December, 2009The PrescriptionPage 1

Christmas Eve Services

5:00 PM

8:00 PM

(7:40 PM Carol Sing – In Sanctuary)

11:00 PM

December, 2009The PrescriptionPage 1

Volume 9, Issue 12

is the independently edited, local

monthly newsletter of

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church,

2245 Huguenot Trail,

Powhatan, Virginia 23139

and published by St. Luke’s Episcopal

Church upon authority of its Rector.

Office: 804/794-6953

Fax: 804/794-6532



Rev. Larry Crowell

Parish Administrator, Bridgette Sweptston

Organist/Choir Director, Betsy Brandt

Hardman Jones, Treasurer

Jeannette Pugh, Intake Treasurer

Sally Silvey, Endowment Treasurer


Peter Boone Senior Warden

Matthew Rogers, Junior Warden

Jason Davis

Alison Dunaway

Betty Estes

Steve Moore

Gladys Suggs

April Timmons

David Young

Linda Ricker, Vestry Recorder

Phyllis Ashford, Health Ministry

Joyce Evans, Altar Guild

Ken Sutton, Recovery Advocate

Anne Larrick, Youth

Betty Handy, Architectural Review

Connie Harriss,

ECW President

Newsletter Editor

Sharon Cole


What is in this issue………………

Music Notes

Health Ministry

Parish News

Financial Report

December Birthdays

Mark Your Calendar Now

Message from Father Larry

Dear St. Luke’s Family,

Like most, if not all of you, I love Christmas and all that leads up to it. I guess a big part of it for me these days are the memories, recalling my father and older brothers putting up the Christmas tree (this was before the invention of the artificial tree). And that tree was positioned on top of a platform on which Plasticville houses stood and electric trains ran. Our home was filled with the fresh fragrance of pine as we little ones watched the trains speeding around the tracks and imagined ourselves on board and headed home for the holidays. And although the tree was up early, it remained undecorated. That job was left for Santa when he made his annual visit. And so for us kids, one of the big thrills every Christmas morning was coming down stairs and seeing that tree all decorated with the brightly colored lights reflecting off the ornaments and tinsel. Another sign that Christmas was coming was when my parents started to invoke the dreaded annual threat, “If you kids don’t behave yourselves, Santa is not going to come.” We were reminded almost hourly, it seemed, that Santa’s elves were watching us, that they were making a list of who was naughty or nice!

Well, the Season of Advent is a little like us kids anxiously waiting for our tree to be decorated come Christmas day. And it is also a bit like those who are being naughty or nice. And how might that be? Well, because Advent is a season of great anticipation. Yet, it is also a penitential season. Just like our longing with great anticipation for that Christmas tree to be decorated, in Advent we await, also with great anticipation, the annual celebration of our Lord’s birth as we await His coming again. And then I think that sense of being naughty or nice fits into the theme of penitential self-examination: not only to prepare ourselves for the coming of our Savior, but also to remind us of why He came in the first place – to free us from sin and death.

As an adult, I can look back on those childhood traditions and, in fact, see something of the sacred reflected in the secular, for they helped to subtly teach us something of the meaning of Advent. As a child, these traditions teaching me at a level my little mind could understand, with something more of its greater meaning to be grasped in the fullness of time. Such a wonderful progression of meaning reminds me of the words of the Apostle Paul in his first letter to the Corinthians where he writes, “When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me.” Yes, I have put away most of my childish ways, but I still cherish those childhood memories. Memories that actually help propel me into my Advent journey this year and, I hope every year, so that I might always anticipate the coming of Christmas and the coming of Christ with childlike excitement – may it never leave me. And yes, that I might be reminded that God is watching me and watching over me, helping me by His grace and mercy to be more and more nice – than naughty.

So here is to undecorated Christmas trees and the watching eyes of elves – here’s to a blessed Advent and a joyous Christmas…. And I’ll see you in church!!

In Christ,

Fr. Larry

Music Notes

Advent and Christmas 2009Two Advent services of Lessons and Carols will be presented at St. Luke's: Dec. 13 -- 9 a.m. in the sanctuary, with Singers, Disciples, and Saints in the choir Dec. 20 -- 11 a.m. in the sanctuary, with the Saints and Adult ChoirChristmas Eve service times this year will include the early service at 5 and the late service at 11.

