/ Federal Executive Board Presents the /

2017 Leadership Series

A Local Approach to Improving Leadership Competencies

May through September 2017

The Federal Executive Board of Oklahoma has created a series of training days to address the unique needs of managers/supervisors in public service. Through interagency training opportunities such as this, each agency enjoys the sliding scale of savings created by the entire governmental community. We’ve identified speakers and topics to bring a wealth of valuable insight into our changing needs.

A bit like “magic”, this series of training offers flexibilities that are not traditionally available in long-term training programs. You can send one person to all five workshops, enabling a well-rounded year of training or you can send a different individual to each training event based upon professional development needs.

This flexibility is unique and allows you to budget for an entire year’s worth of courses at the lowest possible rate. You pay once for five series tickets and you decide how you distribute them. If your designee cannot attend—send someone else. Use them as developmental tools or possibly incentive awards. You can also register for individual sessions, still at a cost-effective price. You decide.

Importance of building on leadership competencies in your organization:

"An empowered organization is one in which individuals have the knowledge, skill, desire, and opportunity to personally succeed in a way that leads to collective organizational success.”

–Stephen R. Covey,Principle-centered Leadership

Building on Existing Strengths and

Tapping Unknown Resources!

Government employees, at all levels, are expected to do “more with less”; this has become an ongoing requirement of our employment and an expectation of the public we serve.

How do we continue to improve?

Taking our stewardship seriously, government leaders, managers, and supervisors continuously seek opportunities for increased efficiency and effectiveness.

Attending FEB-sponsored training provides you with ideas, strategies and tools to be more effective. The networking opportunity you have with leaders and managers from other agencies in attendance provides you with resource contacts that can make you more efficient.

Who Should Attend:

Government Leaders/Managers, Supervisors and Aspiring Leaders who:

Are responsible for leading, supervising or implementing major changes in an organization;

Are seeking to build upon existing strengths

Are looking foradditional thoughts and strategiesto increase effective leadership; and

Are seeking efficient, low-cost, solution-focused training in the local area at which you can network with other government leaders.

These trainings are designed to:

  • Build on the participant’s strengths
  • Introduce ideas on how current skills and abilities can be utilized in various ways toincrease effectiveness, and
  • Provoke thought on how to use what you already know in an innovative, cutting-edge fashion.


The Oklahoma FEB has coordinated this training so that that government employees may attend quality training without the cost and time associated with the need to travel. Each training course is designed to address one or more of the leadership competencies needed by managers, supervisors, and aspiring leaders for their personal success and the success of our federal organizations. Maximum flexibility is provided through the ability to purchase one seat in each of the five training sessions in a “set” (maximum savings) or choose only the training sessions in which you are interested. Payment may be provided by check, government voucher or credit card.

Each training day will be held at Remington Park located at One Remington Place, Oklahoma City (south of I-44 and Martin Luther King Blvd)

Breakthroughs in Neuroscience
Techniques for the Seasoned Leader
May16, 2017 /

(1-day Course)

Participants will: 1)Discover four levels of leadership as they correlate to brain physiology and learn how to lead and operate from the most advanced part of the brain. 2) Learn how both positive and negative aspects of their teams and projects may be tied back to their own projections, affinities, and subconscious thoughts and behaviors. 3) Explore how to uncover their own hidden potential and remove barriers that otherwise prevent them from leading from their full potential.

This workshop is highly experiential and interactive. Participants will walk away with a greater understanding of themselves and their teams as well as specific action steps to take leadership to the next level.


The four levels of leadership as it relates to brain physiology

Techniques to lead others to operate from the higher brain

Discover how limitations we set for ourselves and our team prevent us from rising above them

How to function at maximum productive levels throughout the day through Contribution Training


Discover how to “wake up” the most advanced yet most dormant part of the brain

How roles can create permanent limitations for ourselves and our teams

Learn the differences between “being” a leader vs “doing” as a leader

How to mitigate our determinants and the limitations they place on us

Understanding how consequences & transparency impact other’s perceptions of us as leaders

Intentional Leadership
June 14, 2017 /

(1-day Course)

Intentional leadership is not about a fancy title on a business card or the position you hold, but who you are and how you make others feel. It has been said, people will forget what you say and what you do; but they will not forget how you make them feel. Intentional leaders must demonstrate this in how they develop trust and respect with those who are a part of their team. It is essential as an intentional leader that you are deliberate with your actions so that others will follow your vision and direction. Intentional leadership at its core is making sure your actions and behaviors are congruent with your words.

This interactive and insightful workshop will provide practical skills necessary for leaders today to create an engaged and empowered team. Attendees will gain strategies for how to be intentional leaders as they work to mentor and coach their team to greatness.


Communication Skills, being transparent with your team, providing feedback and holding others accountable for their actions.

Developing others and helping your team grow and get better.

Ability to positively influence your team by maintaining a positive attitude even in the midst of chaos and change.


