Spectrum Chemistry 3 Homework

A word to you as a class. Please print out this homework assignment sheet and follow it closely! Check off each thing as you do it. Turn in ALL the homework. Label all your homework so I can tell what book and what page it's from. I'm assigning more conversion practice because only one student has demonstrated mastery. SHOW your work!!


___ Complete the Unit Conversions Practice 2 Worksheet* found in the Resources column of the website.

____ Complete the Significant Figures Practice Worksheet* found in the Resources column of the website.


____ Read pp. 24-26 in Spectrum Chemistry.

____ Complete the exercise on p. 26* in Spectrum Chemistry.

____ Complete the lab handout* we worked with in class. (Density of Metals - there is a copy posted in the Resources column if you've lost yours...)) Start on page 2 at the bottom with the "Problem". We calculated the density of the piece of aluminum in class, so you know how to do this! You can use the space provided in the packet to write the extra answers or use a separate piece of paper. Just be sure I know where to find your answers!

This lab is designed to allow you to practice measuring using lab tools, to practice your 'converting' skills and to help you understand the real-life application of these skills!

I sent you home with aluminum foil. You can't follow the procedure exactly because you don't have a scale. Please use the data below:


Regular foil9.8 cm9.9 cm.35g

Heavy Duty foil10.0cm10.0cm.60g

Note: one cm3= 1 ml. (That is because the milliliter was based upon the centimeter - so one cubic centimeter of water is equivalent to one milliliter of water. Sometimes you hear about medicine being delivered through a syringe as so many cc's...? That's how the two systems of measurement relate!)

Under "Accuracy, Precision, Percentage Error and Percentage Deviation", you are told to "Obtain the accepted value for the thickness of the two kinds of aluminum foil from your teacher." We used only one kind, and here is its accepted thickness value: 2.4 x 10-3 cm.

Complete the Review Problems also.

You will turn in this whole packet, so please work carefully on it.


____ Read pp. 28-36 in Spectrum Chemistry

____ Complete exercises on page 32 and 36*.


____ Finish up anything you still need to complete. If you are just starting your homework, you may be sorry to have waited till now...

____ Organize your homework to hand in tomorrow neatly and in order!


____ Bring to class:

Unit Conversions Practice 2 Worksheet

Significant Figures Practice Worksheet

lab handout

exercise on p. 26* in Spectrum Chemistry

exercise on p. 32* " "

exercise on p. 36* " "