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Gaddesby Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at Gaddesby Village Hall

on Monday, 5th August 2013, commencing at 6.45 pm.

Councillors Present

Mrs Jenny Hurst – Chair Mrs Pat Walton

Mr Howard Bakewell Mr Neil Shorrock

Mrs Trudy Toon – Clerk to the Council

County Councillor Mr J T Orson

Borough Councillor Mrs Janet Simpson ______


Apologies – Apologies were received from Vice-Chair, Councillor Mr Gordon Bigam.

Parishioner/Public Time

There were no parishioners present.

Minutes – Minutes of the previous meeting no’s 2013/2014 17-21, having been circulated, were taken as read, approved and signed.

Matters Arising

1.  Street Light Programme – Nothing to report.

2.  Slippery Surface on Footbridge, Ashby Folville – Mr Richard Bye, the Rights of Way Inspector for the Melton area for LCC had informed the Clerk, that a new, substantial anti-slip surface had been fastened to the bridge by the church in Ashby Folville. Councillor Hurst reported that the new surface was a great improvement.

3.  Arrow indicator signs, Rearsby Lane, Gaddesby – The Clerk reported that the arrow signs, which indicate a bend in the highway along Rearsby Lane, Gaddesby, had yet to be replaced.

4.  Blocked Drain in the Highway, Ashby Road, Gaddesby – The Clerk advised that LCC, Highways Department had recently made some minor alterations to the highway in order to try to ensure that the rainwater flows sufficiently into the drain, in the highway situated on Ashby Road, Gaddesby. Councillors were pleased to report that it had rained heavily since the alterations had been made and that the rainwater flowed away into the drain.

5.  Pot Holes in the Highway, Ashby Folville – Councillors were pleased to note that LCC, Highways Department, had repaired the pot holes in the highway near to The Lodge in Ashby Folville.


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Matters Arising cont.

6.  Blocked Drain, Paske Avenue, Gaddesby – It was reported that the drain situated on the corner of Paske Avenue, Gaddesby remained blocked and that the water overflowing from the drain was clear running rainwater. It was thought that the drain may have collapsed. The Clerk was asked to contact LCC, Highways Department to report the matter to them.

7.  Changes to the Local Bus Service 100 – County Councillor Orson reported that that the proposed changes to the Local Bus Service 100 would be put forward to the LCC, Scrutiny Committee on Thursday, 12th September 2013. Prior to this the matter would be included on the public agenda on either Wednesday, 4th September or Thursday, 5th September 2013. County Councillor Orson was of the opinion that there may have to be a public consultation. Following which discussion of the proposal would have to again be put forward to the LCC, Scrutiny Committee prior to the finalization of the changes being presented at a cabinet meeting.

8.  Code of Conduct 2012 – The Clerk had included an amendment in the Code of Conduct 2012, as per the suggestion from MBC.

9.  RoSPA Play Area Safety Inspection – Councillors Bigam, Bakewell and Shorrock had met at the Gaddesby Childrens Play Area during the previous week. As a result of which, Councillors Bakewell and Shorrock explained the findings of their visit, namely:

·  MUGA - Additional signage was required on the MUGA to state ‘Do not climb on the framework or nets’, ‘Do not hang on the ring’ and ‘Do not wear rings or other jewellery as these can get caught and cause injury’. Councillor Shorrock agreed to put together some laminated signs to attach to the MUGA fencing.

·  Junior Swings - The rubber tiles under the junior swings required repairing/replacing; Councillors felt that new replacement tiles would be the preferred option. The Clerk was asked to contact Greyhound Leisure to obtain a quotation for the replacement of the tiles.

·  Multi-play/Playhouse - The Playhouse steps were found to be rotten; Councillor Bakewell agreed to repair the steps.

·  Cat and Dog Springers; no problems found.

·  Rope Walker; no problems found.

·  Cabin Slide – It was found that there was insufficient height on the guardrails, but this would be monitored on a routine basis.

