The Exam:

•The exam is 3 hours and 5 minutes in length and consists of two sections. In section I, students answer 80 multiple choice questions in 55 minutes. In section II, students are given 15 minutes to plan and 45 minutes to write an essay on the document-based question (DBQ), and 70 minutes to answer two essay questions. Suggested time to be spent on each of the essay questions is 5 minutes planning and 30 minutes writing.


•The DBQ & two FRE are scored on a scale of 1-9

–Basis of a thesis, argument, and supporting evidence (including documents for DBQ)

•The M/C counts for 50%, the Essays 50%

–DBQ counts for 22.5%, FRE 27.5% ea.

•180 possible points

–[# correct] x 1.125 = ______MC

–# out of 9 x 4.50 = ______DBQ

–# out of 9 x 2.750 = ______FRE 1

–# out of 9 x 2.750 = ______FRE 2


•Requires you to answer by using documentary evidence AND your outside knowledge




–Not statements of FACTS; descriptions, interpretations or opinions; READ THE SOURCE!


Writing an Essay:

•Thesis Paragraph

–Addresses the QUESTION!!

–Contains Thesis (what is YOUR theme)

–Organizational Categories (set up your following paragraphs)

•Supporting Paragraphs

–Topic sentence

–Specific factual information

–Interpretive commentary

–Documentation (DBQ)*

–Clincher sentence


–Supports, sums up

Level of Questions

Level One: questions are the facts of history. They can be answered from the text or other resources

Level Two: questions require students to make inferences as to how and why the factual information has an impact in the historical context in which it occurs. Students might ask themselves “So What?” about the factual information to help them understand the relevance and move to level two questions.

Level Three: questions are more abstract and attempt to get students to consider broader truths outside the historic context of the information.


Level One:What was the Stamp Act?

Level Two:What was the most important impact of the Stamp Act on colonial resistance?

Level Three:Do attempts to assert control over people who have been allowed freedom for a long period of time always lead to resistance?

Level One:What were the provisions of the Compromise of 1850?

Level Two:To what degree and in what ways did the Compromise of 1850 ultimately lead to increased sectional tension?

Level Three:Are attempts to compromise on moral issues ever successful?

Level One:What is a ‘lame-duck’ president?

Level Two:To what degree and in what ways did Theodore Roosevelt’s announcement that he would not seek reelection in 1908 compromise his ability to successfully enact his reform agenda in 1904?

Level Three:Does the 22nd amendment ensure that all two-term presidents will be less effective in their second term?

Presidential Listing

Critical Period: 1788-1815

1. George Washington (1789-1797)

VP- John Adams

Party: None

Secretary of State- Thomas Jefferson

Secretary of Treasury – Alexander Hamilton

Secretary of War – Henry Knox

Major Items:Judiciary Act (1789)

Tariff of 1789

Hamilton’s Financial Policies

  • National Bank
  • Funding National Debt at ‘par’
  • Assumption of State Debt
  • High Tariffs

Whiskey Rebellion (1799)

French Revolution (1793)

  • Neutrality
  • Citizen Genet

Eli Whitney Invents Cotton Gin (1793)

Battle of Fallen Timbers (1794)

Jay’s Treaty with England (1795)

Pinckney’s Treaty with Spain (1795)

Farewell Address (1796)

  • No ‘permanent’ alliances
  • No Political Parties

First Bank (1791 - 1811)

2. John Adams (1797-1801)

VP- Thomas Jefferson

Party: Federalist

Major Items:X,Y,Z Affair (1797)

War with France (Navy)

Alien and Sedition Acts (1798)

  • Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions (1799)
  • Naturalization Act

“Midnight Judges” (1801)

3. Thomas Jefferson (1801- 1809)

VP- Aaron Burr

Party: Republican

Secretary of State- James Madison

Major Items:Peaceful Transfer of Power

Barbary Pirates (1801-1805)

Marbury vs. Madison (1803)

Louisiana Purchase (1803)

Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804- 05)

12th Amendment (1804)

Chesapeake & Leopard Affair (1807)

Embargo Act (1807)

4. James Madison (1809- 1817)

VP- George Clinton

Party: Republican

Secretary of State- James Monroe

Major Items: Non-Intercourse Act (1809)