New this year, St. Luke's will offer a new "middle time" service that will begin at 8:00, which will feature a "carol sing" beginning at 7:40 and followed by a choral prelude at 7:55. Different choirs will sing at each service.

Christmas Eve choir schedules: 5:00 service -- Singers and Disciples, please vest and meet at 4:40 in the choir room to warm up 8:00 service -- Saints, please vest and meet at 7:30 in the choir room for a very quick warm up, followed by the "carol sing" (and then your choral prelude) at 7:40 in the sanctuary 11:00 service -- Adult Choir, please vest and meet at 10:35 in the choir room to warm up

Thank you, choir members, for your continued hard work at choir practice to make the music happen! To the parents of the little ones, Mrs. Ogle and I thank you for bringing your children faithfully to our rehearsals and for helping them to be ready for the Sunday services.

All choir members --- enjoy your "Winter Break" -- no rehearsals on Dec. 23 or Dec. 30!

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year 2010

We'll meet again for rehearsals on Jan. 6, 2010.


Dear Pilgrims,

The following article was taken from the “Health in the Faith Community,” November-December 2004 issue, as published by the Western Maryland Health System Parish Nurse Program. It was written by Fr. Robert Byrnes and slightly edited for this newsletter.


If you woke up this morning with more health than illness -- you are more blessed than the million who will not survive the week.

If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture or the pangs of starvation – you are luckier than 500 million people in the world.

If you can attend a church meeting without fear of harassment, arrest, torture or death – you are more blessed than three billion people in the world.

If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep – you are richer than 75% of this world.

If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish someplace – you are among the top 8% of the world’s wealthy.

If your parents are still alive and still married – you are very rare.

If you hold up your head with a smile on your face and are truly thankful – you are blessed because the majority can but most do not.

If you can hold someone’s hand, hug them or even touch them on the shoulder – you are blessed because you can offer a healing touch.

If you can read this message, you are more blessed than over two billion people in the world that cannot read at all.

Take time during this busy and rapidly approaching Thanksgiving-Christmas Holiday season to relish those things that bring purpose and meaning and joy to your life. God is good – all the time!

With love and prayers,

In Christ,


If you have not turned in your 2010 pledge form, please do so ASAP. If you need a form some are located in the back of the Church and Parish House.

Join us for a Churchyard Cleanup on Saturday, December 5th from 8:00 until noon. Bring your rakes, tarps, leaf blowers etc. If you can’t make on the 5th, feel free to come anytime and help. If you have any questions, please see our Junior Warden, Matthew Rogers.

Notice from the ECW – In addition to the traditional boxwood trees, this year St. Luke’s ECW will be making fresh, mixed green wreaths for sale as their annual fund raising project. Our goal is to help fund projects such as Camp Chanco Scholarships and various building needs in and around the church. Wreaths may be used as outside decorations or for gravesites here at St. Luke’s and elsewhere. Order forms are located in the back of the church or parish house (place your order early as only 25 trees are planned).

Fighting off the Germs. This being the cold and flu season – and a feared one at that, this year, St. Luke’s, in accord with guidelines issued by the diocese will embrace the following recommendations:

  • If anyone is sick, please stay home – we will miss you and pray for your quick recovery.
  • Anti-bacterial cleansers will be available in both worship settings for use by the congregation, chalice bearers and clergy.
  • If anyone is immune compromised, you may elect to partake of the bread only, and not the wine. Please know that your Communion is none-the-less sufficient (per rubrics).
  • Chalice bearers are willing to perform the intinction of your wafer into the wine and place it on your tongue. All you need do is keep the wafer in your outstretched palm when the chalice bearer approaches you.
  • We will continue to pass the peace – but if you would prefer not to embrace or shake hands, just give one another “the high sign.”

In following these guidelines, we want to promote a balanced approach of taking reasonable precautions while not impeding meaningful and heartfelt worship. We hope this approach will achieve a happy balance – keeping everyone both spiritually and physically healthy. As always, please see Fr. Larry with any questions or suggestions.