·  Swing Nest – Councillors felt that, although the report stated that there was no obvious secondary support to the block, this did appear to be well supported.

·  Timber Log Climber; no problems found.

·  Multi-play With Swings – Councillors felt that it would be beneficial to have some kind of safety matting installed under the multi-play area, currently the area is grassed, much of which is wearing very thin. The Clerk was asked to contact Greyhound Leisure to obtain a quotation for some new safety matting.

Councillor Hurst thanked Councillors Bigam, Bakewell and Shorrock for taking the time to visit the Play Area and for reporting their findings to GPC. The Clerk would contact Greyhound Leisure to obtain a quotation for the two items.


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Matters Arising cont.

10.  Overgrown Footpath, Gaddesby – The Clerk had emailed Mr Richard Bye, the Rights of Way Inspector for the Melton area for LCC to ask him to ensure that the footpath which runs from Main Street to the Church in Gaddesby, is included in the mowing/strimming schedule for Gaddesby. Mr Bye subsequently advised that he would clarify with the Highways Inspector to see if the footpath is already included on the schedule and if not he would ensure that it is included in the future.

It had been bought to the attention of GPC, that the hollows in the footpath, which runs through Coles Nurseries in Gaddesby, had been filled with very large gravel, thus making the surface of the footpath uneven. It was thought that a parishioner may have made a complaint to LCC regarding the footpath. The Clerk was asked to email Mr Bye to ask him to walk the footpath and to report back to GPC with his views as to whether the surface of the footpath was now to a satisfactory standard.

11.  ‘Thorpe Says No’ – It had been noted that a wind turbine had been erected at Hall Farm, Klondyke Lane, Thorpe Satchville. County Councillor Orson advised Councillors of an MBC, Renewable Wind Energy Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Presentation to be held on Wednesday, 7th August 2013 at 6pm at the MBC Council Offices. With the purpose of the SPD being to provide further details in assisting in a response to specific renewable wind energy proposals; the SPD would not introduce new policy and must not conflict with the NPPF. County Councillor Orson informed that an invitation to attend the presentation should have been sent to all Parish Councils via email. The Clerk was unaware of such an invitation, but County Councillor Orson would look through his emails to find the original invite. As it was such short notice Councillors were unable to attend the presentation, but the Clerk was asked to contact MBC for details of the presentation and to ask them to forward a copy of the presentation to GPC.


1. LCC, Proposed diversion of footpath 177 (part), within the Parish of Gaddesby – A letter had been received from LCC, Chief Executive’s Department, to advise that an application had been received for the diversion of part of the footpath 177. The letter advised that the application had been submitted in the interest of the landowner and explained that the existing footpath runs unfenced across the paddock of Firs Farm. The reason for making the application is to resolve issues of trespass, dog fouling and stray and loose animals running off the line of the footpath. In addition, the existing footpath shares the farm access drive which is narrow and has restricted visibility. The diversion seeks to improve use of the paddock, the security of the property and the safety of the public.

The letter informed that the proposed diversion would be a small variation taking the footpath around the perimeter of the paddock. It will be fenced and surfaced making it good under foot at all times of the year. Access from Chapel Lane would be direct on to the paddock thus avoiding the driveway and would be open thus removing one of the stiles along the route. A map enclosed with the letter showed the proposed diversion; this was shown to Councillors. All Councillors were in agreement that the proposal made better use of the paddock and agreed to support the proposed diversion; the Clerk was asked to write to LCC with the support of GPC.

Clerk & Councillor Bakewell

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Correspondence cont.

2. MBC, Parish Council Liaison Meeting – Notification had been received, via email, from MBC, stating that the next Parish Council Liaison Meeting would be held on Monday, 18th November 2013 at 6.30pm. Additionally, in order to put together an agenda for this meeting an agenda setting meeting would be held on Tuesday, 1st October 2013 at 6pm in Council Chamber One, Parkside.

The email asked for any possible agenda items to be forwarded to MBC. Borough Councillor Simpson suggested that an ‘Update of the Melton Local Plan’ could be put forward to MBC for inclusion on the agenda; the Clerk would advise MBC of this.