Macon’s Bill No. 2 (1810)

Berlin and Milan Decrees

Orders in Council

“War Hawks” (1811- 12)

Battle of Tippecanoe (1811)

War of 1812

Hartford Convention (1814)

Battle of New Orleans (1815)

First Protective Tariff (1816)

2nd Charter for BUS (1816)


Era of Good Feelings/ Era of the Common Man: 1815 – 1840

5. James Monroe (1817- 1825)

VP- Daniel Thompkins

Party: Republican

Secretary of State- John Quincy Adams

Major Items:Marshall’s Decisions:

-McCulloch vs. Maryland (1819)

-Dartmouth College Case (1819)

-Gibbons vs. Ogden (1824)

Factions within Republican Party Begin (1816 – 1828)

Rush-Bagot Amendment (1817)

Panic of 1819

The American System

Growth of Industry

Acquisition of Florida from Spain (1819)

Missouri Compromise (1820)

Monroe Doctrine (1823)

Sectional Tariff (1824)

Favorite Sons Election (Jackson, J.Q. Adams, Crawford and Clay)


The “Corrupted Bargain”

6. John Quincy Adams (1825- 1829)

VP- John C. Calhoun

Party: National Republicans

Secretary of State- Henry Clay

Major Items:New York’s Erie Canal (1825)

Tariff of Abomination (1828)

Calhoun’s Exposition and Protest (1828)

7. Andrew Jackson (1829- 1837)

VP- John C. Calhoun

Martin Van Buren

Party: Democrat

Major Items:Jacksonian Democracy

Spoils System

Manhood Suffrage

Two-Party System (Democrats and Whigs)

Raise of the “Third Party”

Peggy Eaton Affair

Indian Removal Act (1830)

Tariffs of 1832 and 1833

Nullification Crisis

The Second B. U. S. (due to expire in 1836)

Pet banks

Specie Circular (presidential order 1836)

Texas War of Independence (1836)

Formation of the Whig Party (1832)

8. Martin Van Buren (1837- 1841)

VP- Richard Johnson

Party: Democrat

Major Items:Panic of 1837

-Over-speculating in land

-Specie circular, no B.U.S.

-Unsound financing by state governments

-Failure of the wheat crops

-British call in on foreign loans

Election of 1840 “Hard Cider and Log Cabins”

Antebellum Period

9. William Henry Harrison (1841)

VP- John Tyler

Party: Whig

Secretary of State- Daniel Webster

10. John Tyler (1841- 1845)

Anti-Jackson Democrat ran as VP on Whig ticket

Secretary of State- Daniel Webster

Major Items: Webster-Ashburton Treaty (1842)

Vetoes Clay’s Bill for 3rd B.U.S.

Canadian Border established on the 49th parallel

Annexes Texas (1845)

11. James K. Polk (1845- 1849)

VP- George Dallas

Party: Democrat

Major Items:Manifest Destiny

Oregon Boundary settled (1846)

Independent Treasury

Lower Tariffs

Mexican War (1845 - 1848)

California & Mexican Cession Added to Union

Guadalupe- Hidalgo Treaty (1848)

Wilmot Proviso (kept slavery out of the newly acquired territory)

12. Zachary Taylor (1849-1850)

VP- Millard Fillmore

Party: Whig

Major Items: California Gold Rush

Compromise of 1850

Free Soil Movement

13. Millard Fillmore (1850-1853)
Secretary of State- Daniel Webster

Party: Whig

Major Items: Clayton Bulwer Treaty 1850

Seventh of March Speech (Daniel Webster)

Compromise of 1850 passes (Stephen Douglas)

Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852)

14. Franklin Pierce (1853-1857)

VP- William King

Party: Democrat

Major Items:Kansas-Nebraska Bill (1854)

-Popular sovereignty (Stephen Douglas)

Know Nothing Party & Republican Party (1854)

Japan opened to world trade (1853)

Gadsden Purchase (1853)

Underground Railroad

Bleeding Kansas

Ostend Manifesto (1854) desire for Cuba. Spain; offered $100,000,000 in Ostend, Belgium

Charles Sumner & Preston Brooks (1856) – ‘hit him again!’