41! The number of Thanksgiving bags of food donated by the congregation of St. Luke’s to the Coalition of Powhatan Churches for distribution to the needy of the county – helping them to have a very special Thanksgiving Day meal. Last year a generous number of 25 bags were donated – and we were hoping to surpass that number this year – and YES we did by many, many lengths and so we thank you for your generosity and ministry to the wider community of Powhatan.

The December/January adult dinner will be at the home of Jeanette Ridings on Thursday, December 31st (New Years Eve). More details to follow in upcoming announcements.

December, 2009The PrescriptionPage 1

Summary of Financial Results

October, 2009



Rev.21,53219,4352,097184,193190,966 (6,772)

Exp.22,00821,303 705189,554207,043(17,488)

Gain/Loss (475) (1,868)1,392(5,360)(16,076)10,716

Numbers are rounded

Explanation of Variances


For the month, total revenue was over budget by $2,097*

  • Pledges for October 2009 were under budget by $3,840
  • Plate offerings were under budget by $62
  • *The Transfer from the Clergy Housing Fund of $4,725 was not requested to be transferred into the operating account several months ago as budgeted, but was taken in October.

For the YTD, total revenue was under budget by $6,772

  • Previous year pledged income are under budget by $1,895 (projected 2008 pledged income that was not paid in 2008, but anticipated to be paid in 2009)
  • 2009 Pledge Income is under budget YTD by $1,990
  • The Clergy Housing Fund transfers budgeted are under budget by $1,725
  • The Churchyard Fund transfers budgeted are under budget by $1,000


For the month, expenses were over budget by $1,392 mainly due to:

  • Acolyte supplies were purchased in October, but budgeted to be purchased earlier in the year.
  • Multiple items were budgeted to be used in October, but not used.
  • The Rectors Pension was budgeted to be paid in November, but was paid in October

For the YTD, total expenses were $16,076 under budget mainly due to:

  • Money for a mission trip was budgeted $1,000, but not used to date.
  • Vacation Bible School money was budgeted $1,000 but none was used from the budget
  • Youth Ministry money was budgeted $3,750 (to date), but none was used from the budget
  • Supply Priest money was budgeted $800 (for when Father Crowell goes on vacation), but none was used to date.
  • Secretary extra hours budgeted to date of $1,096 has not been used.
  • Money for Local Individual support, Local programs, Global Missions and other outreach was budgeted $2,100 (even though we have been helping people in the county with outreach some parishioners have donated money specifically to help cover the costs.)
  • Money budgeted for Major Church Repairs has not been used. Money was raised to pay for repairs, painting etc. $4,265 (to date). Also, Minor repairs are under budget by $835
  • Fellowship Commission budget is under by $656 (Parishioners have donated food for events to help cover the costs)
  • Money budgeted for acolyte supplies, adult choir supplies, and choir music supplies of $538

Net Gain/Loss for Month

  • There is a loss for the month of October of $475

Net Gain/Loss for Year to Date (YTD)

There is a loss for the year of $5,360 mainly due to previous year pledge income (projected 2008 pledged income that was not paid in 2008, but anticipated to be paid in 2009) being under budget by $1,895, 2009 pledge income being under budget by $1,990, and the transfers that were budgeted to help support the budget were not all requested.


Cindy Coleman / 12/1 / Gracie Stephenson / 12/17
Dennis Strickland / 12/1 / Taylor Robertson / 12/19
Cheryl Davis / 12/2 / Carolyn Young / 12/19
Megan Ragland / 12/4 / Michael Barr / 12/20
Matt Leynes / 12/5 / Jackson Carmack / 12/20
Douglas Palmore / 12/6 / David Hunt II / 12/20
Taylor Butler / 12/6 / Richard R Kennon III / 12/20
Dillon Butler / 12/6 / Taylor Strickland / 12/21
Emily Watts / 12/8 / John Gardner / 12/21
Coleman Upson / 12/9 / Gray Schmidt / 12/26
Nancy K. Bruchbacher / 12/9 / Kelsey Sadler / 12/27
Sarah Hauser / 12/11 / Emily Stephenson / 12/28
Charlie Akins / 12/11 / David Ziletti / 12/30
Allison Leynes / 12/12


