LEVI PE/PI Meeting Minutes

May 3, 2012

Attendees: Michele Dusenbery (DART), Trish Wood, Janine Pieterse(LUH), Courtney McAlister (SS)

Professional Training

  • Feedback from the CCR hasn’t been officially tabulated but at first glance the scores are lower than typical. Attendees said that the content was not general about CCRs as anticipated but instead focused on the DVCC. Several comments mentioned that the speaker was not well prepared and somewhat negative towards law enforcement. This information has not been shared with the speaker and we have not been billed.
  • Additional options for lethality training in September we discussed. The Maryland network against DV was offering another round of applications for free training under their protocol. Although we meet the requirements, one of the agreements is that we would use and collect data on their lethality tool. This is not realistic given the levels of managerial approval that would be required. Sgt. Paul Szych of the Albuquerque PD has done trainings on lethality and stalking with the Family Justice Alliance and other groups. He also has a book on the topic and a measurement tool he created. Another option is a video from Emerge titled “DV Danger Assessment and Safety Planning.” The video is 71 minutes and would be followed by a Q&A session and additional discussion facilitated by Mark.
  • Trish will share Sgt. Szych’s bio with the group and contact him about fees. She will also send a link to the video to the group. However, everyone felt a live presentation was preferable to a video. Trish will get with Mark and Sandie for their opinion and feedback on these options.

Elder Abuse

  • The campaign is moving along on schedule. Trish shared the posters that have been approved by the committee as well as the Elder Justice Coalition.The poster is being translated to Spanish.
  • The EJC wants to extend the campaign to all of Boulder County and will be paying for a supply of posters. Boulder County and SPAN logos have already been added.
  • The article that was published in the Longmont Life was shared.
  • Several other people are going to submit letters to the editor including Marti H., Michele Waite, Ian from CPWD, and Caroline from the EJC. Trish will send a follow-up email on the particulars of submitting.
  • LEVI will need help with poster distribution. Trish will send a call for help. In terms of poster locations, the group recommended adding Country Buffet, DMV, restaurants close to the Senior Living facilities, and the medical supply company to the list.
  • The two bookmarks (one targeting elders, the other public) were shared. The group felt there was a need to produce both.
  • “Public” bookmarks will go in Rx bags a 4 area Walgreens – Janine is working on approval.
  • “Elder focused” bookmarks will be included with Meals on Wheels deliveries one week and the elder justice brochure the other.
  • The city entrance signs are still a sticking point in terms of a message that meets their character limits…the primary challenge is the contact piece. Trish and Kim will keep working on it.
  • Kim has found some books on Elder abuse and is working on a display for the library – it has already been approved.
  • The elements of a faith “toolkit” were shared. There will be some EJC brochures, fact sheets, a faith-specific brochure, posters, suggested bulletin copy, etch. LEVI will attach a note to the packet with information on where to go to get more supplies/information. Trish will correspond with her contacts at each religious organization in May and kits will be hand delivered in early June.
  • The LEVI landing page, which has been changed for the Elder Abuse campaign, was reviewed. Trish will change the link on the home page to go to the Elder abuse campaign page instead of directly to the materials page so people have a place to get general information if they are interested.


  • Kim is working on a new presentation for 8th graders and will get feedback from Mark, Sandie, and Courtney at some point. Some of the material will be moved from the 7th grade presentation and new videos will be added.
  • LEVI is also working on a 5th grade presentation that will be used as part of the GRIP Curriculum (see below).
  • LEVI still has plans to make an outreach piece and evaluation form to supplement our presentation efforts.
  • There was a discussion about integrating or at least talking about the Glee episode (named “choke”) on DV. Michele felt that they did a very appropriate job of covering the topic and that they didn’t take the easy way out of having the female leave the relationship.

Latino Outreach/Other

  • Trish and Kim met with Louie Lopez at the Youth Center. Louie likes the idea of adding a relationships element to his multi-week curriculum to 5th graders at “high risk” schools. The GRIP program is currently in 5 schools and will add one more in the fall. The GRIP program uses video, role play, modeling and other types of learning in their presentations. The curriculum is created by Paramount out of Compton, CA and GRIP personnel are one of the 7 sites trained. Each presentation is 1 hr and they do a pre-post test as part of the whole program. Questions about the DV piece of the curriculum will be added to the test.
  • The information presented needs to be concrete but the GRIP style is much more direct and intense. We also need to find professional presenters that can relate to the audience. Trish and Kim will observe a presentation to get a feel for the style.
  • Michele W. thought her presenters would be a good fit for the program but she would want to review the curriculum before committing. LEVI will get her a copy.
  • Nothing tangible has happened in terms of outreach to LQBTQ/Veterans. LEVI still needs to investigate if DV is part of “intake” for veteran’s services.
  • The group discussed the possibility of a DVAM run in October…perhaps the day after the vigil. Everyone thought it was a reasonable idea and could be promoted on several running sites and at events over the summer. The event would have to be a joint effort between SS and LEVI. McIntosh Lake was suggested. Courtney will check with Brett about interest.

Next Meeting, June 7th, 10:30am in Fire Conference Room