Honors Theses in Comparative Literature Since 1961

Year of Completion / Thesis Title
1961 / Discussion of Literature and Writers in the Letters of John Keats
1961 / A Comparison of Don Juan and Faust
1966 / The Daemonic Element in the Works of Euripides and Thomas Mann
1972 / Lewis and Cabell, Aslan and Manuel, The Myth and Figure of the Redeemer
1974 / The Tochmarc Étaíne
1976 / Medieval French Lapidary Lore in Wolfram’s Parzival
1981 / Character Development and Interaction in Turgenev’s Virgin Soil and Henry James’ The Princess Casamassima
1982 / Iphigenia, The Drama of Euripides and Racine: Tragic Mood or Tragic Moment?
1987 / Brotherhood and Picaros: lazarillo de Tormes and Invisible Man
1994 / Re-Engendering the Canon: The Influence of Gender in the Poetry of Marceline Desborders-Valmore and Ada Negri
1997 / Unamuno’s Niebla: An Examination of the Interplay Between Aestheticism and Existentialism in the Self-Conscious Novel
1999 / Concentric Circles: How Spacial Relationships Provide Structure for Meaning in Toni Morrison’s Beloved and Gabriel Garcia Marquez’ Cien Anos de Soledad
1999 / Public Words and Private Actions: Voice, Gender, and Power in Faulkner and Simon
2002 / Heaven and Earth: An Exploration of Alyosha Karamazov and Cash Bundren
2002 / The Applied Reader: An Application of Reader-Response to Dramatic Texts
2003 / Protestations of Singularity: The Collage Aesthetic in the Autobiography of Roland Barthes and Julio Cortazar’s La Vuelta al Dia en Ochenta Mundos
2005 / Quotidian Dissent: The Agency of Everyday Distinctions in Liu Heng’s Black
2006 / Lost in a Wonderland of Jazz: Alienation, Improvisation and Originality in the Works of Jack Kerouac and Haruki Murakami
2006 / The Anxious Sage: J.D. Salinger’s Misappropriation of Daoist and Chan Buddhist Traditions in the Glass Stories
2007 / In Search of the Fourth Dimension: Hyperspace Philosophy and Breton’s Early Surrealist Theory
2008 / Drumming Up Memories: Post-War Trauma and Identity in Borchert, Dazai, Grass, and Kurosawa
2008 / Against the Tyrrany of Rationalism: Using Reason Against Reason in Giambattista Vico and Søren Kierkegaard
2008 / Literary Health: Gilles Deleuze and the Procedures for Life
2008 / The Logic of Fantasy: Psychoanalysis and the Problem of Politics
2008 / Drowning in Sin: Aquatic metaphors in the Inferno and Dantesque allusions in Camus’s La Chute
2009 / Rapier Wit: (S)Wordplay in Early Modern European Comedy and Material Culture
2009 / Cultural Tourism and Tragic Pleasure: Uncovering the Appeal of the Tango and the Blues
2009 / Connecting Through Trust: Practical and Literary Experiences of Doctor-Patient Interactions
2010 / Uncertainty Under the Sea: A Motif Motivating Heroism in the Aeneid and Moby Dick
2010 / Importing English: The Invention of Namibia in Language Policy and Literature
2010 / Noise and Aural Composition in the Works of Woolf, Mann and Van Ostaijen
2011 / Against Silence: Teatro Abierto Argentino and Indigenous Folk Music of Ecuador as Popular Resistance Movements
2011 / The Postcolonial Narrative in Jorge Luis Borges’ Ficciones and José Clemente Orozco’s The Epic of American Civilization
2011 / Architectures of Insubordination in Edmundo Desnoes’ Memorias del subdesarollo, Alejandro Jodorowsky’s El Topo and Clarice Lispector’s A paixão segundo G. H.