Graduate Program Directors and Coordinators Meeting Minutes

March 28, 2013

3:00-5:00 p.m.

Mendenhall 244

Present: Atkinson, Terry; Avenarius, Christine; Bell, Paul; Brown, Carol; Burns, Colin; Chambers, Crystal; Cope, John; Decker, Jim; Dingfelder, Michael; Donica, Denise; Eagle, Scott; Eble, Michelle; Franklin, Rich; Gares, Paul; Grobe, Bill; Jantzen, Chris; Jones, Terry; Kelley, Tim; Kulas, Tony; Lamson, Angela; Lea, Suzanne; Lutes, Lesley; Mahar, Mallinson, David; Matt; Oliver, Jason; Ozan, Erol; Parker, A. Virginia; Pokorny, Marie; Pressler, Jana; Preston, Ron; Schmidt, Steve; Shearman, Sachiyo; Skalko, Thom; Sorensen, Jon; Sua, Lou; Swanson, Carl; Walcott, Christy; West, Terri; Williams, Tina; and Heather Wright

1.  Call to order

3:03 PM

2.  Approval of January 23, 2013 minutes


3.  GRE scores – Age limit 10 years

·  Students with GRE scores over 10 years old will need to submit new scores or apply for professional track admission

·  Revised letter assignment of admission processors will be emailed to all GPD&C

4.  One-time requests for 1st summer 2013

a.  Tuition remissions

·  Most decisions are made

·  Priority given to students in a full time assistantship

b.  Assistantships

·  The Graduate School plans to pull back unencumbered assistantship funds in late spring.

o  Program directors will be consulted first.

o  Please be sure to encumber your finds by submitting contracts and EPAF’s. Funds encumbered in this manner for the summer term will not be pulled back

·  Dr. Gemperline will ask GPD&C to submit the names of students to receive extra funding for summer

·  Dr. Gemperline will vet these requests through the Associate Deans

5.  Assistantship budget outlook for 2013/14

·  Size of ECU’s total budget cut for next year is uncertain but the Division of Research and Graduate Studies plans to protect the graduate assistantship budget

·  6% cut to UNC systems – colleges plan for 3-5% cut

·  The current assistantship budget is $6.5 million

6.  Recruiting and enrollment outlook for Fall 2013

a.  Comparison of current year’s data to previous year point in time: Applications received and offers of admission extended

·  Small increase in the number of applications since last year

·  Admission decisions are up (perhaps due in part to deadlines being moved up for admission decisions)

b.  Report on recruiting strategies – Please come prepared to briefly share your experiences with new strategies you tried this spring that worked or did not work

·  Many GPD&C utilized the ETS GRE search service

·  Psychology and Security Studies had positive experiences with this tool

·  Dr. Gemperline strongly encouraged programs with open enrollment to take time to personally communicate with prospective students (phone calls, emails, current graduate student follow up)

·  Suggestion to utilize social media

7.  Graduate School review & approval of theses and dissertations – status report & general discussion

·  7 ETD’s have been returned throughout Dr. Gemperline’s time as Dean of the Graduate School

·  2 problems are currently being discussed in the Graduate Council: Dean’s approval authority and process issue

·  Under consideration is the development of best practices to minimize probability an ETD will not be accepted by the Graduate School in the future

o  An ad-hoc group is meeting to develop processes after researching nearby universities regarding the issue of quality control

o  A consensus has not yet been formed

·  Important for faculty committee members and chairs to check to see the final thesis or dissertation product is acceptable

·  Email any strategies/ideas regarding accountability measures to Dr. Terry West or Dr. Andrew Morehead

·  Consensus that if the thesis/dissertation deadline is moved up many student will not finish on time

8.  Online orientation program

a.  Programs can choose modules and tailor for students or use a template and copy items into your own blackboard courses

Workshop in April regarding how to use this tool

·  Comments from GPD&C varied regarding usefulness

·  The Graduate School will also host an campus orientation

·  Buses were not well received by students

·  Dates under consideration 8/12 and 8/13; also 8/16 and 8/17

o  An email will be sent out to GPD&C to indicate a preference

9.  Next meeting – TBA, Fall 2013

10.  Adjourn

Respectfully submitted,

Amy Tripp