No.32 NEWS UPDATE January 2014
Students interested in studying in Britain might wish to consider applying to the private colleges we represent. Why?
1. The tuition fees are usually much lower than for universities
2. The colleges teach to university standards and award university degrees.
3. Colleges are usually smaller than universities so there tends to be a more personal relationship between staff and students.
4. The government loan (up to £6,000) for fees is available for students.
5. There are places available in London, Birmingham, Manchester and Bolton.
6. Excellent facilities.
7. A cheaper way to study in the big cities
8. Students may apply to five state universities and as many private colleges as they wish.
For further information, look here:


CityCollege, Bolton*

EThamesGraduateSchool(now collaborating with The University of Sunderland)

LondonSchool of Business & Finance* #

Contact Alan Hallett for more information - or if you wish to apply.
* Also in Manchester
# Also in Birmingham /
We know this is a busy time of year for students: many are revising for exams scheduled for later this month. However, we would suggest that all those who are currently filling application forms should complete them as soon as possible. It is projected that there will be another increase in the number of EU applicants to study in Britain - and places are limited! It would be very disappointing if all the places at the university or college of your choice have been filled.
Remember that your application form MUST be checked by Alan Hallett before it is submitted______
Select English are offering a range of short (and longer) courses to help you improve your English skills.
They provide
 General English Courses
 IELTS and Cambridge Exams
 15, 20, or 25 hours per week
 Homestay accommodation
Contact us for more information. /
It may seem strange, but Britain actually benefits from the large amount of rain that falls every year. With an annual average rainfall of c.30" it means that Britain is one of the 'greenest' countries in Europe. Abundant wildlife, lower dust levels and frequently 'washed' streets all help, of course, but perhaps the greatest benefit is to be found on a crisp spring or autumn morning in the countryside. An experience never to be forgotten!
Having said all that, you might not want to live for too long in the Lake District, where the average annual rainfall exceeds 80"......
English Corner
Out of sorts = felling unwell: not working or performing to the usual standard

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