Minutes of The Southrop Parish Council meeting held at 7.30pm on Thursday 7th January 2016 in The Village Hall


Councillors: Chairman Beccle, Cllr. Hibbert, Cllr. Guest and Cllr. Jones.

Members of the public: Anthony Stanbury

1.  Apologies for absence. Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr. Gowland.

2.  Declaration of interest in items on the agenda. Cllr. Hibbert in item 6a and Cllr. Jones in item 7.

3.  To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 11th November 2015. The minutes were approved and signed off by The Chairman.

4.  Open Public Session.

5.  Finance

a.  To approve the current financial statement. Council approved the financial statement.

b.  To approve the expenditure since the last meeting. Council approved the following financial expenditure:

i. £671.58 Clerk’s salary October, November & December

ii. £25.90 website hosting December and January

iii.£178.00 speed detection device

vi.£225 Tai Chi x 9 weeks

v. £50 subscription to CPRE

c.  To sign off cheques and cheque book transaction record. The Chairman signed off the cheque transaction record in the cheque book.

d.  Appointment of Iain Selkirk as external internal auditor for £85. This was agreed to by all Councillors.

6.  Planning – new applications received since the last meeting:

a.15/04755/LBC & 15/04754/FUL

This item was moved to the very end of the meeting to enable all business to be concluded before asking Cllr Hibbert to adjourn preceding the discussion. Cllr Beccle asked for consideration to be given to parking and traffic issues, effects on the Church and possible light pollution from the lantern, which is to be reinstated on the roof of the Ox Barn. A somewhat controversial debate ensued resulting in Cllr Beccle stating that Cllr Guest and Cllr Jones would not be able to put in a comment of ‘no objection’ as they wouldn’t be quorate because Cllr Beccle would resign on the spot. Further discussion took place and it was Cllr Jones who motioned that the meeting be adjourned with a ‘no vote’ result. Both Cllr Guest and Cllr Beccle were happy to 2nd and carry the motion.

7.  Precept to include monies for bus shelter repairs and new noticeboards. Chairman Beccle reported that the demand for payment of £2500 for the 20mph speed restriction signs has now been received and in light of this and after discussion, it was decided to add £2500 to the precept and take the remaining £2500 out of reserves to pay for the bus shelter repairs. This decision finalized the precept. Grateful thanks go to David Chapman for offering to make new noticeboards. A discussion took place regarding the possibility of raising funds for the Village Hall via the precept in the future. The outcome of the conversation was that this would need further consultation and discussion before any decision could be made.

8.  Quarry View bin. Chairman Beccle advised that this is on the list to be replaced.

9.  Active Together. Chairman Beccle advised that this matter is ongoing.

10.Any other business. Cllr. Hibbert advised that the litterpick will take place on 5th and 6th March 2016.

11.Date of the next meeting. Thursday 3rd March 2016

12.Close. There being no further business the meeting closed at 10.22pm.