8 Week Olympic Lifting Tune Up!

If you want to get better at CrossFit or Olympic Lifting, better technique and more Strength, this course if for YOU!

What: A 8 week Olympic Lifting training program. If you want to get better at your technique, get stronger, and improve at Crossfit, you need to spend some time focusing on your Olympic Lifts. Olympic Lifting Coach, Ben Carter and National Competitor Jeb Smith will be teaching the course.

Who: This program is open to anyone, regardless of Gym affiliation, skill level, or strength level.

Our Coaches: Ben Carter and Jeb Smith

●  Ben Carter

○  USAW Level 2 National Coach

○  CrossFit Olympic Lifting seminar staff

○  2009 CrossFit Games competitor

○  Coached multiple athletes at the National Weightlifting level

●  Jeb Smith

○  CrossFit Level 2 coach

○  2 x American Open Weightlifting qualifier

○  2 x National Weightlifting Championship qualifier.

○  Licensed Physical Therapist Assistant

When: This course will run from August 21 – October 11, 2014.

●  Thursday at 5:00 -7:00 pm

●  Saturday at 11:00am – 1:00 pm.

Course Layout:

●  Week 1: Assessments, Mobility & Injury Prevention, Muscle Snatch

●  Week 2: Snatch , Snatch Pulls, Press, Back Squats

●  Week 3: Review Snatch, Clean, Push Press, Front Squats

●  Week 4: Review Snatch, Clean and Jerk, Clean Pulls, Back Squat

●  Week 5: Clean and Jerk, Press, Snatch High Pulls, Front Squats

●  Week 6: Snatch, Clean and Jerk, Push Press, Back Squat

●  Week 7: Snatch, Clean and Jerk, Front Squats

●  Week 8: Mock Weightlifting Meet, Q and A

**NOTE: The last day of the course, October 11th, will will include a voluntary mock weightlifting meet run according to all USA Weightlifting rules and regulations.

Cost: This course will cost $150 for the full 8 weeks. If you are currently a member of CrossFit Louisville, the course is 50% off!!! You can drop into any class for $20 per class.