Computer Science 2210 – Classwork 1 - Strings
September 7, 2017 / String Handling / Due: ______


Create a public static Tools class with at least one public static method named Tokenize. The Tokenize method must accept two string parameters: the first is the string to be “tokenized” while the second is a string containing all delimiters to be used in the process. The Tools class can have as many other public and private static methods (such as PressAnyKey, WelcomeMessage, GoodbyeMessage, etc.) as you wish.

For the purpose of this task, the tokens should include all of the located delimiters except the space and all of the “words” between delimiters. Discard leading and trailing spaces at each stage, if any.

The Driver class will demonstrate the Tokenize method by inputting a string of arbitrary length, applying the Tokenize method to the string using a blank space and the punctuation marks and mathematical operators on a typical keyboard as delimiters. The resulting array of tokens should be displayed one per numbered line.


·  The console window should have a white background with medium blue text (red text can be used for contrast or emphasis). The caption on the window should be as shown in the screenshots but with your name.

·  The Split method in the String class will not work for this purpose because it discards the delimiters it finds. You will need to write your own similar method using methods and properties of the String class such as Substring, IndexOf, IndexOfAny, IsNullOrEmpty, Empty, PadLeft, PadRight, Remove, Trim, and so forth.

·  Use the capabilities of the String class rather than “brute force”. Do NOT process the input string one character at a time. Use Visual Studio’s Help facility as needed.

·  The header for the Tokenize method should be:

publicstaticString[ ]Tokenize(stringline,stringdelims)

·  The Driver class should input a string of arbitrary length from the console, apply the Tokenize method to it, and display the tokens found in a manner similar to the screenshots below. Note that an input string can “wrap” at the end of a line; it does not end until and end of line character (Enter key) is typed.

·  The Driver class may contain as many methods in addition to Main as needed. Do not allow Main to become too large or complex. Refactor as needed.

·  Be sure to document all of your code as described in the Documentation Policy on the course website. Fill in appropriate details as needed. Failure to document properly will result in penalties (see Policy). You are strongly urged to document as you work rather than waiting until you have completed your program or run out of time.


·  In addition to delimiters listed above, the end of the input string is also a delimiter. That is, it is not required that the last character in the input string be a punctuation mark.

·  In the Tokenize method, find the first delimiter. There are three possibilities.

o  No delimiter was found. The rest of the string is the last token. Add it in the collection of Tokens.

o  A delimiter is found in first column. Store it in the collection of Tokens.

o  A delimiter is found, not in the first column. Everything up to the delimiter is a token; save it in the array.

·  In the latter two cases above, once the token is stored in the array, remove it from the input string and repeat the process on the rest of the string until the remaining string is empty.

·  If your Tokenize method grows beyond about 30-35 lines, it is probably more complex than necessary.

Some Sample Screenshots


Follow the instructions in the Course Facts on the website to submit your work.

Classwork 1 - StringsPage 1