15. James Buchanan (1857-1851)

VP- John C. Breckenridge

Party: Democrat

Major Items: Dred Scott Decision (1857) – 5th amendment

Lecompton Constitution (1857)

Lincoln- Douglas Debate (1858)

John Brown Raids Harpers Ferry (1859)

16. Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865)

VP: Hannibal Hamlin (1861) & Andrew Johnson (1865)

Party: Republican/Union

Secretary or State- William H Seward

Secretary of Treasury- Salmon P. Chase

Major Items: Civil War (1861-1865)

Crittenden Compromise

Abuse of Executive Powers

Border States

Trent Affair (1861)

Antietam (1862)

Emancipation Proclamation (1863)

Gettysburg Address (1863)

Homestead Act (1862)

Morill Act (created agricultural colleges)

10% Plan verses Wade-Davis Bill

Freedmen’s Bureau (1865)

Lincoln’s Assassination

-April 14, 1865 (John Wilkes Booth)

Reconstruction: 1865- 1877

17. Andrew Johnson (1865- 1869)

Secretary of State- William H. Seward

Party: Republican

Major Items:13th Amendment (1865)

14th Amendment (1868)

15th Amendment (1870)

Reconstruction Act (1867)

Radical Republicans (Thaddeus Stevens & Charles Sumner)

Congressional Election of 1866 (Swing ‘round the Circle)

Civil Rights Act 1866

Tenure of Office Act (1867)

Impeachment Trial (1868)

Formation of KKK

Adoption of Black Codes


18. Ulysses S. Grant (1869- 1877)

VP-Schuyler Colfax and Henry Wilson

Secretary of State- Hamilton Fish

Party: Republican

Major Items:First Transcontinental Railroad (1869)

Tweed Ring – Thomas Nast

Panic of 1873 – “Crime of ‘73”

Credit Mobilier – Union Pacific Railroad

Whiskey Ring

Gilded Age: 1877- 1900

19. Rutherford B. Hayes (1877- 1881)

VP – William Wheeler

Party: Republican

Major Items:Compromise of 1877

Bland- Allison Act (1878) (free coinage of silver)

Troops withdrawn from South (1877)

20. James A. Garfield (1881, March 4- September 19)

VP- Chester Arthur

Party: Republican (Half Breed)

Secretary of State- James Blaine

Major Items:Garfield’s Assassination

- Charles Julius Guiteau

21. Chester A. Arthur (1881- 1885)

Party: Republican (Stalwart)

Secretary of State- James Blaine

Major Items: Pendleton Act (1883) (civil service commission is set up)

22. Grover Cleveland (1885- 1889)

VP- Thomas Hendricks

Party: Democrat (1st since James Buchanan)

Major Items:Knights of Labor (1886)

Haymarket Riot (1886)

Interstate Commerce Act (1886)

Washburn vs. Illinois (1886)

Laissez-faire Economics

Military Pensions (GAR)

23. Benjamin Harrison (1889- 1893)

VP- Levi Morton

Party: Republican

Secretary of State- James Blaine

Major Items:Sherman Anti-Trust Act (1890)

Populist Party Platform of 1892

ND, SD, MT, WA- 1889 states

Pan-American Conference (1889)

Idaho, Wyoming- 1890 states

McKinley Tariff (1890)

Sherman Act (1890)

Homestead Steel Strike (1892)

24. Grover Cleveland (1893- 1897)

Second Administration

VP- Adlai Stevenson

Party: Democrat

Major Items:Panic of 1893

Hawaiian Incident (1893)

Venezuelan Boundary Affair (1895)

Pullman Strike (1894)

American Federation of Labor

Wilson- Gorman

Tariff of 1894

25. William McKinley (1897- 1901)

Party: Republican

VP- Garet Hobart (1896- 1900)

Theodore Roosevelt

Secretary of State- John Hay

Election of 1896 – Populists/Democrats (William Jennings Bryan)

Free Silver Issue (16:1) – Wizard of Oz

Major Items:New Imperialism

Yellow journalism

Spanish- American War (1898)

Teller Amendment (1898)

Insular Cases (1901-1903)

Patt Amendment (1901) – Cuba becomes a Protectorate

Open Door Policy

Boxer Rebellion (1900)

McKinley’s Assassination

-Leon Czolgosz (1901)

Progressive Age - WWI: 1900- 1920

26. Theodore Roosevelt (1901- 1909)

Party: Republican

VP- Charles Fairbanks

Secretary of State- John Hay, Elihu Root

Major Items:Panama Canal (1903-1914)

“Square Deal”

Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine (1904)

Portsmouth Treaty

Gentlemen’s Agreement with Japan (1904)

Hague Conferences (1899 and 1907)

Russo – Japanese War (1904-1905)

Great White Fleet

Hepburn Act (1906)

Pure Food and Drug Act, Meat Inspection Act, and Muckrakers


Political Reforms of the Roosevelt Era


Coal Strike (1901) – TR took side of labor!


