
Monday and Wednesday, 1:00p- 1:50p

This is an elementary course on the practice and theory of basic principles of yoga. Three aspects of beginning yoga practice -exercise(asana),breathing(pranayama), andmeditationwill be explored as a mechanism for health and self-awareness. For tension control and mind-body connections this class will provide each student with a plan to focus on their particular body's strengths and weaknesses.

Course Goals

  • Knowledge of basic yoga vocabulary
  • Development of a personalized program of yoga exercises
  • Increase development and awareness of the mind-body connection
  • Familiarity with yoga as a tool for personal health and lifetime fitness

Course Materials

  • Proper attire is required for this class. We will be doing physical work in every class, so it is important that you wear comfortable exercise clothing. No belts or pants with rigid waistbands - no jeans or khaki pants. You will be asked to sit out the class if you are not properly attired. Bare feet are necessary so please, no socks. You need your toes to keep from sliding. If you have a problem with bare feet please tell the instructor about it. Your daily grade will be affected if you consistently do not have the proper class dress.
  • New Yoga mats are provided and are part of your course fee you have paid. Additional props like blocks and straps are provided in class as needed.
  • Arrive ready for class. You may change in the locker rooms in Trees. Please do not use the studio rest room for changing.
  • It is helpful if long hair is pulled back and kept from falling in the face. Also, rings, bracelets and necklaces can impede some poses - that will be left for you to decide.
  • NOcaps or hats of any kind should be worn in class.
  • Avoid wearing heavy perfume or cologne to class. In a large Yoga 1 class we work in close proximity and some exercises will require you to work with partners. Other people may have reactions to these products.
  • Practice regular hygiene (showers, tooth brushing, etc.) For certain exercises we will be in close physical proximity and it is essential that you practice good hygiene. If you have a cold or feel ill, make sure your hands are washed so you don't spread your illness to your classmates. Make sure you wash your hands immediately after class. Feel free to bring a box of tissues or cough drops if you need them.
  • If you smoke, please don't smoke before class. The smell remains on you and your clothing. This makes it unpleasant for those who have sensitivity to smoke or dislike the odor. Refrain from smoking in the clothes you wear to class.
  • Make sure you regularly wash your exercise clothing. We will all benefit from this.
  • Please,no gum chewing.It will affect your breathing and your poses adversely.
  • Please turn off cellular phones during class time and do NOT bring your phone onto the floor.
  • Keep water bottles off the dance floor.

Optional class equipment:

  • Towel
  • Small pillow
  • Additional warm clothing for meditation portion of the class

Attendance Policy

  • Two absences per semester are allowed without penalty. Please practice ethical behavior and only take absences when you are ill or have important, unavoidable schedule conflicts. There will be a deduction of 11pts for each additional absence after two. Participation is essential to your success in this course: therefore,YOU MUST ATTEND ALL SCHEDULED CLASSES. This is a "hands-on" lab class, and the material covered in class cannot be made up, as it is based on physical participation and exploration with your classmates. No make-up of missed classes is possible. For any extenuating circumstances contact the instructor in a timely fashion - not at the end of the semester. This is especially important if you are ill for an extended period of time or have an injury that will inhibit your participation. Contact the instructor immediately. You will be allowed to make up the missing hours and/or receive an "I" grade if you have satisfied the criteria for "extenuating circumstances" and you notify your instructor as soon as possible.
  • 0-2 Absences (and completion of written assignment) = A
  • 3 Absences " = B
  • 4 Absences " = C
  • 5 Absences " = D
  • 6 Absences = F
  • You are expected to beON TIMEfor all classes. By coming late you disturb the atmosphere created by those who are already working. Please be courteous to those who are here and on time. Please be prompt and no one will have an issue with tardiness. Class will begin promptly with a roll call. If you miss roll-call you are late. If getting to roll-call consistently on time will be difficult (for any reason) you should not take this class. And, if you need to consistently leave early for another class, you should not take this class. You are expected to be in class for the full 50 minutes. You will be let out promptly.
  • There is no make-up work for this class. For prolonged illnesses and injuries that will require you to miss class you must communicate with the instructor as soon as possible. Failure to do so in a timely fashion will negatively affect your grade.
  • You will be given a participation grade for each class. The following will be taken into consideration: attention, focus, enthusiasm, cooperation, preparedness, and punctuality. Showing up and going through the motions is not enough. Failure to attend class will result in a participation grade of "0" for the day.
  • Try to practice ethical behavior.

