Renaissance & Baroque

HUM 2232 33573 W19

Summer 2014

TR 8:00-9:40PM

Room 5-229


Instructor: Jim Fitzgerald

Telephone: 407-247-7922 (Mobile—best to text first)


Hours: Available to meet with students by appointment Monday-Wednesday. It is best to text first to schedule a call or set-up an appointment. All calls go to voicemail first. I will usually return texts I receive during business hours immediately unless I am in class or a meeting. I return calls received during business hours the same day. Texts and calls received after hours will be returned no later then the next day. My email is sent directly to my phone but may require a bit longer response time so please allow 24 hours (just in case). If for some reason I am not responsive you have permission to pester me.


Hours earned: 3 credit hours

Course Description:

Prerequisite: ENC 1101 or ENC 1101H. Integrated examination of dominant ideas in Western culture expressed in art, literature, music, philosophy and religion. Covers period from Renaissance through Baroque era, emphasizing synthesis of classical and Christian elements. Students must demonstrate college level writing skills through multiple assignments. Minimum grade of C required if used to satisfy Gordon Rule requirement.

Course Materials:

Required text:

Sayre, Henry M. The Humanities: Culture Continuity and Change. Books 3 and 4. Second Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2012.

Students are required to bring their textbook to each class session.

Core Competencies

This class reinforces the following Valencia core competencies:

  1. THINK by analyzing information, opinions, and perspectives
  2. Demonstrate VALUE by understanding beliefs and values
  3. COMMUNICATE by articulating information, ideas, and opinions
  4. ACT by applying knowledge, skills, and values to personal life

Valencia Course Outcomes for HUM 2232

  1. Students will be able to analyze and interpret works of art, literature, religion, philosophy, and other primary source texts in their historical context
  2. Students will be able to understand the factors and forces that shaped Renaissance and Baroque culture
  3. Students will be able to evaluate the lasting historical significance of the Renaissance and Baroque eras
  4. Students will be able to appreciate the diverse achievements and traditions of global civilizations
  5. Students will demonstrate college level writing

COurse Organization

This course meets once a week in a classroom format. Your final grade is based on the combined scores of exams, writing assignments, attendance and participation. Students must complete all coursework or they will be assigned a grade of 0 for anything missing.

Course Evaluation

  1. Midterm – 25 pts
  2. Final – 25 pts
  3. Paper – 25 pts
  4. Attendance, Punctuality, Participation Project – 25 pts

Maximum points = 100.

Grading Scale: A = 90-100, B = 80-89, C = 70-79, D = 60-69, F = 59-0

Exams – combined 50% Midterm(Tue, Feb 25, 6 PM)andfinal (Tue, April 22, 6 PM): Midterm and final exams will be completed on the scheduled date. No make-up exams are permitted. Exams will consist of short answers, definition, fill in the blank, multiple choice, matching, and word bank questions. Students are expected to demonstrate a depth of understanding of the subject matter. Missing the final exam will result in a grade of F.

Paper – 25% (Due April 8): The following guidelines for your research paper must be followed:

  1. Must be 10 pages of text, double-spaced.
  2. In addition to the 10 pages of text, your paper must have a title page, table of contents, and a works cited page.
  3. Must follow all MLA guidelines.
  4. Must use 12 pt. font, Times New Roman.
  5. Must have approximately 1-inch margins (or the standard default margins for MS Word).
  6. Must use 2 primary and 3 secondary resources.
  7. Must have a minimum of five block quotations from these sources.
  8. Your grade will be determined as follows:
  1. Following the assignment, and guidelines – 5pts
  2. Content – 5pts
  3. Creativity -5 pts
  4. Technical writing skills: Grammar, spelling etc. – 5pts
  5. Logic, flow, following MLA guidelines – 5pts

Students are strongly encouraged to use the Valencia Writing Center to get help for the technical aspects of your papers.

Possible topics will be discussed in class. Please discuss any ideas you may have with your professor before you begin your research.

Attendance – combined 25%:Regular attendance, active participation in class discussions, and turning in assignments on time is necessary for full credit. Students with 0 to 1 absence will receive full credit (25pts). Students with two absences will receive half credit (12.5pts). Students with 3 absences will receive no credit for attendance (0pts). Students who are tardy will loose 1pts for each tardy. After three times tardiness will be treated as an absence.

Students will receive an excessive absence notification when 3 absences have been accumulated. After notification, the student may be withdrawn if more absences occur. Withdrawal will be determined on an individual basis, considering the number and nature of the absences, and the grades earned in the course. On the rare occasion that a student is late to class, it is the student’s responsibility to notify the instructor at the end of class in order to get credit for attendance that day.


Withdrawal Policy: Failure to perform these listed tasks may result in your withdrawal from this course by the instructor.

Note: Per Valencia Policy 4-07 (Academic Progress, Course Attendance and Grades, and Withdrawals), a student who withdrawals from the class before March 21, 2014, 11:59 PM will receive a grade of “W.” Students should consult with their advisor before withdrawing from the course because it may directly affect financial aid or scholarships. A student is not permitted to withdraw after the withdrawal deadline. A faculty member MAY withdraw a student up to the beginning of the final exam period for violation of the class attendance policy. A student who is withdrawn by faculty for violation of the class attendance policy will still receive a grade of “W” and will not receive credit for the course. Any student who withdraws or is withdrawn from a class during a third or subsequent attempt in the same course will be assigned a grade of “F.”

