Chapter 13 & 14 – Chemical Bonding & Reactions Test Review

Name ______

1. Oxygen is a ______molecule which is found in nature as two atoms of the element bonded together.

2. Classify the following equations:

a. CaCl2 + F2 → CaF2 + Cl2 ______

b. 4 Li + O2 → 2 Li2O ______

c. Na2SO4 + Ca(C2H3O2)2 → CaSO4 + 2 NaC2H3O2 ______

d. 2 KClO3 → 2 KCl + 3 O2 ______

3. Most reactions in your body are sped up by enzymes which are referred to chemically as ______. In order to slow down a reaction, a chemist would use a(n) ______.

4. We balance equations to justify the ______, because matter cannot be created or destroyed.

5. Balance the following equation: Na3PO4 + Ca(NO3)2 → NaNO3 + Ca3(PO4)2

6. Identify by name and count how many atoms of each element are in the formula 2 Mg(C2H3O2)2. ______

7. An ionic bond is usually between a ______and a ______.

8. Write the formula for the compound phosphorus trichloride. ______

9. What are the four clues that a chemical reaction is taking place?

a. ______

b. ______

c. ______

d. ______

10. Identify by name the reactants and products in the equation Na2O + H2O → 2 NaOH. ______

11. True / False When balancing chemical equations, you can either add a coefficient or change a formula in the equation.

12. What is the total charge of this compound? (NH4)2CO3 ______

13. Light energy is released in the ______reaction of Chem-Lights (light sticks), whereas energy is taken in during the ______reaction of a chemical ice pack.

14. Use your oxidation chart to write the formula for the following polyatomic ions:

a. aluminum phosphate ______

b. hydrogen peroxide ______

c. aluminum sulfate ______

15. Write the name for the formula Na2O. ______

16. Write the name for the formula NO. ______

17. Identify the elements (by name) and the number of atoms of each for 2 (NH4)3PO4. ______

18. Preservatives are considered to be ______because they are added to foods to slow down the rate at which the food spoils.

19. Four factors that affect the rate of a reaction are:

a. ______

b. ______

c. ______

d. ______

20. Identify by name the polyatomic ion(s) in the compound NH4OH. ______

21. Phosphate is a ______ion.

22. The number of ______of each element in the formula of a compound is written as a subscript number, whereas the ______of the element is written as a superscript number.

23. A coefficient in front of a formula represents how many ______of that formula.

24. Write the formula for the following covalent bonds:

a. dinitrogen monoxide ______

b. sulfur trioxide ______

25. Which is an example of a chemical reaction taking place?

a fire being ignited by a match or an ice cube feeling cold melting in your hand

Honors: Determine the gram formula mass of the compound 3 CaCl2. ______