City of Demorest, Georgia
Minutes from City Council Work Session
Special Called Meeting
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
6:30 PM – Demorest Municipal Building
The Mayor and Council met for a scheduled Council Meeting on Tuesday, October 25, 2016. Present for the meeting was Mayor Rick Austin, Councilmen Jerry Harkness, Sean Moore, and John Popham and Councilwoman Florence Wikle. Also present for the meeting was City Manager Steve Lindsey, City Attorney Joey Homans, City Treasurer Joely Mixon,City Clerk Marlena Sosebee, Waste Superintendent Charlie McGugan, Public Works Director Bryan Popham, Police Chief Robin Krockum and Fire Chief Ken Ranalli.
Mayor Rick Austin gave the invocation and led the pledge to the flag.
Mayor Austin called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
A third public hearing was held for the ordinance to designate property located at 198 Central Avenue (Old Demorest Elementary) as part of the Historic District. There was no one present to speak on behalf of the public hearing.
Councilman Moore made a motion to include as part of the historic district 198 Central Ave (parcel # 078 060) and a second was received by Councilman Popham. (4-0)
Mayor Austin added to the agenda under new business a discussion on the Animal Control Ordinance. Councilwoman Wikle made a motion to approve the amended agenda and a second was received by Councilman Moore. (4-0)
Councilman Moore mad a motion to approve the minutes for the meeting held on October 4, 2016 at 5:00 PM and 6:30 PM. A second was received by Councilman Popham. (4-0)
Massey Hughes from American Tank Maintenance was present at the meeting to give a presentation on how he could serve the City. His company maintains water tanks for several cities in GA and TN. In order to provide us a quote they have completed evaluation of the Hospital, Fairview, Dicks Hill and Baycor Tanks. If we choose to proceed with entering into an agreement with them, they would assume all risk and liability for the tanks. Mr. Lindsey was asked to send the breakdown of the cost to Mayor and Council and it will be on the agenda for next week for consideration.
City Attorney Homans provided Mayor and Council a draft of the Animal Control Ordinance to consider. This will be on the next week’s agenda to discuss any changes and determine if this is the option that is best for the City.
City Treasurer Mixon came before Mayor and Council to discuss the financials from July, August and September 2016. The CD that is currently at South State Bank has matured and a decision needs to be made on how to move the funds. It was determined to move the funds into the water and sewer reserve account until other investment options are considered.
City Manager Lindsey came before Mayor and Council to update them on projects he has been working on throughout the City. He has been working diligently on the budget for 2017 and going on with Department Heads their needs. He has discussed the new billing template with Tyler Technologies for the new billing format. He made Mayor and Council aware of the insurance claim that has been issued for the diesel trucks that is in the water department. The garbage truck has extensive damage that was repaired for $11,157.00. It has been determined the diesel fuel that was received did not meet State standards and we have a claim to recuperate all cost associated with the repair of the vehicles.
Public Utilities Director Popham stated they are still pumping 600,000 gallons a day out of Garrison Well and at this time no problems have occurred with running the well or the quality of water being distributed.
Waste Water Superintendent McGugan stated the EPD was on site for an inspection last week and they were very pleased with the plant.
Chief Krockum stated he was working very closely with Mr. Lindsey on the budget for 2017. A new officer, Ty Moss, has been hired to work for the PD. Officer Moss was one of eight applications that was received for the open position. Chief Krockum asked for the surplus of the existing weapons to be considered next week on the agenda to convert the department to 9mm.
Chief Ranalli stated they had completed the annual hose testing. On the ladder trucks the alternator belts stopped working but it has been fixed at this time. The second week in October was Fire Prevention week and the Fire Fighters took items to both Demorest Elementary and Wilbanks Middle School.
Councilman Popham made a motion to approve the proclamation of “Red Ribbon Week” October 23-31, 2016. A second motion was received by Councilman Moore. (4-0)
Mr. Lindsey discussed the amendment to section 58-4 of the solid waste ordinance. He stated in the existing ordinance it states the brush needs to be at the curb for pick up but it does not state the trash needs to be brought to the curb of the driveway. It has been brought to our attention by the sanitation workers that there are several residents and housing complexes that do not bring it to the side of the road. The amendment is just a clarification for the residents for placement of their garbage for pickup. This will be considered at the next council meeting.
Councilman Popham made a motion to into executive session and a second was received by Councilman Moore. (4-0) 8:21 PM
Councilman Popham made a motion to enter into open session at 8:52 PM. A second was received by Councilman Moore. (4-0)
There was not any action taken at this time.
Councilman Moore made a motion to adjourn the meeting and a second was received by Councilman Popham. (4-0) 8:52 PM