VETO 2014

Packet by McMaster / I Am Jay’s Inflamed Sense of Rejection

(Peter Cordeiro, Natassia Lei, Brian Luong, Rex Tomasic, Leslie Newcombe)

Science, Math4/4

History 4/4

Literature 4/3

Geography 3/3

Current Events 3/2

Fine Arts 2/2

RMP 2/2

Social Sciences 1/2

Pop Culture/Sports 2/2

Canadian Content 5/4(+1)


1. The statement, “No, we will not go this way,” was attributed to this man following the execution of his brother Aleksandr for an assassination attempt known as “the second First of March”. He proposed an end to parliamentarianism and turning “talking shops into ‘working’ bodies” in The State and Revolution, and describes the final development resulting from increasing profit yield in Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism. This man returned to his home country from Switzerland via the Finland station after hearing news of the Tsar’s abdication. For 10 points, name this man who led the Bolsheviks during the October Revolution.

Answer: Vladimir IlyichLenin, or Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov

2. One piece of music by this composer was based on a Breton myth of a cathedral submerged off the Island of Ys [EES]. In many of his works, he conveyed unprepared modulations up or down a minor third in a major scale. He left his wife for Emma Bardac, with whom he had his only child, the dedicatee ofa series of works including The Snow is Dancing and Golliwog's Cakewalk; those pieces are collected in his Children's Corner suite.Several of this composer’s other worksfor pianowere originally titled for or inspired by Paul Verlaine poems, such as thePassepied from hisSuite bergamasque. For 10 points, name this French composer of Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun and Clair de Lune.

Answer: Achille-Claude Debussy

3. Phillips and van Vechten developed an equation stating that the square of one measure of this quantity is equal to the square of the band gap minus the square of the homopolar band gap. This quantity relates to the average energy in free atoms of valence electrons in an equation created by Allen. Anequalization principleof this, named after Sanderson,describes charge being moved around molecules to minimize the Mulliken variant of this property.Another scalefor this quantity gives a value of 0.7 for francium and 3.98 for fluorine, and is named after Pauling. For 10 points, name this property that describes an atom's ability to attract electrons to itself.


4. This man's first exposure to politics was as a member of Richview Collegiate Institute's Young Liberals Club. His disagreement with the National Energy Program led him to become chief aide to Jim Hawkes of the Progressive Conservatives, but he left the party after growing disillusioned with the Mulroney administration's fiscal policy. He later went on to defeat Hawkes in 1993 while running as a member of the Reform Party. He made a surprise trip to Afghanistan in 2006, and met in 2009 with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao. Known for his negotiations in favour of free trade with the EFTA, alleged restrictions on journalists, and census reform, for 10 points, name this Prime Minister.

Answer: Stephen Harper

5. Tensions shortly before the outbreak of this conflictescalated because of the kidnapping of Adolph Dubs at Setami Mills. Babrak Karmal returned from exile to become Chairman during this conflict, in which he supported the PDPA. One of the first major assaults in this conflict was the siege of the Tajbeg Palace. During this conflict, Michael Vickers headed the implementation of “Operation Cyclone”, a means of funding the Mujahideen. For 10 points, name this 1979-1989 war in the Middle East, which involved a communist power.

Answer:Soviet War in Afghanistan[accept reasonable equivalents]

6. This man entered politics as a Liberal candidate for Vaudreuil-Soulanges in 2006, though he currently serves as anMP forWestmount—Ville-Marie. In 2012, he sought party leadership, but dropped out in 2013 to support Justin Trudeau. This former president of the Canadian Space Agency was part of a six-member team in the Canadian Astronaut Program. He took his first flight as a payload specialist on the Challenger STS-41-G in 1984. For 10 points, name this former engineer, politician, and astronaut, the first Canadian in space.

Answer: Marc Garneau

7. In an early version of this work, the first two partswere given the title“He do the Police in Different Voices”, but they were later renamed for a funeral rite and a board game, respectively. In the latter, a woman recounts her husband’s discharge from the army while a bartender repeats the phrase “Hurry up please, it's time!”. The narrator tells the reader to look at their own morality in its fourth and shortest section, “Death by Water”. Among its characters are Phlebas the Phoenician and Mrs. Potter. Name this poem which begins, “April is the cruelest month,” and ends with “Shantih shantih shantih”, a poem by T.S. Eliot.

Answer: The Waste Land

8. In Hurrian myth, Alalu reigned over this place for nine years before he was defeated by his son Anu. There are several of these regions in Buddhism, but all of them are part of the samsara, and not eternal. Author Sam Harris stated that “it gives people bad reasons to help other human beings when good reasons are available." Harry Muslish wrote a book entitled The Discovery of this place, and it is the main setting of Dante's Paradiso. Name this common religious location, where which angels may inhabit, described as a place where people go after they die.

