Pacific County Marine Resources Committee

Meeting Notes – Thursday,April 13th, 2017

Naselle Grays River Valley High School - Naselle, WA




Michael Spencer (via phone), Courtney Hagain, Ryan Dokter, Dale Beasley, Doug Kess, Kevin Decker, Key McMurry (via phone), Tom Kollasch, Mike Cassinelli, Kim Patten (via phone), Ann LeFors, Brian Sheldon (via phone), Jeff Nesbitt, Julie Tennis, Jim Sayce, and Keya Bernhardt.


Introductions and Minutes: 8Members, 4 Alternates, 4 Guest present.

Adjustments to the Agenda:

Doug Kess made one adjustment to the agenda by adding Dale Beasley and the letter he wrote on behalf of the MRC for the SMA “Housekeeping” amendments.

Approval of Minutes:

Jeff Nesbitt made a motion to approve the March Minutes. Jim Sayce seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously by voice vote.

Item #1 Pacific Education Institute

Julie Tennis, The FieldSTEM Coordinator for the Pacific Education Institute, presented a slideshow to the group on her organization and what they do. PEI’s mission it to advance science literacy and deepen student engagement by empowering educators to teach real-world science outdoors. Julie told the MRC that she helps specialize in learning and consultation services for educators that result in transformative learning experiences for students. They help to integrate all school fields together so it’s easier for all to remember. Jim Sayce mentioned that conservation science is an industry in its own and would be more than willing to talk with Julie. Mike Nordin asked how PEI got their funds to function since they are a non-profit organization and Julie responded with public and private funds from businesses such as BWETT grants, timber companies and the Pacific Coast Oyster Growers Association. Mike Nordin told Julie it would be a good idea for her to come to the June meeting when we talk about projects for the next biennium.

Item #2 SMA “Housekeeping” Amendments Letter

Dale Beasley presented the letter he wrote on behalf of the PCMRC to the Washington Department of Ecology on their “Housekeeping” amendments to the SMA. Dale said that Ecology is cutting the link from the SMP to the MSP/CZMA and this is way more than just a “housekeeping” change. He also told the group that we have until May 15th to make comments. Dale also mentioned that the Pacific County SMP is the only SMP to have an approved local ocean section. He said that the supreme court decision was not a split vote, it was 9-0, and they are trying to narrow the scope of the ORMA/SMP. Jim Sayce made a motion to endorse and support Dale’s letter with edits to be added within a week. Jeff Nesbitt seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously by voice vote.

Item #3 WCMAC

Doug Kess reported that the MSP is finished up and there has been some commentary on the document and they are trying to address those comments. Dale Beasley said he feels that this plan does not adequately address issues such as the tribal issues or the protection of existing uses.

Item #4 MSP Update

Kevin Decker told the group that he is around to help with the outreach for the MSP and attended a SOC meeting before making it to the MRC meeting. Kevin noted that they are planning on introducing a map at the beginning of the document and have been taking the comments given and trying to include those into the document. There is a meeting on the 10th in Aberdeen at the Port of Grays Harbor to go over the maps. Dale Beasley mentioned that the document is hard to find and took him 15 minutes. Mike Nordin noted that there are plenty of outreach areas to send the notices to and will get them to Kevin Decker.

Item #5 VOCAL

Doug Kess reported that there isn’t anything new that he has been working on. He also mentioned that the PCMRC should advocate Sea Grants letter support to maintain federal funding.

Item #6WCRI

Tom Kollasch reported that the WCRI is in the Governor’s budget as well as the house and senate budgets.

Item #7 Science Conference

Kim Patten send out a tentative agenda to the MRC before the meeting. He also mentioned that he would not be able to attend the conference. Brian Sheldon suggested asking Tim Downer to participate on the Razor Clam panel, as well as someone from DOH. It was discussed getting the notice out to the paper as soon as possible since the advertising window is very short.

Item #8 PCMRC Projects/Funds Available

Mike Nordin reported that the MRC has roughly $10,000 in project dollars that have not been allocated and that we need to allocate these dollars quickly. Mike noted that the Grass Roots Garbage Gang is $48.49 over their $6,000 budget and still have one more cleanup. Courtney Hagain spoke with Shelly Pollock and she said that $2,500 would cover the costs for the final cleanup. Jeff Nesbitt made a motion to approve the additional $2,500 to the GRGG. Mike Cassinelli seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously by voice vote. The second suggestion for the remaining project dollars was to go towards the Conservation Districts project in Chinook. The CD put $50K towards the Chinook Beach Restoration project to help restore beach access for the public. Mike suggested that the remaining dollars be used to help with this project. Kim Patten voiced his concern with the potential of this project being considered a gifting of funds to the landowners. Mike Cassinelli made a motion to approve the project with the condition that Mike Nordin speak with the MRCS and get their approval. Doug Kess seconded the motion. The motion carried with one opposition from Kim Patten. A backup project of disposing of the Tires and Foam that Ed Darcher has picked up from the Bay. Jeff Nesbitt made a motion to pay up to $8,000 in costs for disposing of the bay garbage from Ed Darcher’s house. Ryan Dokter seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously by voice vote.

Public Comment:

There was no public comment.


  • Jeff Nesbitt made a motion to approve the March Minutes. Jim Sayce seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
  • Jim Sayce made a motion to endorse and support Dale’s letter with edits to be added within a week. Jeff Nesbitt seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
  • Jeff Nesbitt made a motion to approve the additional $2,500 to the GRGG. Mike Cassinelli seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
  • Mike Cassinelli made a motion to approve the Chinook Beach project with the condition that Mike Nordin speak with the MRCS and get their approval. Doug Kess seconded the motion. The motion carried with one opposition from Kim Patten.
  • Jeff Nesbitt made a motion to pay up to $8,000 in costs for disposing of the bay garbage from Ed Darcher’s house. Ryan Dokter seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously by voice vote.

Adjourn: 8:26p.m.

Next Meeting: Thursday, May 11th, 2017in Naselle, WA from 6pm to 8pm.

Minutes respectfully submitted by: Courtney Hagain, Mike Nordin, 360-875-6735, &