Identify 7 strategies to become an intentional leader

Understand how intentional leadership impacts the culture of an agency

Develop keys for effective communication

Learn techniques to help you develop your team

Cultivate the skill of act rather than react

The Perfect Pairing for Today’s Economy
July 20, 2017 /

(1-day Course)

Continue practicing traditional thinking styles, and be ready for a roller coaster ride!

Think outside the box and exceed past years’ success. The key to remaining resilient in today’s world is to utilize brainstorming and mind mapping techniques with your teams.

Add on proven problem-solving methods to re-engineer inefficient processes and you have the recipe for almost guaranteed success.


Learn the secret to continual successful idea generation

Best practices for brainstorming

How mind mapping helps to transform ideas into concrete results

Overcome negativity in the office

Learn tried and true problem solving techniques that the entire team can use

How to persuade others to embrace change

How to increase your influence with your team and your superiors

Understand the dual nature of creative problem solving: creativity and logic.

How to break through blocks to creative problem solving.

Gain strategies for jump-starting creative approaches to problems.

Strategies and tools for logical problem solving.

Integrate creative and logical approaches to problems.


Strategies and tools for logical problem solving.

Integrate creative and logical approaches to problems.

How to creatively solve problems with people who have different styles and preferences

Ethics in the Workplace
August 16,2017 /

(1-day Course)

Employees are often grappling with the questions “is this ethical, is that ethical, is this an unethical business practice”? LDI has developed a one-day workshop that provides a foundation for answering those questions.

Making a business ethics decision not only impacts us as individuals, those decisions also have an impact on the teams and the organization. Right or wrong has become somewhat indiscernible – this session will increase your ethical awareness and provide a structure for gauging your moral compass.

During the session participants will explore issues of ethics in their day-to-day life, especially the challenges encountered in the workplace. We will look at personal integrity and character and their relationship to business and professional ethics; the practical implications of ethical decisions; and conflicts that arise between personal interest and moral imperatives.


Understand what 'business ethics' is and why it matters

Learn the role organizational core values in the workplace

Learn how to make ethical decisions

Understand the obstacles to making ethical decisions

Understand your business & social responsibilities

Be able to identify unethical behaviors

Understand ethics (doing the right thing)

Understand the six pillars of character

Understand the five principles of ethical power


Employees understand the importance of not engaging in distasteful speech or practices.

Collectively, employees strive to maintain a pleasant and friendly environment that customers and other employees can enjoy.

When you and all of your workers set high expectations for personal responsibility, procrastination decreases and productivity increases.

Employee morale rises in an atmosphere that promotes good behavior and honest interactions.

Workers feel more valued and, in turn, value the work they are doing.

Expect your workplace to be livelier and more work to get done when employees are trained in ethics.

They will strive to maintain a pleasant and friendly environment that customers and other employees can enjoy

About Face Leadership and Listening in an Electronic Age
Leading your Future Leaders
September 12, 2017 /

(1-day Course)

About Face Leadership and Listening in an Electronic Age

Communication is about more than just information; it’s also about relationship. Recognize how our electronic communication culture isimpacting your relationships with your employees and your agency’s results. Utilize strategy to make Technology work for you, notagainst you. Discover:

What communication environment builds team.

Harvard Business Review research: company culture vs. profitability.

Techniques to improve the number one skill for business communication success.

Leading your Future Leaders

Do you need help mentoring your future leaders? Who are they? What is your plan? We’ll strategize and discuss hiring, assimilating and building relationships your future leaders. Your team will discover:

A relational progression for assimilating your top guns.

An allocation percentage for your future stars.

The right questions to ask to keep them engaged.

/ FEB Leadership Series-2017
Registration and Enrollment information /

Name of Participant:______

Agency: ______

Address: ______

Phone: ______Email:______

$$ Price Saver Series $$

[ ] Full Series—All 5 Days $750.00

[ ] Pick three for $500.00
[ ] May 16th [ ] June 14th [ ] July 20th [ ] August 16th [ ] September 12th

Individual Training Day “Menu Prices”

[ ] Neuroscience, Techniques for the Seasoned Leaders– May 16, 2017– $175.00

[ ] Intentional Leadership – June 14, 2017 – $175.00

[ ] Innovative Problem Solving – July 20, 2017– $175.00

[ ] Ethics in the Workplace – August 16, 2017– $175.00

[ ] About Face Leadership – September 12, 2017 – $175.00

Location: Remington Park, One Remington Place, Oklahoma City, OK

Agency/Registrant may pay by:

[ ] check [ ] credit card[ ] government voucher

Contact for Payment: ______Phone:______

Please mail to: / Federal Executive Board, 215 Dean A. McGee, Ste349, Oklahoma City, OK 73102
Fax to: / (405) 231-4165
Or Email to: / or
Call to provide payment info: / FEB Office voice line: 405-231-4167

Cancellation Policy: Understanding that unforeseen circumstances may preclude an individual from attending, refunds and cancellations will be permitted through May 5, 2017. However, after that date, registrations must be honored by the individual or agency involved. If you are unable to attend, substitute attendees are authorized and encouraged!