Headteacher: Mrs Moya Smith

Whalley Road




Tel: 01254 826246


18th September 2017

Dear Parent

Sacramental Preparation

The Sacramental programme is for children in year3 or above who have not received the sacrament of Holy Communion. If you would like your child to participate in this year’s programme please contact Sarah Hodkinson (parish catechist) on 01254 826739 for further details and confirmation of your participation. The sessions this term will be on Sundays 8th October, 19th November and 3rd December at 9.00 am in the Bede room. We will celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Monday 4th December at 6.00 pm.

After School Clubs

The Monday evening coding club is now full. Could any outstanding payments be made as soon as possible please?


The photographer will be in school on Wednesday 27th September in the afternoon. Parents of nursery children are welcome to bring the children back to school in the afternoon if they wish to have individual photographs taken or group photographs with older siblings.

A Message from Friends of St Joseph’s

The first meeting of the Friends of St Joseph’s Group will take place this coming Friday, 22nd September at 9am in the Bede Room (school dining room).

Thereafter, Friends will meet on the fourth Friday of each month – dates will be posted on the school noticeboard in due course.

As always, all are very welcome – in particular we’d love to welcome any new parents who have fundraising ideas (a new face often brings a new perspective) or simply want to lend a hand to our ongoing fundraising efforts.

The Friends Association is a group of parents who, supported by the wider school & local community, meet on a regular basis to organise fundraising & social activities.

Our small school is constantly challenged to ensure it secures the very best value from its financial & other resources. Friends fundraising has become an important means of supporting the school in responding to changing needs and in purchasing the small yet important items that help enrich our children’s time at St Joseph’s.

If you’re unable to attend our meetings, but still have any ideas or want to get involved please contact the Chair of the Friends Association, Mrs Lorna Smith (Theo & Isaac’s mum) – .

Community event

The school has liaised with Fran Duxbury, the parish CARITAS representative, to host a “friendship group” meeting on Thursday 28th September between 2.00 and 4.00 pm.People from the local area are invited for tea and cakes and are encouraged to bring photos of the village or school from long ago or of themselves when they were children. The year six children be welcoming our visitors and serving drinks and cakes. Please pass this information on to anybody you know who might enjoy the afternoon.

Primary and secondary applications

If you have a child starting primary or secondary school in September 2018 you need to apply for their school place on-line at The closing date for applications is 31st October for secondary places and 15th January for primary places. Please be aware that you still need to apply if your child has taken a place at nursery or if they have an older brother or sister at the school.

Yours sincerely