Answer: Heaven(prompt on afterlife)

9. The term‘verstehen’ (fair-STAY-un), or ‘understanding’, was used by adherents to this school of thought to describe an alternative approach to sociology involving a more participatory analysis of social action. This form of research holds that there is no methodological unity of the sciences, and is particularly associated with the work of Max Weber and the Frankfurt school.For 10 points,give this view, also known as interpretivism, that the research methods of the natural world cannot be applied to the social sphere.

Answer: Antipositivism (accept Interpretivism before mentioned)


This person released their first mixtape,The Cool Cafe: Cool Tape Vol. 1 in 2012, and has featured in such Bieber songs as ThinkingAbout You and Never Say Never. At the 2007 MTV Awards, he received an award for Breakthrough Performance for his role as Christopher in The Pursuit of Happyness. He attended the Kimye wedding, where he made the unusual fashion choice of an all-white Batman suit. Recent roles include Dre Parker in a remake of The Karate Kid and Kitai Raige in After Earth. For 10 points, name this child-actor,the son of actors Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith.

Answer: Jaden Smith (prompt on Smith)

11. Its namesake is said to have left the island of Arba to arrive at this place, thereby founding it. After making that founder an honorary citizen, Abraham Lincoln stated that “government founded on republican principles is capable of being so administered as to be secure and enduring.” Said to be the oldest country in its current form, it has the smallest population of any member of the Council of Europe, though it is not a member of the Eurozone. For 10 points - with a population of approximately 30,000, its largest city at Dogana, and its capital sharing its name, name this Italian enclave.

Answer: Republic of San Marino

12. Supporting parenchyma cells are the sole living components of these structures. During the Devonian period, this tissue's maximum diameter increased, while its minimum diameter stayed consistent. It can be found in four stages of development: the centrarch, exarch, endarch, and mesarch. Fiber-tracheidcells, which act as support in this tissue, exhibit both the narrow lumen of its libriform fibers, and the small pits of its tracheids, which allow water flow. For 10 points, name this transport tissue that uses transpirational pull to allow water and minerals to travel up plants.

Answer: Xylem

13. The Sturgeon Lake Caldera is one of the world's best-preserved mineralized Neoarchean calderas in this area. This region contains the largest exposed portion of Laurentia, a continental craton. The kimberlite diamond pipes being mined at Ekati and Diavik were found in this region, and it also contains the world’s richest nickel-copper-cobalt deposit. For 10 point, name this area also known as the Laurentian Plateau, underlain with Precambrian igneous and high-grade metamorphic rocks, Canada's largest geologic region.

Answer: Canadian Shield (accept Precambrian Shield or Laurentian Plateau before mentioned, prompt after)

14. In the first chapter of this novel, the main character discusses the three-toed sloth, which he compares to a hermit in prayer. Mr. and Mr. Kumar both serve as the protagonist’s early teachers, despite one being a communist atheist and the other a devout Muslim; the protagonist himself practices Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism. The third part of the story takes place at a hospital in Mexico, where the Japanese Ministry of Transport casts doubt on the protagonist's story about the wreck of the Tsimtsum. For 10 points, name this novel written by Yann Martel about the titular character’s timestranded on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger.

Answer: Life of Pi

15. This was the first major international multi-sporting event to have two referees and two linesmen, which were used during the men's hockey tournament. The National Warrior Society removed the Olympic flag from city hall prior to these games. Preparations for these games were headed by John Furlong, and this was the first Olympic games to have the opening ceremony held indoors. At these Olympics, Canada won its first “official” home gold, and earned the most gold medals overall with fourteen. For 10 points, name these winter games, the third ever Olympics to take place in Canada.

Answer: 2010Winter Olympics, or Vancouver Winter Olympics

16. Carmichael gives his name to types of numbers that are not these, but pass a test for finding them. Euler noted that n squared plus n plus forty-one gives these for a number between zero and forty. The Sieve of Eratosthenes is an ancient algorithm for finding all of these in a given limit, and this method was improved upon by the sieve of Atkin. Conjectures by Polignac, Legendre, and Goldbach all concerned these positive integers, two being the smallest and only even one of them; for 10 points, each of these numbers has only one and itself as factors.

Answer: prime numbers

17. In the top-right corner of this composition, the tip of the Cap de Creus peninsula juts into the water. In the centre of the painting, a human-like creature lies in apparent sleep, but appears malformed and faint; in the bottom left, an orange clock covered with ants sits on a table. To the top-left of the painting, a branch holds one of the three “soft” objects. For 10 points, name this work by Salvador Dali, a surrealist painting featuring melting pocket watches.

Answer: The Persistence of Memory

18. The land which this region occupies was acquired by its currently governing nation in 1848, and it is often noted as a center for weather systems. Semi-autonomous nations such as Hopi, Ute, and Navajo hold claims to much of its land today, and its Northeast contains Mesa Verde National Park. Its namesake monument consists of a granite ring and a bronze ring with an inscription reading "Here meet in freedom under God four states". For 10 points, what region is named for the quadripoint where the states of Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona meet?