Facility Use

  • No food, drink, or smoking is permitted in the space. Since we work on movement, please,NO GUM.
  • Take care of necessary business before you come to class. We are in class for only 50 minutes and you should be able to stay the requisite time without having to leave the classroom. It is also distracting to students to have people moving around in all parts of the class
  • If you are ill, be sure to bring tissues and cough drops if you need to.
  • Should you need to leave early for an important reason, please notify the instructor.

Course Requirements and Grading

  • Regular attendance is necessary. Please see policies.
  • Knowledge of basic yoga vocabulary
  • Completion of one (1) out-of-class assignment
  • Written yoga program 10% of semester grade
  • Attendance 90% of semester grade
  • NO book is required for this class

Academic Integrity:

Students in this course will be expected to comply with theUniversity of Pittsburgh's Policy on Academic Integrity.Any student suspected of violating this obligation for any reason during the semester will be required to participate in the procedural process, initiated at the instructor level, as outlined in the University Guidelines on Academic Integrity. This may include, but is not limited to, the confiscation of the examination of any individual suspected of violating University Policy. Furthermore, no student may bring any unauthorized materials to an examination, including dictionaries and programmable calculators.


If you have a disability for which you may be requesting an accommodation, you are encouraged to contact both your instructor and Disability Resources and Services, 216 WPU, (412)648-7890 / (412) 383-7355 (TTY), as early as possible in the term. DRS will verify your disability and determine reasonable accomodations for this course.

Copyright Notice:

These materials may be protected by copyright. United States copyright law, 17 USC section 101, et seq., in addition to University policy and procedures, prohibit unauthorized duplication or retransmission of course materials. See Library of Congress Copyright Office and the University Copyright Policy.

Statement on Classroom Recording

To ensure the free and open discussion of ideas, students may not record classroom lectures, discussion and/or activities without the advance written permission of the instructor, and any such recording properly approved in advance can be used solely for the student’s own private use.

Departmental of Health and Physical Activity Grievance Procedure.

If a student feels that they have been treated unfairly by the instructor with regard to their grade or other aspects of their course participation there are a series of steps that should be taken in an attempt to resolve this matter. These include the following:

1. The student should first inform the instructor of the course of the issue in an attempt to resolve this matter. If the course is taught by a Teaching Assistant, Graduate Student, or Part-Time instructor, their faculty supervisor should also be informed of this matter. The student should bring this issue to the attention of the instructor in a timely matter and should maintain a record of interactions that occurred with the instructor regarding the matter in question. The course instructor should take necessary steps to address the concern raised by the student in a timely matter and should maintain a record of the interactions that occurred with the student regarding this matter.

2. If, after reasonable attempts to resolve the matter, the matter is not resolved in a manner that is deemed to be acceptable to the student, the student retains the right to file a grievance. This grievance is to be filed with the Department Chair in the form of a written document that can be submitted via email or campus mail. This document should include the following:

a. Student’s name

b. Student contact information (email, address, telephone number)

c. Information on the course for which the grievance applies (course title, course number, instructor name).

d. A copy of the course syllabus that was provided to the student by the instructor

e. Detailed description of the grievance and additional information the student feels is pertinent to this matter.

After receiving this information the Department Chair will inform the student if additional information is needed, as appropriate will discuss this matter with the student and the instructor, and will issue a decision in a timely manner.

3.If the student is not willing to accept the decision of the Department Chair, the student will be informed that they can request an additional review of this matter through the Office of the Dean of the School of Education. If the student decides to pursue this, the student should contact the Associate Dean for Student Affairs & Certification in the School of Education at the University of Pittsburgh.