Make-up policies: All assignments and tests are due on the due date. No late assignments or tests will be allowed for any reason. If for some reason you are unable to meet the due date for a particular assignment then plan to make arrangements to submit it early.

Extra Credit Policy:“There will be NO CURVE for any test or assignment. The only extra point opportunities are solely based on two assessments during the semester, each one worth 5 extra points. These assignments will be announced and offered after the midterm and the final respectively. However, if you do not turn in the syllabus contract, you will not be given these extra points. No exceptions or other accommodations will be given to earn extra points.”

“No Show” Status: Class attendance is required beginning with the first week. If you do not participate in the first week’s assignments, you may be withdrawn from the class as a “no show.” If you are a “no show,” you will earn a “W” and be financially responsible for the class.

Students with Disabilities: Students with disabilities who qualify for academic accommodations must provide notification from Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) and discuss specific needs with the instructor, preferably during the first two weeks. The Office for Students with Disabilities determines accommodations for disabilities.

Student Conduct: Valencia College is dedicated not only to the advancement of knowledge and learning but is also concerned with the development of responsible personal and social conduct. By enrolling at Valencia, a student assumes responsibility for becoming familiar with and abiding by the rules of conduct. Students who engage in any prohibited or unlawful acts that result in the disruption of a class may receive disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from Valencia. Disciplinary action could include: warning, probation, suspension, expulsion or other appropriate and authorized actions. The Student Code of Conduct is in the current Valencia Student Handbook.

In addition, students are not permitted to make or receive phone calls, send or receive text messages, or emails once class is in session. If a student leaves class to receive or make a phone call he/she will not be readmitted to class. All technology must be turned off during class time.

Furthermore, any student engaging in inappropriate classroom behavior (talking in class, making inappropriate comments, putting your head on your desk, sleeping, passing notes etc.) will lose attendance and participation points for the class period in which the inappropriate behavior occurred (you will be docked a full absence for the class in which the infraction occurred).

Academic Dishonesty: All forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited at Valencia College, including: plagiarism, cheating, furnishing false information, forgery, alteration or misuse of documents, misconduct during a testing situation, and misuse of identification with intent to defraud or deceive. Students shall take special notice that the assignment of course grades is the responsibility of the student’s individual professor. When the professor has reason to believe an act of academic dishonesty has occurred, and before sanctions are imposed, the student shall be given informal notice and an opportunity to be heard by the professor. Any student determined by the professor to have been guilty of engaging in an act of academic dishonesty shall be subject to a range of academic penalties as determined by the professor, including: loss of credit for an assignment, examination, or project; --reduction in the course grade; or a grade of ―F in the course.

At the option of the professor, the appropriate administrator of the campus may be furnished with written notification of the occurrence and action taken. If such written notice is given, a copy shall be provided to the student. Students guilty of engaging in a gross or flagrant act of academic dishonesty or repeated instances of academic dishonesty shall also be subject to administrative and/or disciplinary penalties that may include warning, probation, suspension, and/or expulsion from the college.

Course Calendar Policy: Each student will be provided a course calendar which they are expected to consult in order to be prepared for each class. Assignments, including reading, are expected to be completed before class, and absence is not an excuse for being unprepared. The calendar is subject to change with reasonable advanced notification. Students are responsible for notating these changes even when absent.

Extra Credit Policy:“There will be NO CURVE for any test (lecture or practical). The only extra point opportunities are solely based on two assessments during the semester, each one worth 5 extra points. However, if you do not turn in the syllabus contract, you will not be given these extra points. No exceptions or other accommodations will be given to earn extra points.”

Baycare Behavioral Health’s Student Assistance Program:

Valencia is committed to making sure all our students have a rewarding and successful college experience. To that purpose, Valencia students can get immediate help that may assist them with psychological issues dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, adjustment difficulties, substance abuse, time management as well as relationship problems dealing with school, home or work. Students have 24 hour unlimited access to the Baycare Behavioral Health’s confidential student assistance program phone counseling services by calling (800) 878-5470. Three free confidential face-to-face counseling sessions are also available to students.”

Disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to make changes in the syllabus and/or course calendar. Students will be informed of all changes in class. It is the student’s responsibility to stay informed about any changes if she/he is absent.

Course calendar

Date / Topic / Reading/Assignments
May 6, 8 / Introduction to the Course, Historical Overview
May 12 / Drop/refund Deadline 11:59PM
May 13, 15 / Florence and Early Renaissance: Humanism in Italy / Pages 461-492
May 19, 21 / the High Renaissance in Rome and Venice / Pages 495-526
May 26 / College Closed
May 28 / The Renaissance in the North / Pages 535-557
June 3, 5 / The Reformation / Pages 561-586
June 10-12 / Encounter and Confrontation, / Pages 589-616
June 17
June 19 / England in the tudor Age/ REview
Midterm / Pages 623-645
Beginning of Regularly scheduled class
June 23, 25
June 27 / The Early Counter Reformation
Withdrawal Deadline (W) 11:59PM / Pages 651-672
Pages 651-672
July 1, 3 / The Baroque in Italy / Pages 677-697
July 8, 10 / The secular baroque in the north / Pages 703-727
July 15, 17 / The secular baroque in the north
The secular baroque / Pages 703-727
Pages 703-727
July 22, 24 / in the north
The Baroque Court
July 29 / Papers Due
Final Exam / At the beginning of Regular Schedule Class