Palatine Tiger Sharks Swim Team

Parent Advisory Board – Meeting Minutes

September 15, 2014

Meeting called to order: 7:01pm


G. Nelson, T. Gallagher, P. Griffin, N. Carlisle, S. Poss, J. Bolger, L. Rodney, K. Lind, S. Dunne, T. Stepp, J. Borre, J. Ratkovich, D. Bestor, J. Patla

Opening Comments:


Secretary Report (N. Carlisle):

August Minutes – Modify to reflect Corporate Sponsorship submitted report via email to Team President; also, to pass along information (under open discussion) to Corporate Sponsorship, not S. Dunne.

Sara motioned to approved as amended; Jennifer seconded; minutes approved as amended

Registration Summary:

Numbers keep going up

280 as of September (vs. 264 last year)

President Report (G. Nelson):

Graham is having breakfast with d211 Ads on September 29th, invited by Augie. Tony was also invited. They will be talking about pools, relationships, coaches, etc. Our head coach has worked hard to rebuild these relationships.

Need to verify Nominating Committee is still ready to move forward.

Budget Committee will be President, Treasurer, Corporate Sponsorship, Tony, Patrick, and 2 General Members. Liz and Sara Poss agreed to be the members. Teresa will schedule the meeting for an upcoming evening and let all know.

Teresa asked Liz and Susan to give her a rough idea of #s for preparing for the meeting.

Oktoberfest – Thank you to those who volunteered to work – Graham & Brier Nelson, Lisa Rowley, Nicole Carlisle

Brier has booked Courtyard (Airport) for Indy meet.

Head Coach Report (T. Gallagher):

Hiring 2 new coaches (Age Group):

Seth Sable – formed H.E. HS swimmer, starting in 2 weeks

Phil Schroeder – former Fremd swimmer, taught Birchwood/FAC/private lessons, starting in a week

Still searching for Senior level coach; Tony will coach both groups if he doesn’t find someone

Ordering new Birchwood practice flags; going ½ and ½ with Aquatics to order new lane line reel (toward spring)

Money left in Park District budget from this year.

Hickory Willow meet (for HS boys) – limited to Sr1 and Sr2; same weekend as Intrasquad

Asst. Superintendent of Recreation Report (P. Griffin):

Not much changed

We have Harper 2 mornings/week

Fremd is also pushing for Palatine to go to Buffalo Grove, which will help us.

Question (S. Dunne): Pool Rental during January when HS in finals – are we still planning to go to Lattoff?

Per Tony, Lattoff is more expensive; we’ll plan to use Lattoff, but hasn’t been decided yet because of all the variables

Question (K. Lind): Is there still water in Streamwood HS pool?

Answer: Tony will look into it.

Treasurer Report (G. Nelson for T. Stepp):

Motion to approve - Liz; Second – Kim; all in favor; none opposed.

$225,000 in Money Market

$25,000 in Operating Account

We’re in a good cash position

Approximately $160,000 bill due to Park District in December.

$16,000 was made at this past year’s Winter Splash; that’s approx. $50/kid

Summer Frenzy & Splash – income finalized

Registration $ came in September – still working on it.

Escrow Report (T. Rothmeyer):

Nothing to report

Sara getting hard drive back

Vice‐President Report (L. Rodney):

Will send email looking for group parents

Requirement: been through at least one winter season

Working on Spiritwear; hopefully out next week

Corporate Sponsorship (S. Dunne):

November fundraiser – Nov. 15th?Friday or Saturday night?Arlington Racetrack, Makray, Twin Lakes? Something casual

Cocktail tables, drinks and appetizers; Liz knows a singer

Send out a Save the Date for Nov. 15th by end of this week or next week

Fundraising (L. Rowley):

Amazon Smile set up; will get Kim info to send out

Suggestion (J. Bolger): Dine N Share after Intrasquad meet (Oct. 25) – Photo’s, Culvers, Chipotle

Tentative: Panera – Monday, Oct. 13th Dine N Share

Communication Report (K. Lind):

Anne’s Unique Boutique will set up an account; only up to 2 people to drop off; only one person to pick up check

Kim willing to work with another person to coordinate drop-offs; she’ll set up next month; Nicole to pick up check

Advertise and bring Shark swap to Intrasquad - YES

Meet Directors Report (J. Bolger):

Winter Meet Options (Not doing Elk Grove):
Cohost or Cancel

See agenda for options – (1) and (2) are options available

Check with other teams hosting following weekend; see if Glenbrook South a possibility

Jennifer, Graham, Tony and Dustin will decide in next 2 weeks.

Open Discussion/New Business/Future Agenda Items


Meeting Adjourned: 8:19pm (Liz/Teresa)