Ocheyedan Christian Reformed Church

833 5th Street, Ocheyedan, IA 51354

Worship Leader – Pastor Bill Van Der Heide

Pianist – Melissa Visser Song Leaders – Team Four


MARCH 24, 2016 – 7:00 PM

In this Maundy Thursday service of worship we seek to hear the story of Jesus’ last supper, his arrest and his trial that happened on Thursday of Holy week interactively. Woven through the story of Scripture is our response in confession, praise, communion, and offering. Because the Institution of the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper is central to the events of this fifth day of Holy Week we jump ahead to finish our time of worship to the inevitable events of Friday. Each of these flows out of the story as that story is dramatically retold in its reading. The music will start without announcement and each of the Scripture readings will begin as soon as the preceding hymn is completed. We invite you to imagine joining with Jesus and His disciples as the events unfold and living them with them.


Words of Welcome

*The Wonderful Cross – Lift up Your Hearts 175-176: Stanzas 1-4

When I Survey the Wondrous Cross with The Wonderful Cross

*God’s Call to Worship - Worship Sourcebook p. 554 #5

*God’s Greeting

Jesus Is Betrayed

Matthew 26:14-16

God’s Call to Confession - Worship Sourcebook p. 558 #5

Time of Personal Confession in Silence

Lord, Have Mercy – files at Church

*God’s Assurance of Pardon

*I Stand Amazed - Lift up Your Hearts 174 – All Stanzas

Offering – The Luke Society

Jesus Cleanses His Disciples

John 13:1-16 (NIV)

Scripture Focus: John 13:8b

“Jesus answered, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.”


Message: He’s Our Heart Washer

*As He Gathered at His Table – Lift up Your Hearts 155 – 1, 2, 3, 4

Jesus Institutes the Lord’s Supper

Matthew 26:17-30 (NIV)


*Go to Dark Gethsemane – Lift up Your Hearts 161: Stanza 1

Jesus Is Alone in His Anguish

Matthew 26:36-46 (NIV)

*What Wondrous Love – Lift up Your Hearts 164: stanzas 1 and 2

Jesus Is Arrested

Matthew 26:47-56 (NIV)

*Man of Sorrows – What a Name – Lift up Your Hearts 170: Stanzas 1, 2

Jesus Is Condemned

Matthew 26:57-68 (NIV)

*Were You There – Lift up Your Hearts 166: Stanzas 1 and 2

Jesus Dies

Matthew 27:45-56 (NIV)

*Oh to See the Dawn (The Power of the Cross) –

Lift up Your Hearts 177

Jesus Is Buried

Matthew 27:57-61 (NIV)

*Ah, Holy Jesus, How Have You Offended –

Lift up Your Hearts 172: Stanzas 1, 2, and 3

*God’s Blessing

We Leave in Silence


WHO IS THIS JESUS? He’s Our Heart Washer - Tonight we learn about the power of the cross of Jesus to wash our hearts clean. In the passage we are studying this evening timing is everything. It is important that Jesus washes the feet of the disciples in the middle of the meal they are eating. He is making the point that He is our Passover Lamb who will take away our sin. This washing is essential. Jesus must wash us. Jesus must wash YOU! His washing of us partners us in His righteousness which His death wins for us. His washing us in His righteousness also partners us in His sanctification of us.

Good Friday Passion Play - The Osceola County Ministerial Association would like to invite you to experience a Good Friday Passion Play on Friday, March 25, 2016. There will be three performances: one at 5:00 pm, another at 7:00 pm and the last one at 9:00 p.m.. All the performances are at the Sibley-Ocheyedan High School Auditorium, Sibley, IA. FREE tickets are available and may be reserved by calling 712-754-3715. Church groups and organizations may request enough tickets for their entire group. Please do not reserve more than you actually need.

Greeters: Elders – Dennis & Phyllis B --- Harold & Ruth D

Nursery: Amy R & Kelly S

Offering: Luke Society

Son-Rise Service – Please join us for our Son-rise Service in the Ocheyedan Mound parking lot on Resurrection Sunday Morning at 7:00 am. You are also invited to join us for a breakfast here at the church between the Son-Rise Service and our Morning Worship Service. See you then!

Elder / Deacon Nominations – At the Council meeting to be held on April 4, 2016 the Council hopes to begin the nomination process for the positions of two (2) Elders and two (2) Deacons that need to be filled this year. The congregation is invited to submit names of worthy candidates who meet the Biblical guidelines of 1 Timothy 3:1-13 and Titus 1:5-9. If you would like to present a name for consideration by the Council for nomination please write the name down along with the office for which you would like to see the person nominated (e.g. “John Doe – Elder” or “Joe Smith – Deacon”). You can either give your nominations to a currently serving elder or deacon or place it in the offering plate. Thank you for your help and participation and your prayers through this process of nomination.

Worship Services of the Season: The Elders call the congregation to the following services of special worship or fellowship:

Resurrection Sunday Morning Sonrise Service – Sunday, March 27, 2016 in the Mound parking area beginning at 7:00 AM

Resurrection Sunday Morning Sonrise Breakfast – Sunday, March 27, 2016 in the Fellowship Hall beginning at 8:15 AM

Communion Schedule Adjustment – The Consistory announces the following adjustments to the Communion Schedule for this year: Our May 1, 2016 celebration is being postponed until May 15. Preparatory will be on May 8. Our July 3 celebration of the Lord’s Supper is being postponed to July 10. Preparatory will be on July 3. The celebration of the Lord’s Supper in May is being postponed since we have recently celebrated the supper twice and to accommodate the baptism of Jessa Marie Huisman. The July celebration is being postponed since July 3 is a holiday weekend over which many of our members are away.

There will be a bridal shower for Rebeca Vander Meulen bride to be of Alex Will on Saturday, March 26, 10:00 AM to 12: PM at the Lake Park Community Center. She is registered at Target and Bed, Bath & Beyond.