS England – North Midlands
Anglesey House
Towers Business Park
Wheelhouse Road
WS15 1UL
Telephone: 0113 825 4637
Email address:
25thFebruary 2015

Dear Pharmacist

Re: NHSmail Email Address

The Area Team is currently running an initiative to get as many of our contractors as possible to use an NHSmail email address. NHSmail can be used by Pharmacies to safely and securely exchange patient or sensitive information with other health and social care organisations.

Full details of how to obtain an NHSmail email address are enclosed and you will need to advise us of your NHSmail email address once this has been obtained.

Whilst you are in the process of obtaining an NHSmail email address we would be grateful if you couldadvise us of an alternative email address that we can use to send out general communication such as pharmacy alerts, pharmacy Bank Holiday Notification Forms and the Bank Holiday Opening Times.

Ideally the email address that you give us should be generic one,that more than one member of staff can access, but you may provide an alternative if this is not possible.

We will also share this information with your local CCG to enable them to email you information if required.

Please complete and return the enclosed form by the 6th March 2015 to enable us to issue the upcoming Bank Holiday opening times in this manner.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

Kim Williams

Primary Care Support

To register for an NHSmail account

1. To apply you need to complete the application form at the following web address.

Once completed, email the form to Chris Riley. His email is .

2. He will review your request, make sure they have all the information they need and then pass it to the appropriate NHSmail Local Organisation Administrator (LOA) to set up the account

3. If you aren't eligible for an account they will let you know. You may not be eligible for an account if you only need to exchange patient or sensitive information on an infrequent or ad hoc basis with health and social care organisations, or if you already use another email service that is publicly funded.

4. Before you are registered you will need to have completed the Information Governance toolkit. If you are registering as part of a Pharmacy, only one person per Pharmacy needs to do this. If you are registering as part of a group of Pharmacies, only one nominated headquarters needs to do this. This is an accreditation that is required for access to any NHS national service to ensure that these services remain secure. Please see:

5. Your LOA will contact you with details of your new account and how to activate it. The LOA will text you a security code and then call you with your account details. Once you have confirmed the security code you have received, they will give you your username and a password which you will need to change the first time you log in.

6. If you have registered a number of accounts for your Pharmacy, the LOA can allocate administrator rights to one or more of them if required – this will allow that account holder to unlock accounts and reset passwords

7. Once you have activated your account and logged in you will find a welcome email providing the following information:

  • How to keep the account secure
  • Account quota details
  • Your LOA contact details for ongoing administrative support
  • Where to find help and guidance
  • You can set up a shared account for your practice or site if you need to. The email address will always end but you can specify the part of the email address before the @ sign.

As an example, the email address for John Smith of High Street Pharmacy could be with the display name (the name displayed to the recipient in their inbox) 'Smith John (High Street Pharmacy)'. A shared email account for that pharmacy could be (High Street Pharmacy).

Pharmacy Email Address Form

Name and Address of Pharmacy
Contact Name
NHS Net Email Address
Generic Pharmacy Email Address
Alternative Email Address

This form should be completed and returned by Friday 6th March 2015 to:

Primary Care Team

NHS England – North Midlands

Anglesey House

Towers Business Park

Wheelhouse Road


WS15 1UL

Alternatively it can be emailed to .

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