Venezuelan Debt Controversy (1902)

Dominican Republic crisis (1902-05)

Algerius Conference over Morocco (1906)

Scientific Management

The Muckrakers

Political Reform in Cities and States

The Jungle – Upton Sinclair


27. William H. Taft (1909- 1913)


VP- James Sherman

Major Items: Paine- Aldrich Tariff (1909)

Pinchot- Ballings (1909) (conservation, polygamy problem)

Payne-Aldrich Tariff (1909)

Rise of the Socialist Party (Eugene V. Debs)

Dollar Diplomacy

The Lodge Corollary (1912)

Election of 1912 (Bull Moose Party)

28. Woodrow Wilson (1913- 1921)


VP- Thomas Marshall

Major Items:“The New Freedom”

Underwood Tariff (1913)

16th, 17th, 18th and 19th Amendments

Moral Diplomacy

Federal Reserve System (1913)

Glassower Act (1913)

Federal Trade Commission (1914)

Clayton Anti- Trust Act (1914)

Troops to Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Virgin Islands,


Tampico Incident (1914)

Pancho Villa

The Lusitania (May 1915) – Zimmerman Note

Child Labor Act (1916)

“Fourteen Points” (January 1917)

“Making the world safe for Democracy”

Treaty of Versailles (1919-1920)

Henry Cabot Lodge – 14 Reservations (opposes Article X of Treaty)

Roaring Twenties: 1920- 1929

29. Warren G. Harding (1921- 1923)

“Dark Horse Candidate”

Party: Republican

VP- Calvin Coolidge

Secretary of State- Charles E. Hughes

Major Items:Teapot Dome Scandal (Discovered after death) – oil reserves

Washington Conference (1921- 1922)

Fordney- McCumber Tariff (1922)

Pardons socialist leader Eugene Debs (1921)

30. Calvin Coolidge (1923- 1929)

Party: Republican

VP- Charles Dawes

Secretary of State- Frank Kellogg

Major Items:Silent Cal

The Dawes Plan (1924)

Kellogg- Briand Pact (1928)

“The business of America is business”

the Scopes “Monkey” Trial (1925)

31. Herbert Hoover (1929- 1933)

Party: Republican

VP- Charles Curtis

Secretary of State- Henry L. Stimson

Major Items:National Origins Immigration Act (1929)

Panic and Depression

Stock Market Crash (1929)

Hawley- Smoot Tariff (1930) – declaration of ‘economic war’

Debt moratorium (1931)

The Federal Farm Board (powers were enlarged)

Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC – 1932)

Boulder Dam

The Bonus Army March (1932) – Douglas MacArthur

The Stimson Doctrine (1932)

The 20th Amendment (1933)

The New Deal/ WWII: 1920- 1945

32. Franklin Roosevelt (1933- 1945)

Party: Democrat

VP- John Garner, Henry Wallace, Harry Truman

Major Items:New Deal

The Three R’s: relief, recovery & reform

The First 100 Days (WPA, AAA, CCC, FDIC, HOLC, TVA, NRA)

Beer-Wine Act 1933

The Good-Neighbor Policy (1933)

Fireside Chats

The Social Security Act (1935)

The Demagogues (Huey ‘Kingfish’ Long)

Packing the Court (1937)

Formation of the C.I.O.

Roosevelt Recession 1937-1938

Keynesian Economics

The Dust Bowl


Neutrality Act 1935, 1936, 1937

“Cash & Carry” (1939)

Selective Service Act (1940)

The Four Freedoms Speech (1941)

Lend-Lease Policy (1941)

The Atlantic Charter (1941)

Pearl Harbor (Dec. 7th 1941)

World War II 1941-1945

War Time Conferences (Casablanca, Tehran & Yalta)

33. Harry S. Truman (1945- 1953)

Party: Democrat “The buck stops here!”