Councillor Bakewell agreed to attend the Parish Council Liaison Meeting in November on behalf of GPC.

Correspondence was either emailed or made available to Councillors as necessary.

Planning Matters

a. ‘Beechcroft’, 4 Church Lane, Gaddesby – Application submitted by Mr and Mrs J Simon, for a proposed two storey side extension, single storey rear extension and alterations to the existing dwelling and garage. Councillors resolved to support the application.

b. ‘Castledene’, 27 Park Hill, Gaddesby – Notification had been received from MBC stating that an appeal had been submitted to the Secretary of State in relation to the above application. Councillors resolved to support the appeal, as the planning application had previously been supported; Councillors asked the Clerk to forward a letter of support to the Planning Inspectorate.

Planning Decisions

a. Pincroft, 14 Park Hill, Gaddesby – Application submitted, by Infront Innovation, for the proposed felling of one hybrid black poplar tree in the garden of no.14 and for the proposed felling of one hybrid black poplar tree in the garden of no. 12, has been granted consent to work on trees by MBC.

b. The Hall, 2 Main Street, Gaddesby – Application submitted by Mrs V Jinks for listed building consent and full planning consent, for the proposed construction of an underground extension within the existing courtyard area to the rear of Gaddesby Hall, comprising a domestic swimming pool, home cinema, gymnasium and new staircase housed within the existing garage building. Councillors had concerns in relation to one of the notes to the applicant within the planning decision which stated that:

·  It is requested that in the interests of residential amenity consideration is given to construction traffic using the main drive to Gaddesby Hall and North Hall Drive.

Councillors were of the opinion that the visibility was limited when entering and leaving the site via North Hall Drive and were concerned about the safety of vehicles and pedestrians using Main Street. Councillors felt that it would be safer for all construction vehicles to use the main Gaddesby Hall drive and not North Hall Drive and that this request should, infact, be a planning condition. Although, it was thought that this may be difficult to enforce, since the decision notice had been published, the Clerk was asked to write to the case officer at MBC, Mr Richard Spooner, with the concerns of GPC.

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Representative Reports

1. Ashby and Barsby Parish Hall – Nothing to report.

2. Barsby Village Hall Green – Councillor Hurst reported that the ‘Music at the Mill’ evening held on Saturday, 6th July 2013, had been very successful with £2,000.00 being raised. Councillor Hurst went onto advise that the ‘Barsby Feast Day’ held on Saturday, 3rd August 2013 on the Village Hall Green had been an enjoyable social occasion for the village.

3. Gaddesby Village Hall – Councillor Bakewell reported that the Gaddesby Village Hall lettings were good and that quotations were currently being obtained for the re-decoration of the Hall, with the heating pipes being boxed in with timber by a local joiner. Councillor Bakewell went on to inform that with regard to the sewage problems, the committee had yet to contact Severn Trent Water. Councillor Bakewell reported that the wooden floor in the Hall required either re-surfacing or renewing, as the existing floor boards had become splintered and worn; the committee members were going to look into the various options available.


Accounts paid since the last meeting:

E.ON UK – Street light maintenance, ¼ end 30.06.2013, £178.51 plus 20% VAT, £35.70, total £214.21.

PL12, The Old Post Office, Gaddesby, replacement lantern, £1,730.00 plus 20% VAT, £346.00, total £2,076.00.

PL42, Stallard House, Ashby Folville, replacement lantern, £2,325.00 plus 20% VAT, £465.00, total £2,790.00.

PL25, Church Lane, Gaddesby, replacement column, £1,860.00 plus 20% VAT, £372.00, total £2,232.00.

Re-plumb column, Highfield End, Ashby Folville, £150.00 plus 20% VAT, £30.00, total £180.00. Total cheque to E.ON UK, £7,492.21.

South Croxton Benefice – 2nd ¼ payment towards the church newsletter, total £62.50.