Answer: Four Corners (prompt on anything mentioning those four states and a border/intersection until mentioned)

19. This author describes how the Egyptian king Psammetichus discovered the oldest race on Earth by locking two children in a room and waiting until a word was spoken in a known language. In another tale, he recounts how Croesus, king of Lydia, learnt that if he attacked the Persian Empire, "then a great empire [would] fall". Although Cicero calls him "the Father of Lies", this authorclaimed that he only told his stories as they have been reported. Perhaps his most famous tale is of the defeat of Xerxes’2.5-million-man army by 1000 Phocians, 700 Thespians and 300 Spartiates at the Battle of Thermopylae. For 10 points, name this historian, hailing from Halicarnassus, known as the "Father of History."

Answer: Herodotus

20. In an early 2006 use of this project’s strategy, licensed firearms dealer Mike Detty became an informant for US law enforcement inOperation Wide Receiver. Some gun advocate groupsbelieve this project was used by the government to blame gun sales for violence along the US-Mexico border, and aForbes journalist called it "President Obama's Watergate". This scandal began in 2009 with the Arizona Field Office of the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and was intended to take down high-ranking Mexican drug cartel members by tracking suspected "straw purchasers" of weapons in the US. For 10 points, identify this controversial operation in which ATF agents unintentionally allowed an estimated 2000 tracked weapons destined for drug cartels to cross the US-Mexico border, named after a film series featuring street racers.

Answer: Operation Fast and Furious

21. In one of this figure’s discourses, he compares the attractions of fame and favours to the life of a well-fed dung beetle. When he was sixteen years old, his father arranged for him to marryhis cousin Yasodharā. When he was conceived, his mother, Queen Maya, dreamed of a six-tusked elephant entering her right side. Devadatta tried and failed to kill this figure three times, and an eightfold path is described in his four noble truths. Name this man, originally named Siddhartha Gautama, who sat under a bodhi tree until attaining enlightenment.

Answer: Gautama Buddha, or Shakyamuni Buddha(accept Siddhartha Gautama until mentioned)

22.This company’s predecessorfilled the gap left by Wearne Air Services, which stopped during World War II due to the Japanese occupation. They are part of an airline alliance called Oneworld, and have subsidiaries called Firefly and MASwings. It took its current name after it split from Singapore Airlines in 1972, and started flights between its major hub and London. For 10 points, on March 8th 2014, this airline’s flight 370 between Kuala Lumpur and Beijing disappeared less than an hour after takeoff.

Answer: Malaysia Airlines, or Malaysian Airline System

23. In the 14th century, this territory took over the city of Ceuta [THAY-oo-ta or SAY-oo-ta] four times, before finally losing control in 1387. After the defeat of the Almohad Caliphate at the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa, this nation was formed by Mohammed I ibn Nasr and served as a refuge for Muslims during the Reconquista. It was finally disestablished in 1492 after Muhammad XII gave up control to the “Reyes Católicos”, Ferdinand and Isabella. For 10 points, name this emirate, also called the Nasrid Kingdom, that was located in the south of the Iberian Pennisula.

Answer: Emirate of Granada or Nasrid Kingdom of Granada (do not accept city of Granada)

24. In one of this writer's stories, the narrator stays with his dead second wife overnight, only to find that she has come back to life as his former one. In another, the protagonist believes his fear of being buried alive has been realized, but finds that he is instead in a small boat. In another work by this author, the narrator leaves a house containing the bodies of Madeline and Roderick before it splits split in two. In one poem, the titular animal causes the narrator to go into madness with its refrain of “Nevermore”. For 10 points, name this editor, poet, and author, who wrote such works asThe Premature Burial, The Fall of the House of Usher, and The Raven.

Answer: Edgar Allan Poe

25. The name for this movement originated as a Twitter hashtag, and some supporters flew the red and black flag of the UPA, a guerilla paramilitary army that fought against Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. It arose after the suspension of a free trade agreement with Europe and was furthered by Prime Minister Mykola Azarov’s request for loans from Russia. For 10 points, this movement, named in reference to Independence Square in Kiev, saw a wave of demonstrations demanding closer ties between Ukraine and Europe.

Answer: Euromaidan movement (description acceptable as long as it is something about the 2013-2014 Ukrainian protests is stated)


  1. The aboriginal population of Canada falls under three main groups. For 10 points each:

[10]Along with Metis and Inuit, name this other group of peoples, which is comprised of over 630 bands. In the United States, the term “Native American” is used.

Answer: First Nations

[10]Smallpox nearly killed half of these indigenous people, whose original settlements were on the northern shore of Lake Ontario.

Answer: Huron, or Wyandot