VP- Albern Barkley

Major Items:Postdam Conference (1945)

World War II Ends- Atomic Bomb

The United Nations (1945)

Employment Act (1946)

Committee on Civil Rights (1946)

Taft- Hartley Act (1947)

Truman Doctrine (1947)

Marshall Plan (1947)

The Berlin Airlift (1948-1949)

Communist in China (1949 – Mao Zedong)

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (1949)

Satellite Nations (The Iron Curtain)

Containment – George F. Kennan

Korea (1950-53; Truman Vs. MacArthur)

“Fair Deal”

The baby Boom

Rise of the Sunbelt

The Cold War: 1945- 1981

34. Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953- 1961)

Party: Republican

VP- Richard Nixon

Secretary of State: John Foster Dulles

Major Items:22nd Amendment

Brown vs. Board of Education Topeka, Kansas

Montgomery Bus Boycott (Dr. Martin Luther King, jr.)

Rise of Consumerism (Television comes of age)

Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)

Interstate Highway System (1956)

Dulles’ Diplomacy – Brinkmanship

“more bang for the buck”

Suez Crisis (1956)

Eisenhower Doctrine

The Race for Space (sputnik)

The U2 Incident

Military-industrial complex

Alaska and Hawaii become states (1959)

The Kitchen Debates – Nixon v. Khrushchev

35. John F. Kennedy (1961- 1963)


VP- Lyndon B. Johnson

Secretary of State: Robert McNamara

Major Items: Television Debates verses Nixon

The New Frontier


The Berlin Wall(Ich bin ein Berliner)

Flexible Response

Alliance For Progress

Baker vs. Carr

The Peace Corps

Bay of Pigs

Cuban Missile Crisis

Nuclear Test- Ban Treaty

Kennedy assassinated at Dallas, Texas

-(November 22, 1963) Lee Harvey Oswald

36. Lyndon B. Johnson (1963- 1968)


VP- Hubert Humphrey (2nd Term)

Secretary of State: Robert McNamara

Major Items:The “Cold War”

Cuban Policy

Income Tax Cut

Wesberry vs. Sanders (1964)

Civil Rights Act (1964)

War on Poverty

Anti-Poverty Act (1964)

Elementary and Secondary Education


“Great Society”

Counter-Revolution (Student movements)

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

The Vietnam War (1966-1975)

Hawks v. Doves

Tet Offensive (1968)

Democratic Convention in Chicago (1968)

The Return of Nixon

Détente / Glasnost & Perestroika: (1968- 1992)

37. Richard M. Nixon (1968- 1974)


VP- Spiro Agnew, Gerald Ford

Secretary of State: Henry Kissinger

Major Items:“Imperial Presidency”

New Federalism – Law & Order President

Southern Strategy (silent majority)

Landing on the Moon (July 1969)

Warren Burger- Chief Justice

Woodstock (August 1969)

Vietnamization – Victory with Honor

Cambodia Bombings (Kent State 1970)

E.P.A. established (1970)

26th Amendment (1971)

Visit to China (February 1972)

Visit to Russia (May 1972)

SALT (1972)

Kissinger- “Shuttle Diplomacy” (1973- 75)

The Burger Court (Woe v. Wade 1973)

Wounded Knee, S. D. (1973)

Allende regime in Chile- CIA (September 1973)

Agnew resigns (1973)

Watergate Scandal

War Powers Act 1973

Nixon resigns (August 9, 1974)

Pentagon Papers (August 30, 1971)

- Superior Court to allow NY Times to publish

38. Gerald Ford (1974- 1976)


1st Appointed President

VP- Nelson Rockefeller

*neither President, nor VP had been elected

Major Items: Pardons Nixon

O.P.E.C. Crisis (1974)

Fall of Saigon 1975

Genocide in Cambodia

39. Jimmy Carter (1976- 1980)


VP- Walter Mondale

Major Items:Panama Canal Treaty signed (September 1977)