December, 2009The PrescriptionPage 1

  • Knitting Guild meets December 3rd and December 17th
  • Beaufont Towers Eucharist at 1:30 PM on December 6th
  • Vestry Meeting Thursday December 10th at 7:00 PM
  • Centering Prayer December 12th(NO Centering Prayer on December 26th)
  • The Meadows Eucharist Service on December 13th at 1:30 PM
  • Coffee Hour after the 11:00 AM Service on December 13th hosted by B.J. Giannini and Peggy Sincock
  • Senior Luncheon on Tuesday, December 15th at 11:45 AM
  • Deadline for the January newsletter is December 20th
  • Christmas Pageant on December 20th followed by Dinner after Pageant
  • Christmas Eve Services 5:00 PM, 8:00 PM (7:40 PM Carol Sing in Sanctuary) and 11:00 PM
  • Christmas Day Holy Eucharist Service at 10:00 AM (no music – Sherry Munday will preach).
  • Morning Prayer at all three Services on Sunday, December 27th
  • Jesus in the Gospel class meets each Monday from 6:15 to 8:45 PM
  • Mid-Week Healing and Communion Service each Wednesday at 7:00 PM – no Service on December 23rd and 30th.
  • Men’s Study Group meets each Thursday at 6:30 AM
  • Boy Scout troop meets each Thursday from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
  • Prayer and Share meets each Saturday at 8:30 AM
  • Adult Dinner on New Years Eve at the home of Jeanette Ridings

December 2009

December 6
Second Sunday of Advent / December 13
Third Sunday of Advent / December 20th
Fourth Sunday of Advent / December 27
First Sunday after Christmas Day


/ --- /


/ --- / ---
8:00 AM Service / Holy Eucharist / Holy Eucharist /

Holy Eucharist


Morning Prayer

Chalice Bearer / Jim Doyle / Charlotte James / Larry Lyons /

Thom Estes - officiant

9:00 AM Service / Holy Eucharist / Lessons and Carols /

Holy Eucharist

/ Morning Prayer
Lector I /

Debbie Upson


Debbie Upson

Lector II / Justin Watts /

Gracie Stephenson

/ Laura Bratton
Flowers / Linda Ricker – greens /

In Sanctuary

/ Mike Kelly – greens / Carolyn Sutton - flowers
Acolyte / Abby Timmons A1
Justin Watts A2 / Amelia Thomas A1
Gracie Stephenson A2 / Hannah Bratton A1
Laura Bratton A2 / Megan Ragland A1
Greeter – Counter / Carroll Barr
11:00 AM Service / Holy Eucharist /

Holy Eucharist


Lessons and Carols


Morning Prayer

Ushers / Nancy Hakala, Will Moore Sheila Bailey, Gladys Suggs Larry Barden
Acolytes / Rebecca Shock A1
Ruth Forrest A2 / Erin Cole A1
Emily Watts A2 / Taylor Worrell A1
Mariah Young A2 / Sara Forrest A1
Rebecca Shock A2
Chalice Bearer / Linda Ricker / Connie Harriss / Connie Harriss - officiant
Lector / Betsy Wilton / Jim Tucker / Betty Estes
Altar Guild / Team #4 Team #1 Team #3 (20+24&25) Team #2

A1 serves as Crucifer leading the procession in and out and takes care of the offering plate and is the (P) = Psalmist at the 9:00 AM Service

A2 lights and extinguishes candles and assists with Father Crowell with Communion and is the (E) = Epistle Reader( 2nd Lesson Reader) at the 9:00 AM Service

Christmas Eve5:00 PM Acolytes Drew Harrelson A1, Scott Harrelson A2 Lector Shelly Shock

8:00 PM Acolytes Ruth Forrest A1, Sam Wojcicki A2 Lector Peter Boone, CB B.J. Giannini

11:00 PM Acolytes Abbie Spitz, Rebecca Upson A2 Lector Rick Cole, CB Paul Pugh Usher Larry Lyons

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