Established diplomatic relations with Communist China; ended

recognition with Taiwan

3 Mile Island Incident (PA) nuclear leak (March 1979)

Camp David Accords 1978

-Egypt and Israel peace treaty; Sadat and Begin

Iran Hostage Crisis (1979) – 444 Days

-rescue attempt- 8 killed

Seizure of Afghanistan by Soviets (1979)


Human Rights Diplomacy

Andrew Young – 1st African-American Ambassador to UN

SALT II 1979

Boycott Olympics in Moscow to protest Afghanistan

40. Ronald Reagan (1980- 1988)


VP- George Bush

Major Items:Hostages returned

Moral majority

Falkland Islands crisis- U.S. supports England (1982)

1500 Marines sent to Beruit (1983); withdrawn 1984

Granada (October 1983)

Nicaragua (1984)

Sandra Day O’Connor appointed to the Supreme Court (1st Woman)

“Supply side Economics” = Reaganonomics

1984 Election (Walter Mondale & Geraldine Ferraro)

SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative – Star Wars)

Mikhail Gorbachev (glasnost & perestroika) 1985

Iran Contra Hearings: Oliver North (Summer 1987)

41. George Bush (1988- 1992)


VP- Dan Quayle

Major Items:Tiananmen Square 1989

Savings and Loan Scandal (1990)

“No new taxes” speech

Berlin Wall came down/ Reunification of Germany

Invasion of Panama (1990)

Anita Hill & Clarence Thomas (Supreme Court & Sexual Harassment)

Operation Desert Shield/ Storm (January 1992- August 1992)

APUSH: Chronology of Religion in America

  1. Colonial Period:
  • Anglican Church of England (Henry VIII founder)
  • Cecilius Calvert (Lord Baltimore) – founder of Maryland “a Catholic Haven”
  • Act of Toleration 1649 – pro Trinitarian Faiths, developed after 30yrs War
  • Separatists & Puritans (John Calvin – predestination)
  • 1621 Separatists land at Plymouth (Mayflower Compact)
  • Massachusetts Bay: Puritans (John Winthrope the Great Migration 1630’s)
  • “City Upon a Hill” – Utopian ideals, anti-democratic yet Town Meetings lead to democracy
  • Roger Williams – dissenter 1636; separation of Church & State principle; pay Indians for land
  • Ann Hutchinson – dissenter 1638; antinomianism “against law”
  • Jeremiad preaching
  • Half-Way Covenant 1662 – partial membership of children through baptism
  • Salem Witch Trials 1692
  • William Penn (Quakers) 1681 – Holy Experiment
  • Great Awakening: 1730 - 40’s
  • Religious revivals (J. Edwards & G. Whitefield)
  • “Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God!”
  • “Fire & Brimstone” emotionalism; Old v. New Lights
  1. Post Revolution
  • End of religious qualification for voting
  • First Amendment to Constitution
  • Separation of Church & State
  • Deism: reason and science (Enlightenment/Natural Rights)
  • Unitarian faith
  • Shakers – Mother Ann Lee
  1. 1800’s
  • Second Great Awakening: 1830 – 1840’s
  • Charles Finney (1792-1895)
  • Methodist & Baptists
  • “burned over” districts
  • Mormon Faith
  • Transcendentalism 1830-1850’s
  • Ralph Waldo Emerson & Henry David Thoreau
  • Civil Disobedience
  • Utopian Communities
  • Oneida & Brook Farm
  • Nativism
  • The Gospel of Wealth
  • Social Darwinism
  • Dwight Lyman Moody
  • Cardinal Gibbons (1834-1921)
  • 1879 – Salvation Army & Christian Scientists (Mary Baker Eddy)
  1. The Twentieth Century
  • Fundamentalism v. Darwinism
  • Scopes Trial 1925
  • Margaret Sanger – Birth Control
  • Prohibition
  • KKK – pro WASP
  • Bruce Barton
  • “the Man Nobody Knows”
  • Religious Revival through Movies
  • Ten Commandments, Ben Hur
  • Election of JFK - 1st Catholic President
  • Civil Rights Movement
  • Dr. Martin Luther King
  • Southern Christian Leadership Conference
  • Malcolm X
  • Nation of Islam
  • Black Panthers
  • Engel v. Vitale 1962
  • Conservatism Resurgence 1980’s
  • Moral Majority

History of Monetary Policies in the United States